gr8fulfor420's First Soil Autoflower Grow Journal - 2014


New Member
Hello fellow 420er's! I am a new member to 420 and after being glued to this site for weeks now I have decided to try my first grow. I am still in the planning stages right now. I will be documenting from set-up and will post pictures as soon as my grow area is cleaned out and I have supplies (mainly seeds) on hand. Should be up and running within a couple weeks hopefully.

Here are my Set-Up plans - I would like to grow 3-4 plants for personal use.
Autoflowering Feminized Seeds: Thinking about trying Northern Lights, KC Brains KC45, Candy Kush
Strain: Indica & Sativa
Germinating in: Solo cups then transferring into final pots when plants reach 2-3" tall, 5-7 days old
Indoor or outdoor: Indoor - Closet with Bi-fold Doors
Soil or Hydro: Soil
Soil mix: Going to try: 1 part Black Gold waterhold cocoblend with 1 part Black Gold Potting Soil Nutrients Additive Free OR Dr. Earth's organic potting soil
What size pot: 3 Gallon plastic pots with drainage holes at the bottom
Lighting: 8 - 23 Watt Daylight CFL's. Each 23 W CFL bulb produces 1600 Lumens 5000K. I'm going to make homemade light fixture using surge protectors and Socket Adapters. I plan on using the 18/6 light schedule
Is it aircooled: I have 1 oscillating fan and 1 duel window fan
Type and strength of ferts used: Going to buy Neptune's Harvest Fish Fertilizer
Water Source: City Water (plan on testing PH levels)

Please feel free to stop by and let me know your thought's! :peace:
My Grow Closet - 2 1/2ft L x 3ft W X 7 1/2ft H - with 1 shelf and 1 hanging bar for lights.
Bi-Fold Doors - 31 Gallon Rubbermaid Tote to help young plants reach light - as the plants get bigger I will/can remove that.

yay i found it!! that is good
but your link no workie...that is bad
anyway nice and fancy grow area ya got there
looks like the game is afoot look forward to your works
good luck and take care
Hello everyone! My apologies for the link - it IS corrected now. Too much ----> :bongrip:
Thanks for the warm welcomes!

cannafan - I've been thinking about that. No built in fans in the closet. I was going to rig my portable fans up inside the closet. I have a bi-fold door - the kind that has vent slats (sorry tough to explain - would be happy to update with pic if needed) I was thinking of knocking a few of those "slats" out towards the top if needed? Do you think that will work? What would you suggest?
Hi gr8fulfor420 :) You do need to exhaust and intake air. I know what you mean on the slat doors, and you probably could knock out some slats to do that. Just keep in mind as you are planning that when you go to the flowering stage you will need a light tight area. No light leaks during the dark time for the plants or they could do wierd things on you, like go hermie.
I'm sure you will figure a way for that, just wanted to be sure to mention the light points.
As far as suggestions on building it to accommodate this, I will leave that to someone who has done a closet build before. LOL
Have a great day and keep em green!:Namaste:
Thanks Cannafan! I'll keep that in mind - I was thinking about exhausting by cutting hole in the floor and running dryer ducting through floor into crawlspace and out one of my windows in the crawlspace. I think I will be ok on the intake air I have planned. I know what you mean about the dark phase - I'm going to line the inside of by door with mylar to keep the outside light out and the darkness in.
Hi gr8fulfor420 :) You do need to exhaust and intake air. I know what you mean on the slat doors, and you probably could knock out some slats to do that. Just keep in mind as you are planning that when you go to the flowering stage you will need a light tight area. No light leaks during the dark time for the plants or they could do wierd things on you, like go hermie.
I'm sure you will figure a way for that, just wanted to be sure to mention the light points.
As far as suggestions on building it to accommodate this, I will leave that to someone who has done a closet build before. LOL
Have a great day and keep em green!:Namaste:
And they said... LET THERE BE LIGHT! A little change in my choice of lighting - hopefully an improvement:
2 — 75watt CFL's - 1200 lumens each 3500K warm lighting
2 — 75watt CFL's — 1300 lumens each 5000K cool lighting


After playing around I was not happy with the socket adapters into the power bar. I can see them working themselves out of the bar and fall on the plants, possible fire hazard. So for now I have them rigged up with zip ties like this:

Hey gff420.A hole in the floor will work for intake but then you have a hole to repair when you out grow your closet.A hole through ceiling would be idea for exhaust,but again you have a hole in the ceiling too now to fix later down the road.I know,I cut hole's all through my closet's and wish I would have never went that far.If I think if were me I would remove door completely and staple some black and white panda film on the inside of the door jam,completely covering the opening.Then you will need a light tight zipper for the opening.Now you have a temporary door that you can put a hole on to and bottom with ease,and you will still have a closet with a door a no hole's in the floor or ceiling.You may be able to hang your panda film door and still leave your door on so it is not such an eye sore.
Hey gff420.A hole in the floor will work for intake but then you have a hole to repair when you out grow your closet.A hole through ceiling would be idea for exhaust,but again you have a hole in the ceiling too now to fix later down the road.I know,I cut hole's all through my closet's and wish I would have never went that far.If I think if were me I would remove door completely and staple some black and white panda film on the inside of the door jam,completely covering the opening.Then you will need a light tight zipper for the opening.Now you have a temporary door that you can put a hole on to and bottom with ease,and you will still have a closet with a door a no hole's in the floor or ceiling.You may be able to hang your panda film door and still leave your door on so it is not such an eye sore.

Thanks Jimmy6000 - I would rather not chop up the house if I don't have to. This could be a great alternative I will def check into it.
Looking good there Gr8ful. Good idea on securing those sockets, the do look like they would work their way out of there.

Also, have you thought of filters for the smell? carbon filter or anything like that? Not sure if you need to worry about that where you are, but it will get rather stinky for awhile. ;-)
Have fun!

MJ is not legal were I live (not yet anyway I'm workin' it). I live in a private residence but smell is still a concern of mine. I don't want people coming in the house getting "punched" in the face, despite the fact I wouldn't mind it. HAHA!

Anyway - Thank You Cannafan & Jimmy6000 for riding along and keeping me on the right path. I really appreciate it. Now - back to research. What a great site! I don't use search engines anymore for info - we have all we need here & seasoned growers helping new growers.
MJ is not legal were I live (not yet anyway I'm workin' it). I live in a private residence but smell is still a concern of mine. I don't want people coming in the house getting "punched" in the face, despite the fact I wouldn't mind it. HAHA!

Anyway - Thank You Cannafan & Jimmy6000 for riding along and keeping me on the right path. I really appreciate it. Now - back to research. What a great site! I don't use search engines anymore for info - we have all we need here & seasoned growers helping new growers.
Glad to help! Anymore, when I do a google search for information on growing I usually get directed right back to 420 magazine to someone's post. LOL
Great place indeed. :thumb:
Off snowmobiling for the weekend. Got some good "bud" :yummy: to share with my buds, have a great weekend everyone! Thanks to the new job I landed today I'll have some extra dough to play with in the "Garden" :yahoo: I can't wait to start my grow, even if it's not epic I know I'll have fun here with you guys. See ya next week! :byebye:
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