A pure strain Sativa need Info


New Member
I am growing some indoor cannabis at the moment where the seeds i ordered online, but then i had an idea i remebered that u can buy some cannabis seeds in my country. The thing is they are a pure Sativa (cannabis sativa linnaeus) i woul like to know what result i could i expect to get with this becouse it would cost me around 0.70 dollars for 5 gr. of seed
Please respond with some info
just to be precise these are seeds that are meant for seed production, to make different products from the seeds
HI Exsilium.

Welcome to 420 Magazine and the community of members that gathers here. :welcome:

My gut reaction is that seeds meant to be used for seed products might not have been collected and stored in a manner conducive to later germination. That is to say it may very well be a waste of your time and money to buy and try to germinate these seeds. I may be wrong on this as frankly, I have (and am currently) growing with bag seeds and they most assuredly weren't collected and stored properly.
Hey Exsilium I hope your indoor cannabis grow is going good and my thoughts would be maybe hemp seeds those could be. I think those are used mostly for foods,oils an stuff and lack the thc most of us enjoy and medicate with. I really have no clue but that is what came to my mind.If you had the extra money and space to try them they may be some killer original land strains:goodluck:
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