Absolute newb and in need of info


New Member
Hey how is everyone... This is my very first grow, and I think my girls aren't were they are supposed to be into their flowering cycle... First off I have 3 different plants and strains goin at the same time, just trying to see which one works best for me, I just know the names of the plants, which are cheese, bomb ice and black berry...and they are growing hydro set up, flood and drain...
I'm 7 weeks into the flowering cycle 49 days since I changed over to 12/12, and I don't think the buds are the size they really should be from other pics I've seen, and I top of that the hairs have already started to turn brown, just worried I may have done something wrong that the buds are not swelling up
Any more info anyone may need to help me out I will provide, so you can help me!
And thank you
Trying to figure out to how post pics and will as soon as I figure it out lol
Hi Jgb, Welcome to :420:
You've come to the right spot for help and support on your growing adventure. So down to business.

#1. The plants feed on light more than nutrients, what kind of lights are they under?
#2. the plants need nutrients as well as light, so what are you feeding them.
#3. Best way to judge the ripeness of the buds is to use a jewlers loop or magnifying glass that's at least x20-30 power. You want the trichomes to be mostly cloudy, some clear and some amber for the best overall effect from your meds.

Pictures would also be nice to help judge size and any issues.
Good luck.;)
I have them under a 400w hps and also some cfls...
I am feeding them the flora grow series nutrients
And I just ordered a 30x Jewelers loop and I will have it in 2 days
But my girls are 7 weeks since I switched to 12/12... They smell great, have a lots of trichomes, just no where near what I've seen in pics else where
Btw thanks for your time and help

The buds are looking nice.:thumb:
What can I say.....some strains take longer than others. I'm harvesting in about 5 days on day 70 since flip. Some strains take even longer 85 days +.
It all depends on the strain, environment conditions and a little luck honestly. If you've had any issues with nute burn or nute lockout that can delay a grow by days or even weeks sometimes.
Another good way to judge ripeness, like most fruit, is to squeeze the buds. I find when the buds are ready they really firm up and get hard to squeeze. If they aren't ready when you gently squeeze the buds they are still squishy.
Overall I think patience is in order, but they really look good.;)
Was just worried as the hairs are turning brown! Thought they where maturing before their time,,, but when I get my Jewelers loop and take a look I will post again to let you know
I have them under a 400w hps and also some cfls...
I am feeding them the flora grow series nutrients
And I just ordered a 30x Jewelers loop and I will have it in 2 days
But my girls are 7 weeks since I switched to 12/12... They smell great, have a lots of trichomes, just no where near what I've seen in pics else where
Btw thanks for your time and help


Saw your question about ripening and had to reply. The other advise was good. You might also watch the size and shape of the risehomes the pods themselves. At a point to be determined by mother nature, your girls will begin to mature those seed pods even though they received No pollen. To kick things off they close this pinches the hairs, which are pollen receptors, they turn dark. This marks the beginning of the actual ripening of the fruit, not the end.!!! Now what you need to look for is the plumping of the seed pods. When a large number of hairs have darkened and the buds feel hard for their kind. Grab that loop, I always go to a fat lateral/side bud. Bend it open and look inside. the seed pods will look plump and fat. Often, likened to rice grains. Normally about two weeks after you would have sworn it was ready. Now is when you look to see if some of the resin balls on the trichomes have started to show some amber color. I like about 20% amber. And this is where preferences come into play. Good Luck
trimming them early and right will help fatten buds. correct amount of feeds is important (follow bottle not internet advice). your lighting is enough for 3 plants. high/low temps fluctuations can delay growth, incorrect ph will slow growth. air movement and ventilation needs to be right. thats enough to balance for your 1st grow. get those right and you should have bigger buds. my growth was slow after the light change, was worried etc. had an experienced mate to inspect and he upped my feeds, trimmed and de-limbed my plants. honestly I thought he ruined my plants, took loads of leads off (bottom 3rd of plant). this was the boost they needed. Anyways quality over quantity wins in my eyes :) good luck
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