Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Do you notice the changes after he smokes? Amazing how stubborn people can be. I couldn't imagine how he would opt for that kind of treatment again. I don't even trust their test results, sorry. I hear this more and more now "you will die from cancer". This message is loud and clear, chemo/radiation isn't as effective as the Oncologist once thought. This is being discussed more and more throughout the medical field. wildjim just posted a link that a big pharmie is trying to patient the oil now. Where is their scientific evidence they have been seeking? Oh yea, I forgot, the evidence was destroyed years ago, possibly on the same shelf as the 70 mph carburetor? These pharmies need to go away. Its in black and white, the biggest death rate is due to overdosing on man made drugs. Yet they stay clear of these stats.

Hope the very best for you fsc and your Husband.

Thanks, Yes I have been busy. My step son visited which was great. And I am getting everything ready for winter. There is a novel I want to read but don't dare check it out of library yet because I have too much to do. Right now I am getting nervous about the scan that is scheduled. He has not had one since March and I am really nervous. Only 1% of patients with his dx stay with clean scans. Of course those stats do not take RSO into account. :) I can still hear the words of his radiation oncologist. "This cancer is what you are going to die from." I am also scared that hubby will chose more chemo if something is on the scan.

I am trying to keep my mind off it and stay positive but it is hard because the positive effects of the oil for hubby seem to come and go. I won't have other strains ready to try for him for a few months. And He still won't give up smoking weed during the day. Anyway, I still stand ready to make a roadtrip if the scan comes back bad.
I will pay closer attention to the effects after he smokes. He does his hitters all the time though. Pretty much from the time he wakes up till he goes to bed, He is a very stubborn red head!! I understand the outcome of additional chemo. I really don't think he would survive it. But he is afraid not to take more if his cancer comes back. Which is totally opposite of the way he has lived his whole life. He never went to a doc unless it was true emergency. He hated docs. We really need this scan to come back clean so that he does not get the chance to make that decision. I am glad the medical field is starting to take notice but it is not fast enough for my husband and his cancer.

He is feeling better today and is more energetic. It comes and goes.
Thank You FSM! Now I understand. Yes, our doctor here is great in spirit and knowledge. Doctor of the year I would say.

I understand your stress about the husband, we are in a similar situation, finding this morning, that side-lumps still grow. However when the amount of the medicine-oil comes high enough in the body, the process will change in a favourable direction. This is how we look on things, along with the trust in RSO and Lord. And the regiment recommended by Mr. Motoco.

Keep strong, tbt

Thank you for your response. I feel you and your wife's pain also. It is a hard road to travel and yes faith makes it easier. Motoco is a god send. That I have no doubt. Bless you and you stay strong as well.
Comes and goes? It should be very consistent if the oil is consistent. It seems as if there is some blockage perhaps? Blood clot? Remember not to long ago the cut on the leg. Just thinking out loud. As mentioned also, make sure of the correct tack, his smoking. Any man-made meds? Blood pressure, pain, sleeping pills? Just checking to find resolve. We do not want any passing out, falling down.

Darn stubborn red head. lol Does he at least vaporize the pot? I knew a guy who smokes 18 joints a day and cannot understand what the heck I'm talking about an 'alert wellness feeling'. hmmmm

You done so much and came so far fsc. Truly amazing. Now if you could just get some cooperation, right?

Mo and I say Hi and keep on keeping on.

I will pay closer attention to the effects after he smokes. He does his hitters all the time though. Pretty much from the time he wakes up till he goes to bed, He is a very stubborn red head!! I understand the outcome of additional chemo. I really don't think he would survive it. But he is afraid not to take more if his cancer comes back. Which is totally opposite of the way he has lived his whole life. He never went to a doc unless it was true emergency. He hated docs. We really need this scan to come back clean so that he does not get the chance to make that decision. I am glad the medical field is starting to take notice but it is not fast enough for my husband and his cancer.

He is feeling better today and is more energetic. It comes and goes.
Comes and goes? It should be very consistent if the oil is consistent. It seems as if there is some blockage perhaps? Blood clot? Remember not to long ago the cut on the leg. Just thinking out loud. As mentioned also, make sure of the correct tack, his smoking. Any man-made meds? Blood pressure, pain, sleeping pills? Just checking to find resolve. We do not want any passing out, falling down.

