

New Member
I have quite a few mj books. I will give names as soon as I catch up with other chores that need to be done. I will even give pros and cons.
sweet, each book can now be reviewed from everyone as they comment on each thread...

i have about 25 books here, all sent to me by the authors, but have yet to crack any of them, to be honest... with answering 420 emails a day and editing forums, news, etc, the last thing i have time for is reading a book... HOWEVER, now i can post the books here with links and props to the authors... what a nice addition this forum is.
i thank you for the offer, but these were sent to me by the authors and hold a very special value to me... i need someone local to do these reviews so they can take one book, read and review, then return and grab another... i am surrounded by my industry now, so it won't be tough...
so i can get another marijuana charge?
no way, never again...
if i had come here 4 years ago, when i wanted to, instead of wasting my time in florida, we would have been on the news stands by now, blowing away the competition... just a matter of time now...;)
This one heres a great one!!! Very informative good pest and nutrient difficency pics to counter problems.
I am still young and only 21 but I've spent some time at Barnes and Nobles chillin there reading.

The book that I have here is one that I read Over and Over and Over and I love it. It explains and shows you how to set up different types of Hydro Set-ups, Indoor, OutDoor Techniques.

The book is titled " Marijuana / Grower's Handbook - The Indoor High Yield Guide by Ed Rosenthal " the back says $19.99 but they had a special so I picked it up. The book has 290 pages and I have read just about every single page over and over.

I smoke every other day when I can. And I want to start growing soon. Not really sure on what. But I have a small little collection ( 8seeds ) from bags I've bought in the past.
Anyone have the book "Sensemilla" ? It's not a "how to " kind of book but a very nice pictorial , with beautiful color photos. Also it's pretty old. I did a search on Amazon for it but to no avail.
Hi All, I recently got some really cool "Vintage" grow books from the 1970's that are still informative & has either photos or drawings in them: Primo Plant, Growing Sinsemilla Marijuana by "Mountain Girl" (1977), The Connoisseur's Handbook Of Marijuana by William Daniel Drake Jr. (1971 - 1973), & The Complete Guide To Growing Marijuana (copyright 1969!!) by Dave Fleming of Pacific Beach, CA (20th printing 1977) at Peace Press, Los Angeles, CA
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