BlueChem Test Grow

Damn I germ all my beans of BlueChem but I have couple cuttings what will
veg to till May 2010 ... if they die 50$ for 12 beans is not so much, however Im in love with BlueChem :grinjoint:

I infect all cuttings and veg plants with that BlueChem outdoor cuts...caterpilars.
But there is XenTari ... I spray all plants outside + bushes around + cuttings + my self for prevent LOL

You mean this the ones that hide in your buts at daylight.
And spraying yourself? Scared they hide in your pants? :laugh::laugh::laugh:


And I don't know about the price, firts they have to prove themself whit a good end. :smokin:

Update week 7

Nothing special,weather could be better,looks like the plants don't care .






Hope to tell you more about the sex next week.

Hey SnsieNL they looks wonderful !! really wonderful !
Im impressed with this strain too, cant wait harevest :bongrip:

WOW yes for gos sake I must spraying myself ! hahaa
Im man and I dont like caterpillars in my pants ... wow it already hurts :D
@outdoormaster : Thx, can't wait too:ganjamon:

Update week 8

Was A very hot sunny week.
I gave them some extra soil(garden), it was needed.



I saw the first sex signs and two are female for sure.
They still looks happy and green,...




See you next week:Rasta:
your last plant is lookin a beast, should get a nice harvest from her. hope things keep going well for ya.
Yes greenmonkey, she a beauty it's my favorite.
Thx koregon, flowering is started. :cheer:

Update week 9

Good and "bad" news.
All four female and they smell like hell.
I had to make a decision because of that, I don't want complains so I moved 2 plants to an other outdoor location, to be sure.
I have to admit that it was hard , but I know they are in safe hands.
Forgot to take pics,... next visit I won't forget.

Here are the pics of the 2 Close to home.
They doing great,.....








Not bad female / male ratio
4 fem of 4 seeds LOL

Yea I know what you talking about, they already smell on dangerous hahaha
My BlueChem are in flowering too and looks fantastic.

Hope that another person will be happy with that BOMB hehehe
But really, your bushy pheno looks very special ... you will take cut of that plant ?
Hhaha,.. lucky me.:cheer:

The other perons where very happy whit the plants.
This year is there third grow and they had 3 beautiful males.
They are really happy whit the new ones, but they have no idea what they have. Only told them that they are very very special.;)

I don't cut, cuttings always dies when i do that, don't know what that is whit me. :hmmmm:
But if you know somebody who wants a cut to safe that plant genectics and I can trust let me know.
Update week 10

Sh*t Sh*t Sh*t I Need glasses.:geek:
Last week I said 4 females....lucky me..No No. 2 Females and 2 Males.
One guess which one I have..... Arghhhh...This sucks

They look good for a male, but this wasn't what I had in mind.
Don't know what to do at this moment,... let you know next week.

Here the pics of 2 healthy males







huh to bad news SnsieNL but that branchy pheno looks amazing for male
thats very good boy to made next generation

so you have 2 males but 2 female you give away ? huh ...

im waiting for update ... must see whats gona happend there.
My bluechem will made about 500rgams...looks like 500gr plant.
so you have 2 males but 2 female you give away ? huh ...

Yes, I thought it where females for sure because my other
male outdoor plants (sant maria's,WW, top44) flowered for 3 weeks.
This strain is later than the other strains i work whit.

I talked to my friends and we made a deal, but that's for the next update this weekend.

but that branchy pheno looks amazing for male
thats very good boy to made next generation

I know, I Let him life because of that
he's building his flowers really fast



And don't forget the other male he looks good too

My bluechem will made about 500rgams

Wow,500 grams sounds good outdoOrmaster, that's what we all want ,can't wait to see your big beast at her end.​
Update week 11

(lil late,internet was down)

Plan for this weekend was to bring one plant back.
But we had to drive at least 5 hours whit all the traffic problems that day.
We where not in the mood for that. So new plan, One plant is coming back end of this week. We are gonna finish this grow togheter. It's new for them to showpic's and they need a lil intructions, they send me some pics and this three arethe best so far. There camera is so much better.




Any way next update we are back on two different locations, garden and balcony.


I had a Problem whit the location owner Last week .
They males smell so good that she want to keep them.

It took a long time to agree but we have a solution

Creative Solution, bouquets whit males.

Now i can bring one back and finish this report​

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