1st outdoor bugs


New Member

Okay this is what Im dealing with... Just some bag seed.. Been growing since about mid February, plant kinda early but survived a couple frost and here she is. Been seeing black specs on it but dk if they're the little black mites or what.. I've also noticed a white looking bug on it? Idk w.e it is its eating my leaves.. What's the best way to get w.e it is off and keep ot gone without hurting my plant?
Re: 1st outdoor bugs..

spray some neem oil every couple weeks up until it starts flowering. I'm not sure exactly what bug is attacking it but neem is a great organic defense against most pest! if u see caterpillars use (bT) bacillus thuringiensis
Re: 1st outdoor bugs..

Looks like a grasshopper is enjoying some fine dining. They have a knack for good grass if you get my drift :)
Only thing big enough to eat a grasshopper that is practical would be the preying mantis. Other than that you just need to let nature take its course :] Could also apply a system insecticide to the roots (SNS-209 namely), or spraying the plant in late afternoon with an organic spray (such as neem or garlic,etc.) will make the grass taste bad to the grasshopper, or insect eating the plant. Just need to bank off it vegetating enough that it can spare a few dinners for a hungry grasshopper.

Best of luck :)
Re: 1st outdoor bugs..

Thanks for the help guys.. Im gonna try some neem oil seems like everyone uses it. Checked on her the other day and looks like she may starting to get little yellow?

Not enough nutrients? She's had water..
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