2nd Annual 4/20 Challenge


Well-Known Member
Alright, I'm about a day late getting started on this, but considering I am using my 2019 Wildlings, and they seem to be a virile and hardy lot, I should still be able to have something to declare as either sprouted or planted on 4/20 (then try to keep them alive for one year as house plants)

So anyway, doing 2 per day up to 4/20, and will also do 2 right at midnight, just in case I get another sub 24 hour sprout, as this year, start day will not matter; the subjects will need either sprouted or planted on the 20th. It's happened more than once already...

Here are the 2 seeds that will kick this off. If they sprout before 4/20, they will at least get planted on 4/20, otherwise they get shuffled off to other projects as casualty replacements.


I am now cataloging my 2019 Wildling seeds as Wildling-00/2019/S:xx, with xx being the "sequence" number of the seedling/sprout. Doesn't get assigned until sprouting. It's just some idiotic OCD thing for my own records, really.


And so, into a dark warm drawer they go, to be checked on tomorrow morning.

I'm not really expecting to have much in the way of pictures for this year's operation; will show sproutings and plantings of course, then perhaps weekly progress shots for the mains.
As of 0630 this morning, 2 of the 420 Challenge seeds have sprouted, the second one from the 17th and the first from the 18th.


These will be designated 420CH-2023/S:0 and S:1 unless I get lucky and at least one of the ones started midnight this morning sprouts before midnight tonight. It's not likely, but it could happen.

I will also check on the other 6 again later today (at 4:20 obviously, then every couple hours until midnight.)

At least I have my 2023 4/20 babies after all so the project can continue.
No pictures, but at the time I crashed last night (only 21:00 surprisingly...guess my brain and body needed a lengthy reset), the second seed started on the 18th had sprouted, as did both of the 04/19 seeds. So I have 5 subjects for this project now. Good bet at least one or two will get rehomed eventually.
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