
I understand…
you will see that into growing old you will be less anxious !!! ;)

in 28 years of consumption I know 500 genetics…
to be on = 3 or 4 for ONLY are USEFUL me ! ! !

that has took time… LOL

The breeder-world is 1 "race of ThC" ! Each breeder seeks much power without true fine quality. It is sold much genetics S1, F1, of creations not to study for 1 Med use… Little variety is really USEFUL or VALID of Med use !!!
Much THC is not synonymous with quality…

when there is 1 real research for 1 Med-Utilisation =
little of genetics "hold the road" !

Good courage has you,
and much things better in the futur-time :;)

I suffer from PTSD, so yes I suffer from anxiety.

Yes Cannabis helps me very much.

As long as I stay away from strains that make my symptoms worse (really green skunky stuff) it helps me fight off panic attacks and just get through a day. Days when I'm able to go out in public it helps to come home and just rid myself of all that pent up anxiety from being out in public. It's not legal here so it's hard to have it on hand all the time, if I could do it legal, my life would be so much the better, and I believe all the therapy and work would go a bit faster if not easier.
I have suffered with depression and anxiety for years. I just smoked some Bubba Kush which is really calming and great for anxiety.

I tend to medicate with sativas during the day which enhance my mood and definitely help my depression - better than any pharmaceuticals have over the long haul. I medicate with indicas at night as they calm and relax me, allowing my mind to stop the racing thoughts and fall asleep.

Does anyone know of a book containing mj strains and their medical uses?

yeah i suffer from anxiety,smoking usually chills me out,but everyone once in a while i'll smoke some rocketfuel bud and get paranoid or anxious and try to anylize all my problems at ive got to be careful of what strain i smoke and how much, does anybody know the best strain for just feeling mellow and chilled out? i try to avoid the super rushing extreme energetic highs,
Do you suffer from anxiety?

Does Cannabis help eliminate your anxiety?

Please share your experiences with us.

I am 53 years and am mental disabled for 10 years after being treated for Hep C The treatment is a type of camo. I spent 6 months in bed to weak to work.I have cronic depression and aziety attacks. Pot helped me 10 years ago ,the shots 3 per week (Interferon) and the sear amount of anti-botics, I was sick coudent eat ,ran a fever for 1 year the pot I smooked made my body feel better and I started eating food. As far as the head meds I am on for anzity and depression I found you dont have as high of dosses of Z**ax, no depression we are planing on moving where I wont go to prision for something that helps so much. To make a long story I smoked pot several times a day for all most 30 years with no side effects.

Grow On
Colombian Sativas used to get me in the 70's. Homegrown from Colombian Sats was similar but the higher levels other cannabinols in the homegrown Colombian took the edge off. Quality Mexican varied,the stuff from the south of the country wasn't a problem,but a quality Sinaloan weed was worse than taking speed for me when it came to anxiety. (Somewhere someone is laughing about "quality Sinaloan"........but once upon a time.....)

Jamaican Sats of that time didn't bother me a bit. There's always been a rumor that Jamaican grass had some Indica parentage from weed brought to the island by East Indian indentured servants in the the mid-1800's. I dunno,it made me all loose in the joints and happy.

SE Asian Sats were so damned potent you were too high to be paranoid,IMO. It's tough to have a panic attack when you can't form linear thoughts.

