2012 the end!


New Member
ok if you wake up on a December day in 2012 to cataclysmic events unfolding allover the world and at your front door, how much of the mother herb will you consume before annihilation and how......???

personally i think i will hit a gravity bong with everything i have, i gat a bowel that will support close to 3/4 oz id pack that skunk really tight, light her up, and pull the gravity for as long as i could, then blast my lungs right before the title wave or meteor or nuke hits my house and hold that hit till i blink from existence, so when i reach the pearly gates and my maker stands before me and asks me of my life and how i lived it, i can blow a big fat cloud of smoke in his face and ask....... can you repeat the question.... :ganjamon:
If annihilation was a sure thing, and I had some time to prepare, I'd roll about 10 joints, make some food prepared with cannabutter, and set sail.

I'd consume said food and start smoking the j's. 10 j's would probably last until the final moment. I'd want to be completely blazed up and comfortably numb... and I believe I could accomplish that through the food/smoke combo.:grinjoint:

When the final curtain falls, though, it would be preferable to just be vaporized, in a flash. I wouldn't want to be completely baked out of my mind and have to endure a lingering, painful, tortuous demise. . .
At a guess, on Dec 22, 2012, I'll be a work, like any other day, but getting a chuckle over all the people who paniced and went nuts thinking it was the end and who now have to face the consequences of their actions.
This BS is jus like when they tried 2 give everybody that stupid 'Y2K' scare or whatever it was...peeps were scared shitless everything was gonna stop & come 2 a halt...did it happen??? NO! "HELLO!" The world is not comin 2 an end in 2 yrs...that is ridiculous..it will jus be another day, like any other day, I'll prolly be high as a kite, smokin sum killler bud...I certainly don't have any plans on flippin out....LMFAO :ganjamon:
PEACE OUT:peace:
This BS is jus like when they tried 2 give everybody that stupid 'Y2K' scare or whatever it was...peeps were scared shitless everything was gonna stop & come 2 a halt...did it happen??? NO! "HELLO!" The world is not comin 2 an end in 2 yrs...that is ridiculous..it will jus be another day, like any other day, I'll prolly be high as a kite, smokin sum killler bud...I certainly don't have any plans on flippin out....LMFAO :ganjamon: PEACE OUT:peace:

While I do agree that nothing will probably happen, i have more reason to believe this then Y2K. This date has an actual, factual background. The Myan (sp?) Society was one of the smartest of thier time. They have a calender that to this day is only off by a few seconds. Their calender ends on Dec 21st 2012. What does that mean for us? Probably nothing... But why would a society that advanced end their calender on such a specific date? Just food for thought...

I will just lead my normal life, probably not even be stoned. Just depends on what happens as we get closer to "THE END"
This excerpt from A Pale Blue Dot was inspired by an image taken, at Sagan's suggestion, by Voyager 1 on February 14, 1990. As the spacecraft left our planetary neighborhood for the fringes of the solar system, engineers turned it around for one last look at its home planet. Voyager 1 was about 6.4 billion kilometers (4 billion miles) away, and approximately 32 degrees above the ecliptic plane, when it captured this portrait of our world. Caught in the center of scattered light rays (a result of taking the picture so close to the Sun), Earth appears as a tiny point of light, a crescent only 0.12 pixel in size.


Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.

-- Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot, 1994
While I do agree that nothing will probably happen, i have more reason to believe this then Y2K. This date has an actual, factual background. The Myan (sp?) Society was one of the smartest of thier time. They have a calender that to this day is only off by a few seconds. Their calender ends on Dec 21st 2012. What does that mean for us? Probably nothing... But why would a society that advanced end their calender on such a specific date? Just food for thought...

I will just lead my normal life, probably not even be stoned. Just depends on what happens as we get closer to "THE END"

This is a common misconception that is only going to get worse with the movie being out. The Mayans had two calenders, one with a short count which resets every so often, and one with a long count, which doesn't, both have their own "holidays," for lack of a better term. What is set to happen in 2012 is the short count is going to reset in conjunction with a long count holiday, this has happened several times in the past and will continue to happen every so often in the future, assuming that anyone will still be using the Mayan count of time.