Darn stubborn red head. lol Does he at least vaporize the pot? I knew a guy who smokes 18 joints a day and cannot understand what the heck I'm talking about an 'alert wellness feeling'. hmmmm

You done so much and came so far fsc. Truly amazing. Now if you could just get some cooperation, right?

Mo and I say Hi and keep on keeping on.

He does not vape. He hates vaping. The meds he is on is decadron, coumidin, oxycodone and xanax. He usually only takes the oxy once a day in the morning. He use to take it up to 3 times a day. He had quit taking the xanax for the last few months but he has taken it the last 2 nights. It takes a lot for him to take any manmade drug. He hates taking them.

It is his energy level and general feeling of well being that comes and goes. Some days he just feels bad all day long. That cut on his leg is just now closed up. that was a long road of healing. For 8 weeks or so I was debriding dead tissue everyday. Complete healing took 3 months which was better than I had expected. It healed up very nice. The skin flap had died and it was really deep. It had to heal from the inside. They wanted him to see a surgeon but he did not want to and I had the knowledge to take care of it myself.

I am taking the oil in tiny tiny amounts every day. Just enough to give me some energy. At some point I want to up the dose and see if I can get off some of my long list of meds.

Oh and he has been on same oil now for at least 3 weeks. maybe longer

Thanks again for your response and give my best to Mo
Wow, might not be on BP meds, but, wow, this could explain a lot of whats going on also. It is important to make sure the concentrate is always taken before the man made meds. It helps immensely with the side effects. They got it covered, even upstairs looking at these meds. Just so you know the oil you have now covers everything but pain and inflammation. It will all come together fsc, time and patience. Your doing an excellent job.

Best to yours and you!

He does not vape. He hates vaping. The meds he is on is decadron, coumidin, oxycodone and xanax. He usually only takes the oxy once a day in the morning. He use to take it up to 3 times a day. He had quit taking the xanax for the last few months but he has taken it the last 2 nights. It takes a lot for him to take any manmade drug. He hates taking them.

It is his energy level and general feeling of well being that comes and goes. Some days he just feels bad all day long. That cut on his leg is just now closed up. that was a long road of healing. For 8 weeks or so I was debriding dead tissue everyday. Complete healing took 3 months which was better than I had expected. It healed up very nice. The skin flap had died and it was really deep. It had to heal from the inside. They wanted him to see a surgeon but he did not want to and I had the knowledge to take care of it myself.

I am taking the oil in tiny tiny amounts every day. Just enough to give me some energy. At some point I want to up the dose and see if I can get off some of my long list of meds.

Oh and he has been on same oil now for at least 3 weeks. maybe longer

Thanks again for your response and give my best to Mo
Wow, might not be on BP meds, but, wow, this could explain a lot of whats going on also. It is important to make sure the concentrate is always taken before the man made meds. It helps immensely with the side effects. They got it covered, even upstairs looking at these meds. Just so you know the oil you have now covers everything but pain and inflammation. It will all come together fsc, time and patience. Your doing an excellent job.

Best to yours and you!

Thanks for the positive push. Some times I do get frustrated. He is just so darn stubborn. We talked this morning about a vaporizer again. He asked if he could smoke the oil or hash in it. I told him it could be done. So just maybe I am making some headway as long as I have enough product to keep him with enough oil to vape. A couple weeks ago I cooked down some lower buds for him. 2 oz. He has been loving it. Maybe this is what is making him more unstable. He says no but he would say that no matter what. He made hash with it and is in heaven. At first he said it was too strong and he had to add more and more ground up bud and leaves. So even with the early harvest it must be potent.

Also, he has an issue with eating in the morning. This has been a battle since the beginning. I can usually get him to drink a boost. That is only when I tell him he cannot have his tack until he gets something on his stomach. I suspect he has been doing without this also. Don't know for sure but I will make darn sure it does not happen anymore. I will make sure all the rules are followed to the T. I will keep you posted.
Wow! What an amazing thread! Its taken me 2 weeks to read it all and 5 hours today but I have learned so much. Its so good to read so much positivity in the face of such adversity. My heart goes out to all of you suffering this shitty disease. I have to say, for me oil is a life saver though using it, working with it or just researching it makes you feel so much better :)

Mr Motoco if you wouldn't mind I would really appreciate your advice. I am in England though so there is a small amount of tomatoes, tomatoes, potatoes etc :? This is my situation......

