Breeders fourm


New Member
I have searched on breeding and found very little info in any single forum. I am interested in info on not just the breeding of new strains but the history of where our current meds. Originated. For instance Afghni is it a kush a genetic defect or what. They both are from the same region are they cousins.
Only breed from really good genetics otherwise you are trying to reinvent the wheel when they have been doing the good work for you.

For example. I have a proven (African X Kush) X (Blueberry X AK47) mother. I have been looking to breed a clone of her and recently came across the perfect male, DURBAN POISON, or so I thought.

What I got was F1's that with 2 phenotypes.... 1 group was extremely tall and the other group was stocky but seemed to be slow growing (took 17 weeks to flower complete) The potency was there but who wants to wait that long.

I like the seed bank sites that allow you to look up all the strains out on the market.

Good luck.
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