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New Member
Wanted to stop in and say hello to everyone. I'm a NooB and dam proud of it lol. I have been trolling 420 for sometime now and decided it was time to say hello.

This is a great community, ton's of knowledge here,, i'm glad to be part of it now. I will try my Noobess not to put anyone asleep and also do research before asking the same questions that most NooB's ask.

I'm Cajun so that's where the CajunCanna comes into play. I'm new to the grow seen and am trying to get up to speed so I can embark on a new journey with you fine people.

Hi CajunCanna,

I know what it's like to be a noob here but this place is really awesome and you'll be at ease in no time.

The real question here is did you bring cake? If so we'll get along great. Please tell me you brought some, no one ever does.

if ya got any questions drop us a line we'll get you off and running!
Let us move this party over to Jane's house! :)
Let us move this party over to Jane's house! :)

I took the vanilla cake out of the oven about 1 hour ago so it's just ready for you all. Come on up! Yes, it is cannacake!

You can't see it but I'm drooling on my keyboard :)
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