Bong Across Boarders


New Member
OK, I ordered a bong from and I've been thinking...
Will customs confiscate it?
It's coming from Canada...
Anyone with any experiance please respond.
I came back into the U.S. from Canada once with a few friends. We had all purchased pipes in Canada were bringing them back into the good old U.S. but the border bitches told us to park in the "garage" so they could search the vehicle. One of my friends told them we had pipes so that is why they decided to search us. They took our pipes and broke them, actually my friend broke them, they tore my car apart and made us put it back together. The border bitches are bitches man. But if your ordering it then I dont see any problem with that. Good Luck.
I've gotten pipes from overseas. They came reported as "furniture grips", and there was no delay at customs (even though they knew it was a pipe).
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