A truely canadian question


New Member

question to any norther state residents or canadians. Would a 5 x 10 grow on the second storey or my house cause the snow to melt from the roof. Running 2 600W lights and have good ventialtion. my temps are "normal" in the mid 70s. Any advice or such would be appreciated.
if your temps are normal in the mid 70s in your grow room then thats the hottest that will be exposed to melt the ice off your roof (in a perfect scenario). I think you should be safe as long as your insulation in your attic is not thin, even still, by the time that 70 degree air makes it too your cold attic it dissipate off its heat because of the ideal gas law. In other words, you should be fine assuming you have an attic as long as you have proper ventilation and moderate temperatures.
it a year old house so i assume the insulation is fairly good. we have a "dummy attic" which is non accessible but from 2nd floor ceiling to the roof in 7 feet. I figured that was enough distance that temperature would cool before penetrating the insulation....:S.

p.s. i know my question is out of season but just trying to work everything out before i get there LOL
its good that you are worrying now and not later. very good actually. i think you will be fine tho. just keep ventilated for your plants, and that should be enough to take care of the temps
All I know is water, mud, Ice storm about every 10 or 12 years, humidity and heat. I know that you don't want anyone to know that you are growing weed on the second floor by having the only roof in the hood snow free. Would it be a good thing not to have the snow on top of your house or does the snow insulate some? Just a dumb question from not far off the coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

question to any norther state residents or canadians. Would a 5 x 10 grow on the second storey or my house cause the snow to melt from the roof. Running 2 600W lights and have good ventialtion. my temps are "normal" in the mid 70s. Any advice or such would be appreciated.

First where you venting into. If your venting into the attic then the answer is yes. If your venting elsewhere and your attic is well insulated then no. Your attic is boiling in the summer and cold in the winter. In the winter any heat being pump into the attic is going warm up the roof and escape out the roof vents making it more susceptible to FLIR detection too. Melting snow on roofs mean poor insulation most of the time. If your on the second floor you can vent down and not have to worry about either.:ganjamon:
it a year old house so i assume the insulation is fairly good. we have a "dummy attic" which is non accessible but from 2nd floor ceiling to the roof in 7 feet. I figured that was enough distance that temperature would cool before penetrating the insulation....:S.

p.s. i know my question is out of season but just trying to work everything out before i get there LOL

Vent through a carbon filter to the first floor laundry if possible. going up is the wrong way in the winter...summer ok but not winter! Not that your pumping alot of heat but you are worried about being detected and FLIR works on heat differences. Can't see through squat but a little heat coming out of the roof vents is bright red on the camera. Also your insulation is there to insulate you not the roof, so it's on your ceiling not the roof line. to vent you have to get above the insulation usually. BTW I am in canada, I have a house with a second floor and an exposed attic...lol and lighter hot air rises, right out the vents since if the house is insulated properly the attic will be almost outside temps.
i vent through carbon filter into my chimney. it been drilled out at second storey and has been sealed air tight.

Any precautions incase attice is poorly insulated?
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