Cannabis and Pregnancy

Re: Marijuana and pregnancy

Hello, I am very certain of this information. Smoking any smoke causes vaso constriction everywhere, this includes the blood flow to the placenta. The fetus is receiving as well as things that pass in the placental into the the fetus. But the blood flow is lessened. Like say you give your plants half nutrients they may survive, but may not be in ideal physical condition.. And drug screens are routinely done on babies that have impairments at birth. This information is given to Child Protective Services (At least here in this state it is.) A red flag will be placed and consequences can be removal of the child, at worst, Or taking parental classes at best. This is only if it was detected in the baby. The potential damage to the fetus is a big enough risk that it would be prudent for one to quit using any sustance such as caffiene, alcohol, tobacco, and illegal substances that have proven to cause birth defects. You ultimately make the choice for yourself, you are the one who is pregnant and must protect your baby all you can or not.
Good luck to you and take care.
I seriously wouldn't risk it just lay off the weed while pregnant with a little one.
BTW, I realize you are pretty far along and have prolly came to your conclusion but to all the other future mothers reading this. This is my thoughts on the matter. I smoked the entire time I was pregnant with my first and he is happy, healthy and smart. I am currently 8 weeks along with my second child and I do not plan on quitng with this one. I would not recommend eating it in foods and stuff because your child does eat what you eat but he/she is not breathing and will not breath until you deliver. Therefore, you should be all set. Good luck hope everything

One other thing you might want to learn is whether the hospital will drug test your infant at birth. Also check to see if child protection laws require your doctor to report if the baby tests positive for mj.

WOW!!! Do medical facilities drug test new infants?!?!
Wow... glad my chillins are born and raised!
Don't get me wrong... I wouldn't be one bit surprised... it just seems real intrusive.

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