Baby plants bottom leaves turning yellow - HELP


New Member
Hi guys,

I have these 3 weeks old plants that seem to have a problem that i am not able to identify. I will also mention that i am using BioBizz all mix soil, the plants are outdoor and watered every 2 days when the soil gets dry, and spayed them as well when watering with neem oil.

Please have a look at the below images and let me know if you think you can help me:





Many thanks in advance
She needs some more nitrogen from wha I have seen. :420: does not allow off site image hosting. Use this link to post images: HOW TO POST PICS
Are you feeding any nutes yet?
Usually when the lower leaves start yellowing its a mobile Nitrogen defiency. Meaning the new growth is using alot of N and the old leaves cant supply enough. :)
Thank you for the reply.

I will start feeding them from next week with Bio grow and one week after will add Bio Bloom and Top Max. My only concern was/is not to have an overfed issue before i start adding the nutes.

I will update you after one week or so.

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