My grown son, (33 never drank, smoked or taken any drugs) was diagnosed, after a seizure, with an astrocytoma grade 2. They said he had had it for maybe 10 years and we think it could be traced to a immune system breakdown when he was 18 and had shingles. They told him to watch and wait until July 2011 when it showed new growth and he had 6 weeks of radiotherapy. This seemed to stop growth and shrunk the diffuse tumour by about 20%. He continued to have epileptic seizures which could be very difficult to deal with as they started in his amygdala and produced feelings of intense fear for no reason. This was very hard for him to deal with but he has been very brave. In April this year 2014 he had subtle mood changes and became a lot more anxious, his seizures increased to, sometimes 5 a day and his quality of life was not so good.

In July his MRI showed bulking of the diffuse tumour and possible branching to give itself a blood supply suggesting it had changed grade to a 3 or 4, we would not know the grade without a biopsy and having a big needle in your brain is no fun so are just doing what they say.... except.......

I read of a young girl back in spring, just before my sons subtle changes, that had been cured by RSO, I ran it by my son and he was not impressed but I ignored him as I felt he would be glad I could help 'when the sh*t hit the fan' I started researching and grew some CBD crew outdoor mix' seeds and a freebie from the seed company Caseys Widow. Over the months they were growing I showed him lots of info about it and the thing that changed his mind was that it could help his seizures. They really are horrible and impact massively on his life. He really wants to do a 10k run for charity next March so he agreed to take it :)

I made my first batch of oil with the cbd crew outdoor mix about a month ago, I am a real amatuer and only got 10grams but I cannot tell you what a difference it has made (you probably know lol) his seizures are mild and less frequent, maybe every 10 days or so but the change in his attitude is wonderful, he is no longer suffering from the terror his seizures make him feel and the residual anxiety is gone. He can even go out on his own :)

There is so much more to explain about his situation but I wondered if you could help me with a couple of questions, mostly about strain. I have apart from the outdoor and caseys widow, some shark shock (am learning to grow indoors and have some 'outdoor mix' clones nearly ready to harvest) The shark shock is 9 weeks from germinating and has tiny flower bits coming, also have shark clones and have just germinated 2 OG Kush in a little propagator.

I need to know what the best strains are for my boy that will not make his anxiety worse that are available in the UK.

He has been fine with the outdoor mix oil and then I read he needed higher THC so I made the freebie caseys widow into oil (about 7 grams) he has been fine with that also but he has only started tacking today.

Any advice you could give would be so much appreciated
I can't believe I have written all that without Thanking you Mr Motoco Budnoob and fightingsmallcell etall for all your kindness and wisdom, please excuse me, its been a very long read but you have enlightened me and my friends that are going through this traumatic experience. I will be sure to pass on your advice and positivity x x x
Hi LittleEngland,

Welcome to 420 Magazine. I've read your post but want to review again. I will respond as soon as possible. You will see a huge improvement with tacking especially. More to follow. Thank you for your kind words to all of us.

420 Motoco

I can't believe I have written all that without Thanking you Mr Motoco Budnoob and fightingsmallcell etall for all your kindness and wisdom, please excuse me, its been a very long read but you have enlightened me and my friends that are going through this traumatic experience. I will be sure to pass on your advice and positivity x x x
Hi Dennise,

If you always take the concentrate first (especially sativa during the day) the side effects of your meds are nil. In fact they seem much better as they reduce nausea and the lethargic effects. Its really easy to ween off meds using the oil if done properly. I was taking all the heart condition meds, plavix, blood thinners, aspirin, some other meds that made me sleep 5 minutes after taking them. Funny you said 13 meds, that is the number I use for the average person I help. Not funny when taking them all. When your ready we will address this then so its fresh in the mind. Piece of cake.

