BIG Price Drop on Haight Solid State LEDs!

The Lurker

New Member
Hey folks,

I took a look at the HSS website earlier, and noticed that prices have now been lowered significantly! Check this out:

Haight Solid State Price Drop

Unit:     Watts:   Old Price:        New Price:
PPF-400   90       $475 ($5.28/watt) $349 ($3.88/watt)
PPF-800   190      $750 ($3.95/watt) $495 ($2.61/watt)

So, the 190 watt unit is now nearly the same cost as the old price for the 90 watt! Excellent! I've been waiting for these LEDs to crack the $3/watt ceiling, and now, HSS has finally done it.

This compares favorably with the competition, and makes the HSS PPF-800 the cheapest LED on the market now on a $ per watt basis among the quality manufacturers. (These prices include shipping):

LumiGrow ES 330W: $1299 ($3.94/watt)
TI Smartlamp 330W: $1395 ($4.23/watt)

Hydro Grow LED:
63W: $260 ($4.13/watt)
126W: $450 ($3.57/watt)
318W: $1175 ($3.69/watt)
I believe with their 140 degree spread that the HSS light can make an excellent ScrOG or SOG lamp; I just haven't seen anyone try to grow anything but bushes with this yet. Mmmmick or any other scroggers out there - this lamp was built for you!

The 90W unit always seemed too high to me by about $1/watt vs. everyone else; glad prices are starting to come down now. Hope the other manufacturers will soon follow suit!

I for one am glad that there are multiple products in the marketplace, and that people have options. Competition is good, as it serves to improve quality while bringing costs down, which ultimately aids the consumer. Let the free market economy do its thing!


The price dropped because they really don't work well and I'm sure sales have dropped off. HGL's Led units are far superior. I own two and they are every bit as good, if not better, than a high wattage CFL unit or units without the heat issue. HHS units just don't have the correct wavelengths like HGL's units have.

i feel like i kno you from somewhere....

do you have a journal up, so we can see ur progress?

but i digress, i need to get :focus:

its a holiday season sale i guess.. they should definitly see a increase in sales, the LED fans should go nuts for that
I hope they all drop in price and stay dropped.:popcorn:

Like the first cell service that offered free long distance. Once the cat was out of the bag, everybody had to follow suit.

I've been following LEDs for awhile, but in a different area and once everything was worked out, prices dropped dramatically.

It seems that everything is just about tweaked right now, with LEDs in the correct nm and balances of each.

Now, which manufacturer will be happy with a 20% profit and sell lots of units rather than a 200% markup?

Face it, even at the low low sale price they are still making money and it's a more realistic price for what it is.

I saw that just raised their prices on their site just slightly. They must have realized just how low they were selling them... Not all bad though, they are still they cheapest price that I could find online.

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