Anyone know what this is? Help please

When pH is low the plant absorbs too many micronutrients and will have toxicity problems.
This can cause the roots to die back and acidify. Leaves can contort and become crispy.
The opposite is high pH. This would cause a deficiency in a plant as it cannot absorb micronutrients through a soil that is too alkaline.
When pH is low the plant absorbs too many micronutrients and will have toxicity problems.
This can cause the roots to die back and acidify. Leaves can contort and become crispy.
The opposite is high pH. This would cause a deficiency in a plant as it cannot absorb micronutrients through a soil that is too alkaline.
OK thanks. One other question please. What ph do I got for, I've seen sites say between 6.0and6.5, and others saying inbetweet 6.0 and 7.0?
I usually went between 6.3-6.8 when I was in soil. It doesn't have to be the exact same every time. Some growers are very exacting and will only pH at 6.4 or 6.5 and will only bring up the pH to adjust uptake of target nutrients. Some believe that the plant will have no problem with a little variation and will switch it up every watering.
Some don't pH in soil at all. It depends on what type of nutrients you use, soil buffers and the alkalinity of your source water.
I usually went between 6.3-6.8 when I was in soil. It doesn't have to be the exact same every time. Some growers are very exacting and will only pH at 6.4 or 6.5 and will only bring up the pH to adjust uptake of target nutrients. Some believe that the plant will have no problem with a little variation and will switch it up every watering.
Some don't pH in soil at all. It depends on what type of nutrients you use and the alkalinity of your source water.
Yea I didn't ph for first 5 grows but the forts time I did i got a lot beeter yeild. But the 2 grows since have been poor as Im still learning and the last 2 grows I have followed the feeding schedule I wrote down when I got the big yeild. Now I know just start off small nutes and watch the plant lol
If you want to make it simple they make these wonderful tools. really makes everything easy. just remember you have to let it reach the temp of the substrate which requires a few minutes then I always turn it back on and move on bam no mess. I'm also lazy though lol
How much can I get one for?
Are you in the flowering stage? And have you checked your lower leaves and budding areas for whitefly infestation..i grow in soil with same light and that is the only thing i've run being in the soil when i get real way around it. Any bugs?
Are you in the flowering stage? And have you checked your lower leaves and budding areas for whitefly infestation..i grow in soil with same light and that is the only thing i've run being in the soil when i get real way around it. Any bugs?
I checked under lower leaves and couldn't see nothing. And not flowering just yet. I'm sure (hopeful) it is just the pH. Il check leaves again when I'm home. What am I looking for are the white flys noticable?
It looks over watered, plant looks too young to have depleted nutrients from the soil, I like using fabric pots also, helps if you get too carried away when watering.
They been really dry everytime I watered them though. And put a moisture meter down do root and it didn't even read 1
@Virgin ground dont seem to be getting better. These are the lower leaves I took off yesterday. I watered them yesterday that is only the 2nd watering at correct pH (6.5). How long does it take before the problem stops (if it was a ph problem).


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The old leaves aren't going to recover. Too much cellular damage. You will be looking for improvement in the newer growth. It can take a week to see improvement in soil. Is the problem progressing rapidly to new leaves or has it slowed??
Can I get a whole plant pic in natural light??
The old leaves aren't going to recover. Too much cellular damage. You will be looking for improvement in the newer growth. It can take a week to see improvement in soil. Is the problem progressing rapidly to new leaves or has it slowed??
Can I get a whole plant pic in natural light??
I'm sure it has slowed I will know more in next couple days. Il take pic when I home in a couple of hours. Phone flash light be OK yea.
You are close to 30 days out.. focus on the new buds and top of are using artificial light..the plant has now trained itself into flowering and is taking anything and everything of value to your buds. Color change is normal. CAL mag and a bloom fertilizer with a higher nitrogen number would still be my reccomend. My shit turned yellow at the bottom close to being done... no reason to fight it.


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You are close to 30 days out.. focus on the new buds and top of are using artificial light..the plant has now trained itself into flowering and is taking anything and everything of value to your buds. Color change is normal. CAL mag and a bloom fertilizer with a higher nitrogen number would still be my reccomend. My shit turned yellow at the bottom close to being done... no reason to fight it.
Not give em no bloom yet just foliage and cal mag but had problem from start of grow. Plants only 6 week old.
6 weeks? Why are the buds so formed? Didn't you switch back to a longer veg cycle? Clip all that yellow off. Rinse your dirt with a straight 7 ph for like week and a half. Your dirt probably has plenty of nutrients moving foeward if you have tweaked it at all. Hmmmm looks like a strong strain..what do you use to adjust ph when watering? I use baking soda to bring my ph up after fert. Could your issue be something as simple? Keep the new growth green the rest will figure itself out...its weed.
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