Broke An Herbal Goods Vaporizer Whip! Help


New Member
Hi guys I wasn't paying attention and I let my vaporizer whip wobble out and smash on a slightly lower table. It had done it before and been fine, I think it was just finally getting really brittle anyways.

Where do you guys think I can buy a new whip for a fair price!?
I vape like 3 or 4 times a day. I can't go without this.

I hope someone knows something
My local headshop sells vape whips. Maybe yours does too. :peace:
Thanks guys, I actually got a quick response from the person I was told to E-mail by the warranty sheet. He said he could sell me a new whip for $20 + 5 dollars for shipping. Is that a fair price?

Normally I would be game for going to Providence to go get a new whip but since gas is so expensive it might actually be cheaper to just spend $25. It takes me like 40 minutes of driving, 1:20 both ways. Its a high speed drive and it definitely chugs gas. I'm getting my monthly hook up tomorrow and I just got $50 membership to a gym so I'm running lowwww on cash.

Which do you guys think I should do?
I'll second the SSV suggestion. They make high quality whips at a great price ($16) and if you call them (Toll Free: 1-866-835-6418) and tell them the diameter of your heater tube/cover, they'll make sure they send you one that fits your vape. The screen is really easy to change on an SSV whip. It can be a real chore with a lot of 'em.

If you have a hands free connection (ground glass) and can get a replacement for $25, I'd go with that.
ehh I went to the headshop and bought the whip for $30 because I couldn't wait. I had it set aside and it was in wrapping wait for me. When I got home i opened it and it wasn't the right build. It goes from the opening and tapers, rather than gradually getting wide. It didn't fit quite right. So since I really don't want to go back to RH, gas & time wise its not worth it to me. My cash flow is high enough to absorb it.

So yeah I was thinking about getting a whip through the other guy. What concerns me is it very legit. I want to buy it only so I know its safe. Does anyone know a good website I could get the whip from? I don't want to get ripped off.

let me know
again, $25 sounds like your best bet.

you keep trying to save a buck and be impatient and it will cost you a lot more.

always stick to the original vendor to avoid any issues like what you just went through.

that's my 2 cents.
not being able to vape for the past 4 days would have been worse than a $30 loss in my book. Live and learn though. I just don't feel comfortable sending money to an guy with an E-mail adress. I want to use a website and whatnot. I've lost money doing stupid crap like that before too.
just came acroos this post. hubby had a lot of problems dropping the stupid lass things on our tile floor where he sits. then we met a guy on maui who does glass blowing and he made a few for him just the way he wanted. the glass is thicker than the ones we got with our vapordoc. problem is that htis guy moved away and we are gonna try to find another glass blower on maui.
Ebay guys and can get them for around 8 bucks. i grabbed 4 of them for under 25 usd. with shipping. They were 2 for 12 with free ship. I'm the same way with my tile floor, so stocked up.
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