Quite frankly, the Mayans didn't even have flush toilet technology, so why should anyone think they knew any more about the future than we do?

Hell they weren't even that impressive for their time. While the Mayans were building a few temples and pyramids in the jungle, (without the benefit of the wheel, or metal tools) the Greeks and Romans were inventing the scientific method and setting up the framework for all of western civilization.
In 2004 NASA scientists aimed the Hubble Space Telescope at an apparently empty patch of sky, the size of a tennis ball as seen from one hundred meters, and kept it focused there for eleven days. This is what it saw.


Those are all galaxies, each containing hundreds of billions of stars, stars like our own sun. Astronomy is indeed humbling.

Sorry about the double post as well as the broken format.
This BS is jus like when they tried 2 give everybody that stupid 'Y2K' scare or whatever it was...peeps were scared shitless everything was gonna stop & come 2 a halt...did it happen??? NO! "HELLO!" The world is not comin 2 an end in 2 yrs...that is ridiculous..it will jus be another day, like any other day, I'll prolly be high as a kite, smokin sum killler bud...I certainly don't have any plans on flippin out....LMFAO :ganjamon:
PEACE OUT:peace:

Well, to be fair, there was a town up in the northeast - in Delaware, I think - whose DMV computers rolled over during Y2K and began issuing registrations for 'horseless carriages' instead of the respective make & model of each vehicle.
People everywhere from every kind of country, cultures, & beliefs have been tryin 2 predict when this world will end for centuries....so far no 1 has been correct...the world will end soon enough....why rush it in our crazy minds, lol...& when it does end, I highly doubt anyone will be alive 2 realize it, or do anything 'bout it....so why worry & stress~
PEACE OUT :peace:
Well, to be fair, there was a town up in the northeast - in Delaware, I think - whose DMV computers rolled over during Y2K and began issuing registrations for 'horseless carriages' instead of the respective make & model of each vehicle.

No, there wasn't, because "horseless carriages" isn't something that would have been in the database. The worst that could have happened is the date on the registration being wrong. You can't get something out of a computer that you didn't put in, its that simple.

C'mon, guys, just because we smoke pot doesn't mean we have to be stupid.
alot f you are missing the point lmao tho the comments are funny lol

it WHAT IF you wake up and this shit is going on lol

i personally dont belive anything will happen simply because of the miss interpretation of the mayan calendar..

the calender ending signifies the beginning of a new cycle wich has alread come to pass once before and will happen agen and agen in 3000 more years its that simple

the only thing that makes me wounder is one fact... after 2012 there are no more end world predictions..... makes you wounder why..
No, there wasn't, because "horseless carriages" isn't something that would have been in the database. The worst that could have happened is the date on the registration being wrong. You can't get something out of a computer that you didn't put in, its that simple.

C'mon, guys, just because we smoke pot doesn't mean we have to be stupid.

YES, there was. I don't appreciate being called a liar or stupid. Had you simply typed in 'y2k horseless carriage' into google, you would have gotten this link:

Maine's Y2K Glitch Cranks Up 'Horseless Carriage' Car Titles - The Washington Post | Encyclopedia.com

That would certainly have taken you less time than to write that little diatribe about me being incompetent. So I got the state wrong - big deal.
Well before then, review the poem,"The Fable of the Final Hour" by a beat poet whom I forget. ---on the 33rd minuet of the final hour, Manhattan was strafed by a flock of diuretic pigeons----
If the world ends on 2012 then so be it, I'm not going to loose sleep over worrying about if its really going to happen or not. If it does happen there isnt anything that I can do about it to stop it from happening. I live life everyday for the moment and I don't worry about what will happen tomorrow cause there is no guarentee there will be a tomorrow.