I've help people treat their dogs with mouth cancer, tumors (hind quarters) and epileptic seizures. The one with mouth cancer passed as did the one with tumors. Both lived about 6 months longer than expected. They received treatment way to late. A worthy mention they had no pain and their appetite was good and they slept much better. Very immane. More than one I've helped with epilepsy and they are doing great. Animals have receptors like we do so it makes perfect since the oil works on them also. Big dogs are easy to tack, yes, they tack also. Little ones are more difficult. One thing in common they love cannabis oil. One has to be very careful when applying, dropping some, getting it anywhere but the target area or they will seek it out and eat it. They won't overdose (none I ever seen) but they won't drink or eat until they sober up. You can do a 911 on them but it has to be a small dot of oil and tacked properly. I would recommend a high CBD strain mixed with an Indica dominant strain (gives them the munchies). Mixed together it would be a fifty fifty blend. Separately I would dose the cbd strain first, wait 15 minutes, then dose the Indica strain (in this case an OG Indica dominant would work perfect. Always dose using the CBD strain first. Dogs try to lick the oil when applying it. The way we dose our Yorkie is tack first and for a reward she gets one lick of the minute film left on your finger. She has been doing this for a couple of years now. No major aliments, but she is one healthy Yorkie. Start with very small amounts, observe and adjust. Always dose after they eat as the food will pull the oil down to the belly before it absorbs in their receptors.

I know this is going to sound like a BS question but I am for real and if the answer is yes it would be awesome.... I have 1 really old time friend here that I just found out was here not to long ago.... I did hair with her in the early 80's.... That is terrifying.... She turned out to be the best hairdresser I have ever known... Me... Not so much... Any how she married a Pediatrician and he works in a practice in the big city closest to here. Still a day trip to go see her... back to story... I went to see her for a haircut the other day and her dog has a brain tumur and they are doing the palliative care thing and trying to keep him here till after the holidays so her kids can get home and say good-bye... Would this work on a dog? Even if it is advanced could it possibly still work? I think I have enough trim from defoliations shoved in the freezer to get a small amount and wound so be willing to give it up if there is even a chance it would work and I know she would be willing to do whatever needed if there was a chance... I know it is just a dog but it is a very special dog??? What do ya think????
Hi LittleEngland,

You will find that Cannabis Concentrated Oil covers everything from A-Z. Most everything is covered by a preventive maintenance dose (1 grain of rice a day) like epilepsy, auto immune-stomach disorders, healing glands/organs, migraines, allergies, and on and on. Major illness like cancer just require larger amounts. Most think CBD is the healer and here is why; Scientist/Dr.s mention CBD as the healer simply because it is a non- psychoactive. They only think THC is psychoactive simply because they don't know about how to take it correctly with no euphoric. 99.9% of everything known about THC is through smoking/digesting which leads to euphoria. Fact; THC is the main healer taken properly. This is what kills cancer cells, repairs glands and organs. CBD tinctures etc have helped immensely with epilepsy etc, but when blended with THC (2 parts THC-1 part CBD) in cases I have treated have stopped completely taken properly. Digesting the concentrate is like taking man-made drugs, a temporary fix and like man-made meds when the system becomes immuned it loses it efficiency and with man-made meds can have adverse reactions like spikes in blood pressure/sugar levels and pass out, etc.

Strains; I will list the type of strain/strains that are needed and you can research what is in your region.

Daytime oil: A high CBD strain mixed with your OG Kush (OG Kush is Indica dominant). The CBD strain is on the heavy Sativa side so blended with OG Kush will chill too much UP and put the blend about 55-60 Sativa dominant. This is perfect as it gets one motivated mentally so they don't dwell on their illnesses. This blend is perfect for cancer and everything in between including epilepsy. Only other strain you need is close to pure Indica as possible for sleep. Master Kush 95% Indica is a fine example as is Hindu Kush/Afgan Kush. With nighttime oil you want it just for sleep. Anything more than 10% Sativa in your nighttime oil will keep the wheels turning. I realize what you have read might seem opposite and in most cases it is. Sativa dominant strains high in THC is a natural accelerator. It raises your metabolism (not your heart rate) and process's the oil through your system much faster. So the blend of CBD/THC during the day reduces/illuminates pain and shrinks tumors with its anti-inflammatory properties while the THC kills the cancer cells, repairs glands/organs and strengthens the auto-immune (when weakened the cause for most all aliments).

Review; High CBD blended with a high THC strain (I prefer a hybrid like a 50/50 strain like Blue Dream for an example). In your case the OG will be fine. How to grow; full term on the CBD strain (normally this is a 12 week flower for max CBD's) while the OG Kush would be in the range of a 8-9 week flower time (harvest at a week past peak THC). Indica grown full term (I follow the color of the trich's on these-looking for mostly amber colored trichs). A final mention on strains. You want as an example; OG Kush to be at least 20% THC potency, the higher the better.

