480W & 720W LED Grow - Land of Clovers

re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Didnt he do a test run of a couple advance led(I think thats what they were called)But any way yeah I think I followed that and the white widow streched for days nothing but bud threw the scrog and were big and fat until he dried then they shrunk half the size..I believe he was trying to sell the lights after this.But these were advanced led 150 watt each or something not even in the same ball park of mikes quality of light I would not even compare them.Not sure if it was on this forum or hightimes or what not.But yeah he got some skills.
Not sure how much strech indoor personally but out door its not a vear large plant and they do pack on some weight but half to keep close eye on them.Had some go homo at the last min.But this may have been due to quality of the seed from the store it was bought.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

The statement above is to the best of my memories ability. Its not facts written in stone. My buds where long but no where near the girth of those beasts he has on that bonzai tree. They do shrink a lot after drying and curing for sure but the end result in taste and effect were well worth it. I was happy for quite some time. As was my bulging disc in my back.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Originally Posted by thinkerr
these more expensive controllers seem to be flawed because you have to plug everything you want to control into them. seems like your paying more for a fancy power surge protector that can handle the "appliances" and rather than for the technology. there are better ways of applying this technology without having to worry about burning your house down.

Quote TorturedSoul
Not sure I understand your point. I mean... Be a bit hard for a device to control everything if you just carried it in and stuck it in the corner without connecting the devices you wised it to control to said device, wouldn't it?

i was watching "living with ed" on planet green. one episode had showed a technology where a master light switch controlled whatever lights/outlets you hook it up to. it is used when you leave the house you can turn off all unnecessary outlets (and appliances hooked up to them) and lights.

my thinking is instead of the master switch you have the environment controller which controls each outlet and activates them when necessary and turns them off when programmed to. so say you have 10 outlets in your grow area (flower and veg can both be incorperated without needing seperate devices). the environment controller would work like a security system. in a security system you have fire alarms, burgler alarms and others. it goes off if one of these systems is tripped just like the environment controller would go off if the temp was high/low, RH high/low, CO2 high/low.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

right on!

yup got hooked up
That's crazy! Thanks for the info! :yummy:

Yeah I agree.that was realy just at the top of my head.You can find better deal(not hydro store).Just a quik quote as I dont want to be off subject.You can find steel tanks pretty cheap.But for a 20g aluminum cheapest I found run 80-120 and a good regulator 100-150.For percision and to do it correctly you need a controller and these can be off the hook expensive.Cheapest I found was the new cap controllers just for co2.Last time I priced was one for 250 wich is the bottom of the bottom line and you wont find a better deal.The next one up is the digital for 350-375 that you can program your exact ppm.This would be ideal for small hobby grower.Prices can be extreme for more of the industrial equipment.Its still expensive.
welding shops have cheap tanks! and get them filled their also.
do they make controllers that can multi-task? they work like a thermostat where they turn on whenever the low setting is hit and turns on to maintain that setting then shut off?

so do they make one that can control CO2, lights (24/0, 12/12, and others), ventilation (when temps are reached), reservoir feedings?

if they dont i wish i was a computer programmer cause the technology already exists to do this its just in a few different systems id have to bring into one.
they make some that will run everything.
these more expensive controllers seem to be flawed because you have to plug everything you want to control into them. seems like your paying more for a fancy power surge protector that can handle the "appliances" and rather than for the technology. there are better ways of applying this technology without having to worry about burning your house down.
its a lazy way of doing things, but if u are serious about growing i think their worth it IMO. ur room would be programed to run as good as it gets from one box, i dont see it burning the house down unless ur house has bad wiring. i think its most of a safety issue have all these different timers plugged in and and all the other stuff hooked to cords.
I grew white widow before and if you get the sativa pheno they will stretch like a rubber band. I would start 12/12 at 10 to 12 inches and after about 2 or 3 weeks they were topping 36 to 48 inches. Then they keep growing another 4 to 10 inches on the main colas through the remainder of the grow. It's pretty crazy. You really have to know your strain and pheno really well to perfectly optimize a scrog. But once you do you saw the results.
yup knowing ur strain is key and take a long time, this is why i grew the HS like 3 times in a row and still didnt learn it. the WW can stretch up to 200% or something like that from what he told me.
Not sure I understand your point. I mean... Be a bit hard for a device to control everything if you just carried it in and stuck it in the corner without connecting the devices you wised it to control to said device, wouldn't it?

