3 branches per node

Awesome. Looks super healthy.

I had a little one that looked all messed up. The first couple leaf sets were whorlled. I claimed that I was going to kill it... but I never did. Turned out as a female and is still growing.

In the first picture you can kinda see the old growth. Otherwise she is just as robust as her sisters.

This is a pic of the apical on my oddly symmetrical three bud per node. Yes, same one I shared when your thread first started.
Fluffy, but really hasn't started to swell yet...

Damn that is one frosty top. It’s gonna be delicious when it fills in.

My three girls are just starting beginning bud formation with pistils starting to shoot out at every bud site.

I’ll post more pictures as the grow comes along
Hey @Ganjagrowergu @Emilya @TorturedSoul
Day 31 in flower and here she is
Sorry for the crappy picture... I can’t hardly tell even which top is the whorled one, I think it’s bottom right in the photo. I’ll update later with a picture of the node stacking. She’s got some light stress from growing into the LED, but I’ve since backed the light up.

Here’s the whole family whorly is down front left

And node stacking on her bigger sis
Hey guys, just chiming in to see if anyone’s still growing some whorled phyllotaxy and finished it? My first grow on my own I had one and I noted the mutation but I was super green as well so I didn’t know what I was looking at but it was female, I’m trying to find pics of the plant but I have some of the finished bud I left on my Instagram from about 5 years back and the reason I’m back about this is I just started a 3Sleepy-0(Chemdawg x Jawa Pie[Vader-Ocean grown genetics]) that I just found had the same mutation and I’m hoping it’s a girl so I can grow that out to fruition like I did my unknown genetics years ago. Sorry about the reply almost two years later guys just wanted to see if anyone was able to finish theirs and see your results and what not. Thanks!


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So I have a plant that’s about 5 weeks old, and she’s got a branch that has 3 leaves and shoots on every node. It’s a little hard to tell in the picture but if you look at the youngest leaves, there are 3 not 2
Is this common?
I have one. It's harvested now on day 4 of the dry. As a seedling, it started with three leaf sets and then tripod branches. It flowered at the same time as the super silver haze. Once flowering, the tripod's new leaf undersides were purple. The flower smells like fruity pebbles. I didn't use BT and instead spent about 90 minutes total throughout the day looking for moth eggs and later any caterpillars I could find. The super silver haze had about 10% bud damage from caterpillars. I never found eny eggs laid on the tripod plant nor did I find and caterpillars. No damage at all. The plant looks way healthier than the three super silver hazes. At least twice as dense if not more. Wish I knew what strain it is.
That looks fantastic, I just put down some Jawa Pie. My last run was 420 and that stuff was junk, so I cannot wait. Vader's seeds are tiger striped beauties and the 420 seeds looked like little half-ripe green babies.
Hey guys, just chiming in to see if anyone’s still growing some whorled phyllotaxy and finished it? My first grow on my own I had one and I noted the mutation but I was super green as well so I didn’t know what I was looking at but it was female, I’m trying to find pics of the plant but I have some of the finished bud I left on my Instagram from about 5 years back and the reason I’m back about this is I just started a 3Sleepy-0(Chemdawg x Jawa Pie[Vader-Ocean grown genetics]) that I just found had the same mutation and I’m hoping it’s a girl so I can grow that out to fruition like I did my unknown genetics years ago. Sorry about the reply almost two years later guys just wanted to see if anyone was able to finish theirs and see your results and what not. Thanks!
Almost two years again go by, and I find this. I searched it like crazy for a while but most likely I didn't spell it right before or something. I had an autoflower like this that turned out to be "whirled phyllotaxy".
I documented it in a closet grow here at 420mag.
It turned out good, similar yield with the extra branching at each node. This was with an autoflower Sun West Genetics Amnesia Haze.
I bought a 5 pack, ran 4 with one being the mutation. 1 seed left to run.
Mutant dope is good, fingers crossed on popping that last seed.
Please report back after harvest (etc.) to let me know whether the mutant produced as much bud (or more) as the others, and whether it seems to be as potent. Thanks!
Please report back after harvest (etc.) to let me know whether the mutant produced as much bud (or more) as the others, and whether it seems to be as potent. Thanks!
Yield, and potency was similar in all 4. I had trouble with one because of not enough aeration in the soil. I've got at least 7-8 pages of more pics and grow details in the journal
@TorturedSoul have you seen this before?
There are things that cause this to happen ie: pH, over/under watering/feeding, genetics…
If it is whorled phyllotaxy, it would have 3 branches from main stalk per node from the bottom up. Most times it stops after 2nd-3rd node. If it starts later in veg, it’s definitely an issue around roots and not whorled phyllotaxy. Check pH, root temp, and moisture level.
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