Nothing I run across today really gets me. I think it's the inclusion of Indica genetics in damned near everything sold combined with somewhat higher THC levels. I had some mid-grade Mexican sinsemilla awhile back that left me a lil' edgy,but nothing serious. For 80 bucks an oz. I ain't gonna bitch.
I don't know if I suffer from anxiety, but I know i certainly suffer from ADD (despite being from the generation, before they diagnosed such a thing) And I definitely suffer from anger management issues. I don't want to hijack the thread, because he did specifically say "anxiety", but I do know, I refused to take any kind of scrips despite repeated urging by my doctors, because to me, fixing one problem, by creating another (addiction and liver destruction) was no fix, to my problem. I also resisted trying MJ for years, I didn't even start smoking until I hit 21, until then I couldn't get passed having to "smoke" it. I have never taken a drag off a cigarette and frankly they have always disgusted me, so I couldn't separate MJ from that. I tried using alcohol to help, and it got me through my teen years and in the process, had me drinking nearly a 12 pack a night, and getting into fights galore, so I had to stop that, my dad was an alcoholic, along with 9/10ths of my family, so I knew I was predisposed, so finally in desperation for something that would take the edge off and not destroy me like alcohol or scripts, I tried MJ, and it was like finding a pill that would cure Cancer. Literally within 6 months, I had calmed down, slowed down, and it took much more to get me angry, and over the years, now, I have noticed, the calming nature has effected the way I do everything, I used to by ultra-competitive, in that no matter what I was doing, if someone got to a place or done with something faster than me, It would seriously have me upset and beating myself up inside, now, I can sit back and realize, life isn't a race, and every facet of life isn't about beating everyone else at everything. I used to get speeding tickets monthly, I used t have severe road rage, at 19, a guy cut me off in traffic, I got out of my car and tried to pull the guy out of his car, I nearly got dragged into the intersection when he freaked and hit the gas, running a red light, it occurred to me that A. I could have been killed, and B. He could have been killed, not to mention whoever hit him may have been killed. Looking back, I am sure, MJ saved my life because at some point, something VERY bad was going to happen.
My 13 year old son, has anxiety and ADHD issues,As his dad I can't rightly introduce him to MJ, but if at some point, I catch him with it, I certainly will be understanding, because I know what it did for me.
Earlier in the year my doctor was trying to prescribe an anti-anxiety med. In the process the med would cause anxiety. Not only did smoking marijuana conteract the effects of the medication. It has been preventative in my experience. The first med was prosac and the one I've settled for is brupropion. I've had the least amount of side effects from it.
Always been "high strung" growing up. Back in '94, stress and an OCD-like push at work, had me nearly drove me nuts. My sleep degraded to 1-2 hrs a night and I was constantly on edge - worrying about home, work, and life in general. Had a brief encounter with workplace violence/harassment and ended up seeing a doc about the anxiety/stress.

That started various tests/blood work - to which I was told I was hypertensive and also suffered from bi-polar disorder. Then I began a 2 year adventure with various meds to try to "stabilize" me - both anti-anxitey and anti-depression pills. I had horrible luck with the anti-anxiety meds - nothing seemed to work except for Xanax, which I wasn't crazy about due to the highly addictive nature of the benzo family. The anti-depression meds were worse - almost all of the serzone re-uptake inhibitors caused allergic reactions (paxil, prozac, sezone, trazadone, etc.). Zoloft seemed to "work", except for the intolerable side effects - night sweats to the point of SOAKING the bedding every night and several sexual problems that neither my wife nor I were happy about.

So - one day I decided to skip the meds and try to self medicate using marijuana (I had smoked recreationally prior, but had quit when I started seeing a doc about stress). It seemed to work. So over the next few doc visits, I told him I was taking my meds, but wanted to get off them. He told me I was on them for life, if I wanted continued "stability" as opposed to the roller coaster I used to be on. Right them I decided I was done seeing him. I cancelled my next few appointments a couple days before the scheduled visit and continued using marijuana.

Fast forward to last month, and I finally became "legal" by getting my 215 recommendation. I had been reluctant due to my profession, but I figure I have more to loose if busted without the 215 rec. than the possibility of the cops using the 215 recs to go after med. marijuana users. As an added bonus, I no longer have to go to a black market dealer, that sold other drugs as well. I never knew what type of tweaker I'd run into at his place when I needed more marijuana. Plus - there was no consistency to the quality, nor any idea as to strain or type (indica/sativa).

So, yes, marijuana has helped my anxiety, in that I have not taken ANY xanax since I re-started smoking - nor have I felt the need/desire to take any anti-depressants.
only thing that calms my mind. Although, depending on the quality and strain

I have mild anxiety and PTSD and Chronic Pain. I prefer Indica, but I get more things done with Sativa, if that's any help Sativa has never been my preference.:ganjamon: Sativa doesn't have as good a taste for me as Indica

Can anyone give me any clue as to when New York is going to become compassionate? I have been suffering some crazy episodes of anxiety my whole life, with it starting to come to a head just these past two to three years. My doc has me on Effexor XR and Ativan for a benzo. The benzo's work, but the side effects are useless. Whenever I get a chance, I always medicate with cannabis as it provides me with a better overall feeling. Can someone kick someone else in the pants to get New Yorkers some relief? :yummy:
Always been "high strung" growing up. Back in '94, stress and an OCD-like push at work, had me nearly drove me nuts. My sleep degraded to 1-2 hrs a night and I was constantly on edge - worrying about home, work, and life in general. Had a brief encounter with workplace violence/harassment and ended up seeing a doc about the anxiety/stress.

