A Closet A Light & A Bucket Of Dirt

It's been a while since I visited and all I can say is Wow. You're killing it. :p I like the rotation of different strains. Always something new or different available to smoke. I've got around 15 strains on hand currently. Care to try some two year old Barneys Farm Amnesia Lemon ? :passitleft:
Thank you for the kind words all. I really appreciate it.

We are on to day 26 of flower for Abby the Afghan Domina. So far, so good.

This is day 6 of flower for Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG.
She is starting to expand at a fairly alarming rate. Lol.
She is doing great though.

Here we have 4 Chocolate Mint OG cuttings. We will see
how many make it.

Cheers all.
Abby the Afghan Domina is now sitting on day 29 of flower. She is
starting to get interesting.

Day 9 of flower for Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG.
Stretching in earnest now. Nice plant so far.

And our 4 little Chocolate Mint OG clones. I think it has been 5 days for them.

I also see a little frosty weather coming your ways... Hope you insulated well........
Thanks Birdie and Woody.

Abby the Afghan Domina checks in on day 32 of flower.
She is just cruising right along and smelling of rotten lemons.
Hoping that is just a stage.

Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG is on day 12 of flower. She is stretching some,
but nothing too dramatic. She will end up pretty big for a closet though. Lol.

And these little Chocolate Mint OG cuttings are still hanging out.

Cheers all.
Omgoodness, your pictures are insanely alive and the clarity of your depth of field makes me sink in deep. Just the magestic pistils roaring over it's trich's almost like the Kraken. The afghan Domina has such classic indica leaves and the amount of light you get deep down in your plant is really the key here and it shows. As always, this is the place to be.:Namaste:
Looking good in here as always Ditchweed.✌️

Thanks Ghost.

Ditch.. It looks awesome!
Beautiful bud shots.... Photo of the month for sure

Cheers AB and thank you.

Omgoodness, your pictures are insanely alive and the clarity of your depth of field makes me sink in deep. Just the magestic pistils roaring over it's trich's almost like the Kraken. The afghan Domina has such classic indica leaves and the amount of light you get deep down in your plant is really the key here and it shows. As always, this is the place to be.:Namaste:

Excuse me while my ego inflates a little bit. Lol.
Thanks Lady G.

Beautiful Man... Going to be another beauty...

Cheers Woody. You may be right.
Abby the Afghan Domina continues on her way. Day 35 of flower for her.
Smells like a lemon drop at the moment.

And this will be day 15 of flower for Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG.
Still stretching and expanding.

Cheers all.
Thanks all.

Abby the Afghan Domina checks in on day 38 of flower.
I love plants like this one. Pretty much an auto pilot girl.

Sherry the Chocolate Mint OG has turned into a small monster.
Getting her stretch and bush on. Lol.

The one downside of this plant so far is the horrible smell.
Today I can only describe it as if somehow an armpit wiped
an ass. Literally. Let's hope that is just a phase.


The one downside of this plant so far is the horrible smell.
Today I can only describe it as if somehow an armpit wiped
an ass. Literally. Let's hope that is just a phase.
:hmmmm: some ass wipe types don't smell "good" until they have been thoroughly cured. I had a Lambo like that, it was ok but not good enough to run again.:Namaste:
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