can i fix her?


New Member
after 10 days, and looking healthy up untill the 7th day, im left with this.


same plant.

whats wrong with it? is there any hope?

it cant be fert burn, it is in organic soil and no ferts have been used. im worried that i am going to have to start back at day 1. if it was over watering the leaves would be droopy. help, please. :thanks:
What are your high temps and what type of light,how close was the light to the plant? It's not looking good, there is a little green left so there may be a ray of light, it's up to you if you want to try to nurse it back. It would probably be faster to scrap that one and plant a new one..
Now, if I was you I would start over, you are looking at weeks to nurse it back if not more and that's if it will even come back.
What are your high temps and what type of light,how close was the light to the plant? It's not looking good, there is a little green left so there may be a ray of light, it's up to you if you want to try to nurse it back. It would probably be faster to scrap that one and plant a new one..
Now, if I was you I would start over, you are looking at weeks to nurse it back if not more and that's if it will even come back.

Yeah I agree. Start over and you only lose a seed and a couple days max. But lets try to figure out what happened so we don't see a repeat failure.
exactly! i dont want it to happen again.
i am using 2 daylight 24watt cfls could use 2 soft whites but that is pointless in veg they are under them from 7pm to 7am where they are under good old natural sunlight untill 7pm. max temp is around 80*F and the low is around 72*

i think what messed it up was the soil was packed kinda tight and retarded root growth, that paired with waking up to a almost toasty plant, screwed it over. this is my second plant lost though, it looked the same. the first one didnt have a drought or tight soil. it had very small node leaves while this one had a weird spot in one that killed the leaf and the other was small.

that is all negitive that i can think of. what could have done it? or do i just have a brown thumb (brown like death, not like shit) :p
I had black spots on my plants, and i found that it was from over watering. your leaves look burned. that could mean:
your lights are too intense/close: are they grow lights ?
your water might have too much acid. Do you have a litmus test?
they could be dehydrated. how often do you water them?
I say start over, but try to keep these alive...we might learn something.
Temp is a bit warm but not an issue.
Those are low Lumens they wont do that.
Humidty wont cause that either.
chlorine is not good for plants. Let the water sit out for a couple of days or get a RO filter or just buy spring water/distilled water.
That thing just looks burned... Maybe from going back and forth from cfl to the sun. No, there is not a free way to test for ph, there are cheaper ways then other. You said you used organic soil, was this out of a bag or did you make it yourself? If it was store bought what brand is it? I still think it was the cfl/sun back and forth....
There is no competing with the sun, but not all of us can use it. I see people goig back and forth with no problems.. So did you start the seed in the sun or under lights? if you started it under the cfls for a little bit then moved it into the sunlight without slowly getting used to it . the sun will burn the hell out of it.
Did you change anything from the first plant you tried ( said they did the same thing) and this one?
Was this a slow process or did you wake up and all of a sudden it looked like that. I think if it was a PH problem, you would have had signs that would have showed up before it came to this...
nothing really, but if i start with the sun will it be better, instead of with the lights? or will it burn just the same? i want it to get as much light as possible, but death isnt good. the new ones i started are going to be outside as soon as it gets warm enough at night to not frost. so i dont want them to see the sun and react like a vampire lol. how do i slowly get it used to the sun?
i got a ph test for $7.50. I keep all of my lights 18"-24" away from the plants. I water when the soil/rockwool is feeling kinda dry (still some moisture, but mostly dry)
exactly! i dont want it to happen again.
i am using 2 daylight 24watt cfls could use 2 soft whites but that is pointless in veg they are under them from 7pm to 7am where they are under good old natural sunlight untill 7pm. max temp is around 80*F and the low is around 72*

i think what messed it up was the soil was packed kinda tight and retarded root growth, that paired with waking up to a almost toasty plant, screwed it over. this is my second plant lost though, it looked the same. the first one didnt have a drought or tight soil. it had very small node leaves while this one had a weird spot in one that killed the leaf and the other was small.

that is all negitive that i can think of. what could have done it? or do i just have a brown thumb (brown like death, not like shit) :p

if your going to be running your temps like that with that amount of exposure, i think its would be a good idea to get a humidifier. that way if its too hot the moisture in the air will save your plants from becoming scorched. less stress on your part!! And definitely get ph tester!! Very helpful!!!
i think the humidity was good... look at it before it ate shit.

it wasnt sick, just slow. thats it at 6 days

so it is either, the ph (i have some lime i could mix with it), the water (city chlorine shit), and the switching between sun and lights.

i can fix this by, testing the ph and acting accordingly, using distilled water or spring (guessing spring would be better because of the minerals in it), and somehow easing it into the sun. how do i ease it into the sun?

1 went into soil today after cracking last night (lowryder) and 2 went in soil yesterday (free seeds i am calling "mystery snickerfritz" lol)

oh, another question. when they sprout and the seed is still stuck to them what do you do? just let it fall off naturally?

thanks so much guys, i am thinking about starting a lowryder journal... seem to only be lr#2 grows and hydro grows. ill figure it out after it pops up.
I can help narrow it down to two things, the sun cooked it or the pH is way off.

Don't attempt to correct the pH if you have no idea what it is currently. Chlorine will also effect the pH of the water and therefore the pH of the soil as well. Buy a soil pH test kit, they are cheap. 6.2 to 6.5 is optimal.

This plant was still a seedling. Direct sunlight for extended periods could have burnt it, especially if the soil was dry. We consider a plant to be established at about 2 weeks of age. This is when you can start feeding them and giving them a dose of sunlight. However, moving the plant back and forth indoors and outdoors is a hassle and could be stressing the plant more then it is worth due to differing climates or exposure to insects outdoors.

Also, unless you are starting from 12/12 (some people do) you need to be using an 18/6, 20/4, or 24/0 (light/dark) schedule for vegative growth. If there is one thing plants hate it is an inconsistent light cycle, which moving indoors/outdoors also contributes to greatly.

Normally you can let the seed casing fall off naturally. You can use a fingernail or tweezers to remove it, but this must be done carefully to avoid damaging the cotyledons.

...I keep all of my lights 18"-24" away from the plants...

But I take it you are using HID lights. This is much to far away for CFL's. :peace:
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