That started various tests/blood work - to which I was told I was hypertensive and also suffered from bi-polar disorder. Then I began a 2 year adventure with various meds to try to "stabilize" me - both anti-anxitey and anti-depression pills. I had horrible luck with the anti-anxiety meds - nothing seemed to work except for Xanax, which I wasn't crazy about due to the highly addictive nature of the benzo family. The anti-depression meds were worse - almost all of the serzone re-uptake inhibitors caused allergic reactions (paxil, prozac, sezone, trazadone, etc.). Zoloft seemed to "work", except for the intolerable side effects - night sweats to the point of SOAKING the bedding every night and several sexual problems that neither my wife nor I were happy about.

So - one day I decided to skip the meds and try to self medicate using marijuana (I had smoked recreationally prior, but had quit when I started seeing a doc about stress). It seemed to work. So over the next few doc visits, I told him I was taking my meds, but wanted to get off them. He told me I was on them for life, if I wanted continued "stability" as opposed to the roller coaster I used to be on. Right them I decided I was done seeing him. I cancelled my next few appointments a couple days before the scheduled visit and continued using marijuana.

Fast forward to last month, and I finally became "legal" by getting my 215 recommendation. I had been reluctant due to my profession, but I figure I have more to loose if busted without the 215 rec. than the possibility of the cops using the 215 recs to go after med. marijuana users. As an added bonus, I no longer have to go to a black market dealer, that sold other drugs as well. I never knew what type of tweaker I'd run into at his place when I needed more marijuana. Plus - there was no consistency to the quality, nor any idea as to strain or type (indica/sativa).

So, yes, marijuana has helped my anxiety, in that I have not taken ANY xanax since I re-started smoking - nor have I felt the need/desire to take any anti-depressants.

i find your case history quite fascinating
how many millions of other addicted patients are taking pharmaceuticals like these every day because their doctor said the same thing, "you will be on them for life"
it looks like the use of mmj has been a tremendous help for your condition, however, i am concerned about the effect smoking has on the lungs over the long run
has anyone tried a vaporizor, tinctures, or edibles as an alternative?
In answer to the opening thread's question. Does MJ help wth anxiety?

Yes. Yes. YES. YES. But you know what's worse? Not having it or being able to get it. That causes the most anxiety. I also find it good for my depression, monopolar, ADD, insomnia, IBS, reflux and pain. I'm so... messed up... that I can't find it and am too anxious to try.

Always been "high strung" growing up. Back in '94, stress and an OCD-like push at work, had me nearly drove me nuts. My sleep degraded to 1-2 hrs a night and I was constantly on edge - worrying about home, work, and life in general. Had a brief encounter with workplace violence/harassment and ended up seeing a doc about the anxiety/stress.

That started various tests/blood work - to which I was told I was hypertensive and also suffered from bi-polar disorder. Then I began a 2 year adventure with various meds to try to "stabilize" me - both anti-anxitey and anti-depression pills. I had horrible luck with the anti-anxiety meds - nothing seemed to work except for Xanax, which I wasn't crazy about due to the highly addictive nature of the benzo family. The anti-depression meds were worse - almost all of the serzone re-uptake inhibitors caused allergic reactions (paxil, prozac, sezone, trazadone, etc.). Zoloft seemed to "work", except for the intolerable side effects - night sweats to the point of SOAKING the bedding every night and several sexual problems that neither my wife nor I were happy about.

So - one day I decided to skip the meds and try to self medicate using marijuana (I had smoked recreationally prior, but had quit when I started seeing a doc about stress). It seemed to work. So over the next few doc visits, I told him I was taking my meds, but wanted to get off them. He told me I was on them for life, if I wanted continued "stability" as opposed to the roller coaster I used to be on. Right them I decided I was done seeing him. I cancelled my next few appointments a couple days before the scheduled visit and continued using marijuana.

Fast forward to last month, and I finally became "legal" by getting my 215 recommendation. I had been reluctant due to my profession, but I figure I have more to loose if busted without the 215 rec. than the possibility of the cops using the 215 recs to go after med. marijuana users. As an added bonus, I no longer have to go to a black market dealer, that sold other drugs as well. I never knew what type of tweaker I'd run into at his place when I needed more marijuana. Plus - there was no consistency to the quality, nor any idea as to strain or type (indica/sativa).

So, yes, marijuana has helped my anxiety, in that I have not taken ANY xanax since I re-started smoking - nor have I felt the need/desire to take any anti-depressants.