Or am I missing something?

Accidentally hit the quote button instead of the multi quote one so no quotes for these:

IrishBoy, that's great news about the clones! I'm glad they're replacing them. Obviously, it's good for their reputation (and is a decent thing to do) and I can't see where anything you did caused the problems, but when a place sells clones, the minute those clones leave their possession, it's pretty much out of their hands what happens as far as treatment/environment. So, trying to be completely objective here, I wouldn't have blamed them if they'd told you they were sorry - even been sorry - you had problems, but refused to replace them. Sounds like it's a great place, you've got a good relationship with them, or both. :thumb:

The picture you posted doesn't really look like the traditional idea of a scrog to me. Looks more like he just used the screen as a way to help hold his colas up and to keep them spaced right. (But it still looks like a great grow.) That's cool - his light is a lot brighter and has much more penetration than what people were using (bunch of 4' 40-watt tubes) when they started using a screen and later coined the term "scrog" to describe. A flat panel of lights without much (lol) in the way of penetrative ability, it made sense to train the plant(s) in such a way that if you'd only have useful light hitting the top few inches of your buds to grow a thick carpet of buds only a few inches long instead of trying for less but larger buds.

It would be very interesting (IMHO) to see some experimentation with LEDs and (traditional, or nearly so) scrog. Flat-panel lighting but with much better penetration than the old tubes. Perhaps less than a high-powered HID, perhaps not (IDK?). Just plan the setup so that there'd always be room for a gap between the tops of the plant and the light for proper spectrum mixing, figure out (or guess) how far into a well-filled canopy the light would penetrate, and grow accordingly. If the end-result was a grow that had the maximum amount of bud between the upper-limit where the individual LEDs' wavelengths weren't blended and the lower limit where penetration dropped off severely... The results could be astounding - even more so than your grows, I mean, lol - and might end up severely shaking up the market in such a way that the only people still buying HIDs would be those who just couldn't afford good LEDs (and they'd be saving their pennies to get them in the future).

Or... maybe not. Be cool, though. I'd subscribe.
ya i got hooked up for free, i didnt see that one coming because it was on me once i left. ive seen leds scrogs but none with Mikes lights and i plan on doing it soon, i just want to get the TRF's more dialed in and a medium i ike the best.
Didnt he do a test run of a couple advance led(I think thats what they were called)But any way yeah I think I followed that and the white widow streched for days nothing but bud threw the scrog and were big and fat until he dried then they shrunk half the size..I believe he was trying to sell the lights after this.But these were advanced led 150 watt each or something not even in the same ball park of mikes quality of light I would not even compare them.Not sure if it was on this forum or hightimes or what not.But yeah he got some skills.
Not sure how much strech indoor personally but out door its not a vear large plant and they do pack on some weight but half to keep close eye on them.Had some go homo at the last min.But this may have been due to quality of the seed from the store it was bought.
if ur talking about Rumple, i got him hooked up with two PS led ufo back in the day to see if they could out yield a 400w HID like they were claimed each 180w will match a 600w HPS so that should have been 1200w of HID claimed power from two 180's.. ya they fall real short from his 400w HID. in fact he did 2 runs and got crap fluffy buds both times, it was then i knew those leds weren't for me, then i found mikes lights and never looked back. i cant say the name but its 2 words start with a PS and its a jumbo 180w he used.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

i got lucky and the club gave me 2 free Casey Jones clones since my other 2 died. very cool of them. the 2 he saved for me were the 2 best ones they had, and their very nice looking, shit they look better then my older two one with more nodes and just as tall, so my canopy would be all out of whack light i was thinking it would be since i had a week of veg on the older ones.