Anyone of us could die at any moment, for any reason at any given time so why not enjoy life for the here and now instead of what might or might not happen in 2012....

If I'm still alive to see 2012, hopefully I'll be smoking blunts and enjoying one of the finest plants mother nature ever created and gave to us to smoke, all while treating it like any other day....

Enjoy life, isn't that what mother natures plant helps us to do?????
Anyone of us could die at any moment, for any reason at any given time so why not enjoy life for the here and now instead of what might or might not happen in 2012....

i love that its so true

i dont worry about it i cant, if its going to happen its going to happen if not well..... the next day ill smoke like i always smoke but if it does ill smoke with angels
the mayan callendar ends in 2012 because of the constellations it maps. the callendar doesnt actually end it just restarts with a new "age". a new constellation is central to our galaxy... similar to our new years except a year for them takes 12,000 of our years.... if they saw a 1 year callendar of ours they would think the world ends dec 31 as well.

many religions and practices are based on constellations and observations. back then nobody even knew why people got sick or why it rained. of course they would relate it to what is observable in the sky. and the philosophers and story tellers elaborated and expanded til it was a lifestyle. 2000 years later... religion.

fun fact: aside from jesus there are dozens of other messiahs in other older religions born on dec 25, born from virgin mother, carpenters, and lots of other similarities... who knows where the original story even came from.

i would say religous people of the past were far more committed than those of today. human sacrifice, stonings, witch burnings, crusades... god would have abandoned our lazy practices long before now...

if there is a god, i think he did a pretty crappy job making this universe. then again if i had limitless power i would abuse it too just for fun.

check out zeitgeist or religulous to check it out. or look it up.
If the world ends on 2012 then so be it, I'm not going to loose sleep over worrying about if its really going to happen or not. If it does happen there isnt anything that I can do about it to stop it from happening. I live life everyday for the moment and I don't worry about what will happen tomorrow cause there is no guarentee there will be a tomorrow.

Anyone of us could die at any moment, for any reason at any given time so why not enjoy life for the here and now instead of what might or might not happen in 2012....

If I'm still alive to see 2012, hopefully I'll be smoking blunts and enjoying one of the finest plants mother nature ever created and gave to us to smoke, all while treating it like any other day....

Enjoy life, isn't that what mother natures plant helps us to do?????

Totally my attitude since my teen trippin' years.

Take steps to control what you can. By then you're bagged so get blazed and see what happens.

If it really is the end of the world you'll be in the right frame of mind to meet it.

Good post.

IF it were confirmed, through whatever authority there be, that the world would indeed flip its axis or be consumed by solar flares or pummeled by asteroids or comets in the year of our Lord, December 21, 2012, it would change a lot of things for me along the short road to that destruction.

I'd love more, and I'd hate less--life would honestly be too brief for anything other than loving everything and everyone. I'd travel the world and see as many of the things I've always wanted to see and meet all the peoples I've always wanted to meet. I'd plant the most wondrous garden in the Spring of 2012, cultivate it with every ounce of skill I possess and cure it to absolute perfection that Autumn, the final Autumn of our lives. I'd share it with everyone within my reach and on that fateful day I should hope that I'll be sitting in a Circle of Kindred Spirits, sharing the finest of bud within the Ark I have stashed in the missile silo out in the back yard, ready to burst outta that tube the very second the Sacramento River floods with the waters from a shattered Shasta Dam and a mile-high tsunami, hurling the craft at mighty speed into the churning flow....

...Look! There goes Mt Lassen, an angry young volcano with an explosive attitude, quenched by the Waters of Doom! The Ark sails past, bobbling like a cork on the turbid currents, repelled on a roller coaster sea by the boiling cauldron. Inside, the sound of fear and laughter echoes through the hemp-clad, smoke-filled hull o'er each crest of wave and down into each mile-deep trough--rolling tumbling bob-bob-bobbing along.....

How's that? Does that answer the question? :battingeyelashes:

This post severely influenced by Juicy Fruit...
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