Advice plz


New Member
How come i dont laugh as much as i used to? Like now if i see something funny or i hear a joke or something i will still laugh but not as much as i used to. Anyone know anything i can do?
Re: advice plz :straightface:

The thing about laughter is it usually comes from something that's new to us. If you hear the same joke more than once, it's rarely as funny the second or third time. I think that's why children tend to laugh more than older folks.

Is there something in your life that could be causing depression?

If the question you're asking is related to Cannabis consumption, different strains will have different results.

Also what l8tnightskunk said. You can increase the time between when you consume Cannabis, or take some time off for a day or three if you can. The next time you smoke may be like "old times".
Re: advice plz :straightface:

I talk from experience i had to cut down from smoking everyday to maybe on the weekends or everyother day because sometimes i would smoke about 3 blunts a day and after a while i could smoke some good shit and it would get me buzzed for about 20-30min then would go away. and I also agree with what FreakNature said for example ive watched grandmas boy like 20 times the first 5 times it was super funny after that just like any other regular movie
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