i did things a little different one these ones. i put fresh coco mixed into the trans plant whole with a little bit of DM purple mixed by the roots, then i am going to hit them with just a little bit of GH Roots, and seaweed to help with shock and the roots. i planted these ones up more towards the top where it stays more dry. i think the DM by the roots will help the roots get food allot faster.

heres all the plants, the right side girls are the new ones

heres the older ones


heres the new ones
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Nice Man another LED grow I love it.
welcome :passitleft:
Those replacement clones look good.

That Sunland soil, like FFOF, really should have enough nutes for at least 2-3 weeks of veg, even without the CRF's, so they should do fine.

ya i was thinking that, so i did add any nutes really just a pinch of some DM purple in the trans plant hole. i mostly gave them sea weed and the roots stuff. the plants seem to go crazy over the seaweed and fast. its crazy how fast it will make ur plants turn a nice green color.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Hey IB, glad they hooked you up with some more clones. If you still have some interest in Scrogs, check out a guy named Verdant Green. He uses Mod. Scrogs for pretty small grows. I emulated my scrog setup after him, smart dude.


re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

nice, that is lucky. now ur off!! lol
Hey IB, glad they hooked you up with some more clones. If you still have some interest in Scrogs, check out a guy named Verdant Green. He uses Mod. Scrogs for pretty small grows. I emulated my scrog setup after him, smart dude.



i followed a few of his grows. i like his small scale SCROGS their pretty cool. good idea to get max yield on a small scale for sure.

i might do a SCROG soon i just want to get a few things dialed in. right now i am on a mission to find another strain to add to my collection with the Hindu Skunk. Blue Dream might be my next strain. Ive been hearing allot about a strain called Sour Grapes from friends, but can find any info on it and how it yields? ive been told its a good producer? but it might be between Bule dream, Sour Grapes or Jack Herer. i seen the XJ-13 at the club last night and i truly like that strain, and want to give it another grow with these TRF's. my 600w grow did great with it and it was killer smoke. I am trying to stay away from leafy plants and more like a Jack Herer plant with just pure buds, that way at harvest i just barley have to trim and i am done.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

You could try growing Dr. Grinspoon in a scrog, lol. That'd be a challenge. Someone told me growing that was like plowing an entire field and planting one green onion in it. But that it was worth the (extended) time and low yield. I don't really know, personally. I wouldn't mind having some to breed with, but I'm not sure I'd want to try growing it for anything other than breeding - and I'm generally a fan of long-flowering low-production headstash strains.

Almost certainly (from what I've read) the kind of thing you grow when your cupboard is full.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

You could try growing Dr. Grinspoon in a scrog, lol. That'd be a challenge. Someone told me growing that was like plowing an entire field and planting one green onion in it. But that it was worth the (extended) time and low yield. I don't really know, personally. I wouldn't mind having some to breed with, but I'm not sure I'd want to try growing it for anything other than breeding - and I'm generally a fan of long-flowering low-production headstash strains.

Almost certainly (from what I've read) the kind of thing you grow when your cupboard is full.

No thanks on that one, my last extra veg time bushy as hell plants were more then enough for me to trim. I think that shit scared me for life. not fun at all!

I am thinking of going with the Jack Herer. Its truly one of a kind bud. the XJ-13 i grew was great also but this time i think i need to go back to the roots and get the pure Jack Herer. I wish i could find info on the sour grapes and yield and flower time. if anyone has any info on this please let me know. ill had out Rep points:thumb: well if i can?
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

No thanks on that one, my last extra veg time bushy as hell plants were more then enough for me to trim. I think that shit scared me for life. not fun at all!

