Blue Dream clone help


420 Member
Hey all so I have been growing this young lady for about 2 months now and I'm trying to push her to flower with a 24/0 schedule for the past 2 weeks and I came home from work to find her like this, any advice? I'm not seeing much in the way of stretching or budding and she seems like to be going limp also


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Well, the good news is that she is flowering. That mess that you see at the ends of the growth tips are the buds that will eventually fatten and turn into what you want to see...
But... you have a very sick plant. I suspect that you have overwatered this baby and now she is suffering because of it. Do you wait for the container to be bone dry before you water? Are there drainage holes in the bottom of that container, and do you water to runoff each time? I see the blue liquid in that 3rd picture... are you feeding nutes to this plant and if so, are you adjusting the pH of all of your fluids hitting that soil? Speaking of soil... what is that soil you have half filled that container with? She might need some more room in there too, and I would consider lifting her up and throwing some fresh new soil underneath her so as to lift her up and give her roots a bit more room.
I do wait until the soil is bone dry and she gives off a faint smell. I use fox farm ocean mix for my soil and she is doing much better with her light back on. The small container was where she started I just haven't gotten around to dumping it and starting another grow. There are not drainage holes so i'll be doing a full soil swap soon and I use 0 PH water with flora grow nutes. Hope that helps! I think she just needed a little light.


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I do wait until the soil is bone dry and she gives off a faint smell. I use fox farm ocean mix for my soil and she is doing much better with her light back on. The small container was where she started I just haven't gotten around to dumping it and starting another grow. There are not drainage holes so i'll be doing a full soil swap soon and I use 0 PH water with flora grow nutes. Hope that helps! I think she just needed a little light.
Well, with no hesitation I will tell you that she absolutely needs drainage holes in the bottom of any container she is in. A full soil swap sounds very stressful to the roots... and I don't recommend it. Fix the container and add some more soil [half a container] and let her grow some new roots down to the bottom.
Make sure that you didnt get the hydroponic version of flora nutes, but if you dont get a way to check your pH and adjust it up and down you might as well not give any nutes. They are not going to work correctly without making sure that all of your fluids from then on are adjusted to the 6.3-6.8 pH range.
So I know you say you wait for the soil to be bone dry, but looking at your plant, I find it hard to believe that you mean the same thing that I mean. Without holes in the bottom to allow runoff, I am pretty sure looking at your pictures that you have water pooling in the bottom of that container. Stale nasty water, and you are drowning your roots with it. This is a weed, and to grow a weed properly, you must allow that soil to dry all the way down to the bottom roots, between each watering. Checking the surface or even sticking your finger down into the soil can NOT tell you what you need to know about when to water... the important place to check is that last inch of the container. Lift the container up... if you can feel ANY water weight, it is not time to water. Stick a moisture probe in there and see where the water table line is... if it is above that last inch, it is not time to water.
You can save this plant and get a decent harvest out of her. But you need to fix this problem now before it gets worse. Fill that container up with fresh soil underneath her and practice proper watering... it won't take long for her to spring back and look happy all the time.
That makes sense, I dont know why I said 0 PH water last night, I meant a PH of 7 haha. I lifted her up and added soil underneath of her like you suggested. While I was doing that I noticed her root network is really dense and takes up most of the pot, should I be thinking about upgrading her pot size? Also is there a way I can train her to start growing out vs up?
That makes sense, I dont know why I said 0 PH water last night, I meant a PH of 7 haha. I lifted her up and added soil underneath of her like you suggested. While I was doing that I noticed her root network is really dense and takes up most of the pot, should I be thinking about upgrading her pot size? Also is there a way I can train her to start growing out vs up?
Yes, you can start trimming her growth tips which will then cause two growth tips at each topping site. This will expand out the plant horizontally. Her root network being so dense in that half a tub of soil was the cause of your troubles... she was rootbound. Putting that new fresh soil in below her will give her some more room to grow into and avoid the need to uppot immediately... why not use your present perfectly good container for a bit longer? Give her another week or two to grow into this new soil, and to start using up all the water you can give her on a proper watering in 24 hours or less. Then you will know that she needs to be in a bigger container, without having to rely on her getting sick again to tell you.
Please read my How to Water Properly paper and learn what I mean by proper watering... waiting to go bone dry all the way to the bottom and then water that soil so as to hold as much water as you can get it to hold. That and putting drainage holes in the bottom of that container will do wonders to get this plant back on track.
Hey all so I have been growing this young lady for about 2 months now and I'm trying to push her to flower with a 24/0 schedule for the past 2 weeks and I came home from work to find her like this, any advice? I'm not seeing much in the way of stretching or budding and she seems like to be going limp also

24/0??? Flowering plants need a 12/12 light schedule or something similar. If 24/0 is your light time then all you need to do is cut the lights back to 12/12. You still have plant problems though. Unless the 24/0 means dark time then that might explain the light colored leaves at top.

It does look like over watering. That is the main cause of yellowing leaves like you have. When plants get so waterlogged that problems start to show. Their water intake will really slow. You need to check the soil from the top and the bottom if you can. The top may be completely dry and there still be soaked soil at the very bottom of the pot. you may want to wait tell the plant wilts before watering a couple times. Wilting will not hurt a plant and is the best indicator for when to water.
Yes change to a 12 hrs on 12 hrs off light schedule for flowering. They should start to flowering in a week or so. If the plants are going to stretch they will do it over the next 3 weeks.
So just updating the thread she still seems a bit off. Most of her bigger single sets of leaves are wilting and feel very dry, she has started to give off an aroma and it looks like her buds are formin


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Looking good. The new growth is pretty light colored. Be sure you are not overwatering. I am not saying you are. It might be something you may want to watch. Really light colored tops is a sign of that. It could also just be new growth that has no got its color yet. Some strains will do it. Just figured I would mention it.
No not like that. As aplant ages some lower fans leaves can yellow and die over time. They shouldn't dry while green. You have some issues going on. The leaves that are folded around themselves look like overfeeding. While the others look like it might be a deficiencies. Looks like the same size pot. did you repot it?
That will work but it really should have been moved to a lot bigger plant. They need to grow outward as much as down. I usually double the size of the pot when re-potting. Ie: from 1 gallon to 2 gallon and so on. You could go more if you want but 1 gallon up is a little as you should go. The plants will double in size during flower in most cases The root ball will do the same thing.

As old as that plant is it is going to be root bound by the time it finishes. While it is not the opportune time you may want to repot to a larger pot. What you lose from the stress of repotting will be made up by a healthier plant. It is fine if your plants become root bound at the end. If that happens too early in flower it is only going to cause more problems.

Once you have repotted then you can start working on the wilting thing. You will be able to see the roots and what is going on inside the pot. It might give you a clue. If not you are in a new pot with fresh soil and can start anew.

Probably not what you want to hear but that is my best suggestion. Others may have better ideas.
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