Bubble hash and butter

Hi! Welcome to :420:

There was a lot of discussion about that... I think the threads should be in here
Hash, Kief & Concentrates - 420 Magazine

I don't think you would make oil with bubble.. Well, you COULD, but you would usually use buds. If you do not like the idea of using butane to use for making honey oil, this process was posted by one of our Mods
Cannabis Oil Making Tutorial Using Safe Countertop Distiller & Froz Alcohol

Thats the extraction I intend to use anyway...

I think that the butter stuff is made from "whipping" the honey oil?
Who knows?!

But seriously, welcome to the site! The more the merrier :)

EDIT, I realized your probably talking about cooking it into either butter or oil... Hahaha!
Good times.

Well, you should be able to use a fairly small quantity.. It really depends on what yuo are to make, I've never had enough keif or hash at any one time to make anything. But there is a little information on cooking with those... Pretty much like you would use buds. You probably do not have to cook it into the butter or oil as long. And honestly, I wouldn't strain it if it was just trich's entering the solvent.

Cannabis Edibles

I think you will like this site if you just found it. Lots of good people, great information..
It's like a little home away on the internet.
Thanx THsea, for putting on the right track, there IS alot of info on here. As for the bubble hash butter I'm trying some experiments with edibles, my father and I are card holders in Maine, he has a hard time smoking and the despencry is so far away with limited edibles, I'm a chef of 17 years and never realy cooked with marijuana, the work season is getting over and I have a lot of time and hash on my hands. Thanx again.
Please post recipes as you go Toecuttah. It's always nice to see what folks come up with and if you're using hash, I'm sure they'll be some fire edibles. Hope you find something that works for you and your father.
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