AussieBlue's Perpetual Grow Journal: Next Generation

Yeah there everywhere up here. We always take at least a machete with us if I go out. A few growers take rifles. Still have a lot of freebie seeds from attitude that I want to plant and see how they grow outdoors
Worlds smallest plant. Lol. This is the only Doc Holiday seed i got to sprout and its about 2 months old. Repotted it to see if i can reinvigorate it somehow. Got a replacement pack of Doc Holiday seeds coming thanks to Gu~
I have a tree in the garden that is a runt. Planted 3 the same and 2 grew fast and look excellent, the third one is a pathetic looking little thing, so I guess its just a genetic predisposition to not be a big plant
Literally got nothing to do in my garden tonight... feeling empty... withdrawls... tempted to plant some seeds or something but probably dont need them. Hmm... Maybe ill change over my reflector, thats something that i havent done yet. Sick of hitting my head on the flappy one.
I bought one of those automatic air freshener spray things for my house and everytime it sprays the noise scares me. Bloody thing. Guess ill get used to it. First i thought it wasnt working so stared into it trying to see what was going on and sprayed my face. I smell like flowers...
I did the exact same thing in a Toilet in a Pub, I heard the noise and wondered what the hell it was. Spotted a thing on the wall, went over and was looking at it closely and got it square in the eyes ! I came falling out of Toilet with my hands over my face, eyes burning and smelling like a Granny ! The Barman was laughing he said 'airfreshner get you mate ?' I called him a few choice names and went outside to cry in peace. He was still laughing when I came back in !
Looking at the seeds i ordered and im more interested in trying the Critical Sensi Star than the ones i actially paid for. And its from Deicious Seeds that won my heart over with the Candy. Will be a mid next year thing... i want it all now!!
I did the exact same thing in a Toilet in a Pub, I heard the noise and wondered what the hell it was. Spotted a thing on the wall, went over and was looking at it closely and got it square in the eyes ! I came falling out of Toilet with my hands over my face, eyes burning and smelling like a Granny ! The Barman was laughing he said 'airfreshner get you mate ?' I called him a few choice names and went outside to cry in peace. He was still laughing when I came back in !

Hahaha. Classic.
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