I am thinking of going with the Jack Herer. Its truly one of a kind bud. the XJ-13 i grew was great also but this time i think i need to go back to the roots and get the pure Jack Herer. I wish i could find info on the sour grapes and yield and flower time. if anyone has any info on this please let me know. ill had out Rep points:thumb: well if i can?

This is all I could find:

Balanced Indica-Sativa
THC Level:
Flowering Time:
8 Weeks


re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

if you are talking about jack herer ----
Sex : Regular
Type : Indica / Sativa
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : n/a
Flowering Time : Medium (7-10 weeks indoor)
Outdoor Harvest : September / October
Height : medium/Tall
THC Level : 15-20%
Characteristics : top-class cannabis hybrids

They produce the best result being grown indoor, just 7-10 weeks. Harvest date when outdoor is September-October. You can easily get 350-400gr/m2. The cannabis seeds produce a managable size marijuana plant that will surprise you with beautiful buds with an cannabis award winning aroma and taste, almost spicy!.
Jack Herer is a must for those looking for a genuinely devastating high, not to be taken lightly. Jack Herer has an award-winning flavor of strong peppered Haze spiced with a delicious dash of fruity acidness.

green house and white label and black label seeds confirm these stats.
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

if you are talking about jack herer ----
Sex : Regular
Type : Indica / Sativa
Flowering : Photoperiod
Genetics : n/a
Flowering Time : Medium (7-10 weeks indoor)
Outdoor Harvest : September / October
Height : medium/Tall
THC Level : 15-20%
Characteristics : top-class cannabis hybrids

They produce the best result being grown indoor, just 7-10 weeks. Harvest date when outdoor is September-October. You can easily get 350-400gr/m2. The cannabis seeds produce a managable size marijuana plant that will surprise you with beautiful buds with an cannabis award winning aroma and taste, almost spicy!.
Jack Herer is a must for those looking for a genuinely devastating high, not to be taken lightly. Jack Herer has an award-winning flavor of strong peppered Haze spiced with a delicious dash of fruity acidness.

green house and white label and black label seeds confirm these stats.

No i was talking about the Sour Grapes. but thinks for posting that info, others will find this most helpful. this is why i am starting to think about the Jack Herer. Ive never grown a pure Jack Herer strain but i have grown a XJ-13 witch is said to be Jack Herer crossed with G-13, its was a very very good strain that will knock you on ur ass. i love her. in fact if i can i might pick up 2 jack herer's and 2 XJ-13's and grow then side by side and see witch one i like better? now that sounds good. these plants are very cool to grow because they dont really produce leaves just almost pure buds. and Jack has a smell that is unlike any other weed ive smelt. you know jack one u see and smell it.

Oh ya ill still hook you up with rep points for the good info when i can since i already rep'ed you earlier i have to wait and spread some around to others 1st before i can get you agian. thanks!
re: Irish Boy's - 480W & 720w Grow LED Hydro - Land Of Clovers

Ah guys i think i got it! the perfect way to apply TRF to ur medium!! instead of just mixing it all threw-out ur medium everywhere or just a few inches from the top and in the trans plant whole like i was saying a few pages back. Check this out! example.. DM says to use 3TBS per 5 gal of pot size. so this is what i am going to do. put a layer on medium like 4" above the bottom of the pot and add 1TBS spread out around the pot, then add a few more inches on top and add another 1TBS then another few inches of medium on top and another 1TBS of DM spread out and some more medium. have 3 layers of DM threw out the medium so no matter the roots size it will hit the food in each layer plus when you water the ferts will run down threw each layer and cover the whole medium! i will also add a pinch maybe into the trans plant whole. i will also leave my medium a few inches from the top of the pot so when it come flower time ill add the DM 13-13-13 or the OC14-14-14 to hit to help get that higher p/k to help the flowering! to me its sounds like a perfect way of applying it. its the best of both worlds:thumb:!
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