Avatar problem


New Member
I tried to change my avatar to a custom avatar but whenever I do it replaces my custom one with some nasty naked chick. My pic is 79x79 pixels and 3.9 kb so it should be fine, what's the deal?
High -cj-,

The image you posted and your current avatar look fine to me (a frogs head with a green background, right?). If you're seeing something different, I would suggest trying a different image because the one you're currently trying to use could be corrupted or you could have a virus.

Let me know if you have any questions. I'm happy to help in any way I can. :blushsmile:
Go to your "User CP" it is up top second in from the right, bottom row. Hit that radio button and w/the drop down, go to "user control panel".
Once there, look on the left and you will see the option to "edit avatar",get in there and then you can scroll down and you will see the option to use one off the net or upload on you already have on your PC...

That ought to about do it... cheers!
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