I can relate to your story
I suffer from the same disorders and it can really be frustrating
Marijuana is the most gentle approach to these types of disorders without throwing off the entire system
Some specific strains for depression and general anxiety are strawberry cough and orange bud. They are low intensity sativas and work remarkably well for reducing stress etc.
Most indicas are generally good for the 'high' moments but doing too many of these types of strains can actually cause some types of depression so you really NEED to mix it up some.
Also using cannabis orally can be beneficial
Try and learn how to make either canna oil or canna butter to create your own baked goods. This has a longer lasting effect BUT you really HAVE to experiment with caution as you can get a really cerebrial high that can cause paranoia also. Plus the type of trim you use to make your butter makes a huge difference. I personally found that butter made from mostly indica gave me a type of hangover feeling the next morning sort of similar to alcohol in a way. It left me depressed and groggy which is why i don';t drink BUT using sativa trim makes a HUGE difference.
It REALLY is a personal thing and you have to find your own balance within in it all.

Good luck to you in your journey.
I finally became licenced but it took a while.
Sorry but I missed the 1st post:smokin:
While Anxiety can be triggered sometimes by certain Sativas, we must remember one very important thing... Anxiety is ALL in your head... 69% of all emergency room visits are from anxiety attacks and panic attacks. Panic attack is an anxiety attack gone wild.

I too suffer from anxiety at times. Cannabis is a thought process enhancer, so if you are already high strung to begin with, enhancing that thinking process can instigate a roller coaster of thoughts, especially if you are a negative thinker by default. What if this, what if that, what about this, what about that. Now amplify that times 20 and your body goes into overload and begins to show physical symptoms; shortness of breath, sweaty palms, feeling of nervousness, and much more. If you pay attention, you will notice that your breathing has become shallow, so you are basically depriving your brain of fuel (oxygen), while over working it to the extreme with all of the thinking. It's like racing your car engine to the max without any oil and/or fuel. What do you think will happen? Break down.

Here are the steps I take to stop anxiety when it begins.

1. Begin breathing deep, take long, deep breaths for a few minutes.

2. SHUT OFF ALL THINKING because THAT is what is sending you into Anxiety.
(tell yourself that whatever is getting you worked up cannot be solved at this very moment anyway, first you must become victorious over the anxiety, THEN you can deal with the issue at hand)

3. Go to your "safe place" in your mind and think of NOTHING but that.
(mine is surfing in tropical weather, watching pelicans fly by, fish jumping, the perfect wave coming for me)

For those who suffer greatly from anxiety, it is strongly advised to stick with more of an Indica or Indica/Sativa cross, until you are able to get your mind in control. Indica promotes more of a heavy body high and limits the thought process, while Sativa is more of a thought process enhancer, which is why most artists use it to bring out their creative side to manifest amazing works of music, film, paint and more. For the record, this website was created and is maintained on mostly Sativa, sometimes a cross, but rarely an Indica, that is mostly for sleep and pain. When you do smoke, don't smoke too much, that will also help. Some of us still live in the past with the mentality that we have to smoke a lot to get high, this is nonsense and can actually lead to lack of motivation and effect other areas of your life. Remember folks, YOU control YOU and NOBODY else. People go through years of counseling and pill addictions to learn these 3 easy steps. It really is this simple, I assure you.

That is all I have for now, thanks for opening up and discussing your issues with us, we are all here to learn and share and tackle these issues together.

Love & respect.

Oh THIS is GOOD!:goodjob:

Thank you:nicethread:
In answer to the opening thread's question. Does MJ help wth anxiety?

Yes. Yes. YES. YES. But you know what's worse? Not having it or being able to get it. That causes the most anxiety. I also find it good for my depression, monopolar, ADD, insomnia, IBS, reflux and pain. I'm so... messed up... that I can't find it and am too anxious to try.


I wish you lived in Colorado. You could walk into a dispensary and pick it up
You know, I never really thought about what type of strains help me best, as the selection in my town is spotty at best. I really like the strains from up north, especially sweet sweet outdoor culti's, like Willy-Jack, XXX, Black Diamond, St. Regis Big Bud, etc... Although I haven't been able to get up north to have any in awhile, I can still distinctly taste and smell each one. I guess I am gonna just have to live with the benzos, an atypical, and an SSRI until our blind and assholic governor pulls his head out of his ass. Thank you all for sharing your stories they help me refill my hope that someday I won't be persecuted for getting relief the best way I can.
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