Canadian Weed Smoker!


New Member
I am new on here, just thought that I would say hello to y'all and thought it would be nice to join a message board that I could relate to!
Take care ! :cool:
Yo, always good to see another cannabian, cheers:peace:
:hmmmm: I'm not canadian........But here goes ..........OH CANADA !............:hmmmm: something .....something .......:hmmmm: .........sure wish I knew the words to that song ........and welcome to the forums .....:smokin:
The ganj in Whitby is pretty good I guess...I'd rather be smoking BC buds but well you know...I get it from TO so it's alright. :joint:
BongMan said:
I need to become a Canuck!!

LMAO I'm trying to convince the wife we need to become Canadian's, lol...:bong:
What's the weed like in the States anyways?? Do most of you grow yourself or grab off someone?
London, eh? One of my gf's is going to school there actually. Very cool.
Yeah the leafs, the jays, and especially the raptors FUCKING SUCK.
Downtown Toronto is fine, mostly due to all of the enticingly cheap and abundant cuisine. The suburbs of Toronto are mindnumbingly boring and pretty much are all indentical
Ya same here Betty_Burnout...I only go to TO for concerts or for my nightschool classes. I can do the same shit here that I would do down there. Although there is this really cool place called The Hotbox, and it's a cafe where you can smoke buddha and they have burlesque shows. Pretty cool actually.:smokin:
Toronto's been powerfully bitter since they missed out on 08 and Vancouver (yeah!) got the 2010 games. Fucking TO is soooooooo jelous.
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