Cannabis Club Menu

SptyOty said:
Nope,havent seen any of it since the majority of the clubs in Oaksterdam got shut down. One of the clubs in Hayward sells a strain just called 'Goo' and it looks relatively similiar but I cant say for sure if its the same stuff.

Where the fuck have you been Mr. Spty? Speaking of goo, got some last week in Berkeley.. something and afghani goo.. non-functional to be sure.

Yeah, I was in Oakland last week getting my permit renewed and I noticed a club I frequented had shut down.. what's up with that? :hmmmm:
yeah spty i heard of goo.. it sounds nice. have fun in San Deigo. glad to seee you around

Thanks man, trying to enjoy my time down here, dont get to the computer very often anymore, but I try to stay in touch with my fellow 420timer's as often as possible.

Where the fuck have you been Mr. Spty? Speaking of goo, got some last week in Berkeley.. something and afghani goo.. non-functional to be sure.

Yeah, I was in Oakland last week getting my permit renewed and I noticed a club I frequented had shut down.. what's up with that?

Moved down here to the San Diego area back on Sept 1 and dont have access to the internet very often.

As for the clubs closing down, I'm not sure about all of them, do you remember the name of it? I know one or two were shut down due to tax evasion problems or something like that, and a couple more because they were located too close to schools, and I think a few more because of the law in Oakland requiring no more then 4 clubs in the city or something like that. Good to see you around as well Mr. Pinch
Well shit the bed Martha. San Diego? Just got back from there last night.

Was down for my daughter's b-day.

What are you doing down there? :hmmmm:
Pinch said:
Well shit the bed Martha. San Diego? Just got back from there last night.
What are you doing down there?

Yup, San Diego, I'm actually in El Cajon, about 15 miles outside SD, and I moved down here for school (point loma of nazarene has a good teaching program) and my father is going to be retiring back to mexico shortly so I wanted to live near him and spend some time with him before he does.

But fear not, I plan on moving back up to the Bay Area (east bay more specifically) within about 2 years.
SmokeyMacPot said:
Yeah stay up sptyoty. Go to Rosarito and get some bomb ass lobster. Take care man.

Hah, its funny you mention that. My dad has lived down here for the past 6 years and everytime I came to visit we'd make a trip down to Rosarito and swoop up on some GRUBBIN lobster, and I've already made 3 trips down there in the past month and a half haha. Soooo fucking good!
Sounds good man, looking forward to hearing from you in the future.
You guys are so lucky to know what ur smoking,i normally just get nugs or sometimes middies but it is rare to know from which strain it has come from so for me it is usually hit or miss.Sometimes its a one hit wonder and taste great and sometimes its just hard to get high and taste harsh.But i live a private life when it comes to weed so i dont know any conesoirs.I did grow some but they weren't f1s.I finally ordered two strains and im waiting for them to come in.white widow and ice from nirvana.i'll tell u all how it turns out in 4 to 5 monthes
Man that is a great lookin list. Blueberry Kush and Shiska Berry sound really nice and I wish I could have a chance to try one of these days
I know this is an old thread, but I'd love to know if the clubs still offer a list like this.. If so, someone should scan it and post it, it would definitely be interesting and useful tools for medical marijuana users when selecting what strain best suits their needs!
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