Daytime oil covers the spectrum of aliments like depression and a positive mental attitude (huge advantage compared to couch-lock).
Nighttime covers anxiety/panic attacks and gives a deep sleep that compares to a baby's sleep. In short, these blends cover the health spectrum. When your ready we can discuss your Son's cancer dosing regimen. You will enjoy watching your Son heal in front of your eyes. Knowing you helped him in his fight for life will bond you forever. I would recommend you learn the 'tacking' procedure as well so you have a better understanding how it works not to mention your health will improve immensely. Complete opposite of simply digesting the oil with euphoric. Even if you digest CBD with no euphoric it simply doesn't heal like getting the cannabinoids to the CB1 receptors first. Hope this info has helped. Please, any questions/doubts please ask. Nothing is better than the correct start to a fast/proper heal. Have you read the 'Making the Concentrated Oil Tutorial'?

ps. Also take into account Western Medicine knows nothing how the oil works. Just keep this in the back of your brain.

Warmest regards,

420 Motoco

Wow! What an amazing thread! Its taken me 2 weeks to read it all and 5 hours today but I have learned so much. Its so good to read so much positivity in the face of such adversity. My heart goes out to all of you suffering this shitty disease. I have to say, for me oil is a life saver though using it, working with it or just researching it makes you feel so much better :)

Mr Motoco if you wouldn't mind I would really appreciate your advice. I am in England though so there is a small amount of tomatoes, tomatoes, potatoes etc :? This is my situation......

My grown son, (33 never drank, smoked or taken any drugs) was diagnosed, after a seizure, with an astrocytoma grade 2. They said he had had it for maybe 10 years and we think it could be traced to a immune system breakdown when he was 18 and had shingles. They told him to watch and wait until July 2011 when it showed new growth and he had 6 weeks of radiotherapy. This seemed to stop growth and shrunk the diffuse tumour by about 20%. He continued to have epileptic seizures which could be very difficult to deal with as they started in his amygdala and produced feelings of intense fear for no reason. This was very hard for him to deal with but he has been very brave. In April this year 2014 he had subtle mood changes and became a lot more anxious, his seizures increased to, sometimes 5 a day and his quality of life was not so good.

In July his MRI showed bulking of the diffuse tumour and possible branching to give itself a blood supply suggesting it had changed grade to a 3 or 4, we would not know the grade without a biopsy and having a big needle in your brain is no fun so are just doing what they say.... except.......

I read of a young girl back in spring, just before my sons subtle changes, that had been cured by RSO, I ran it by my son and he was not impressed but I ignored him as I felt he would be glad I could help 'when the sh*t hit the fan' I started researching and grew some CBD crew outdoor mix' seeds and a freebie from the seed company Caseys Widow. Over the months they were growing I showed him lots of info about it and the thing that changed his mind was that it could help his seizures. They really are horrible and impact massively on his life. He really wants to do a 10k run for charity next March so he agreed to take it :)

I made my first batch of oil with the cbd crew outdoor mix about a month ago, I am a real amatuer and only got 10grams but I cannot tell you what a difference it has made (you probably know lol) his seizures are mild and less frequent, maybe every 10 days or so but the change in his attitude is wonderful, he is no longer suffering from the terror his seizures make him feel and the residual anxiety is gone. He can even go out on his own :)

There is so much more to explain about his situation but I wondered if you could help me with a couple of questions, mostly about strain. I have apart from the outdoor and caseys widow, some shark shock (am learning to grow indoors and have some 'outdoor mix' clones nearly ready to harvest) The shark shock is 9 weeks from germinating and has tiny flower bits coming, also have shark clones and have just germinated 2 OG Kush in a little propagator.

I need to know what the best strains are for my boy that will not make his anxiety worse that are available in the UK.

He has been fine with the outdoor mix oil and then I read he needed higher THC so I made the freebie caseys widow into oil (about 7 grams) he has been fine with that also but he has only started tacking today.

Any advice you could give would be so much appreciated
Hi LittleEngland,

Welcome to 420 Magazine. I've read your post but want to review again. I will respond as soon as possible. You will see a huge improvement with tacking especially. More to follow. Thank you for your kind words to all of us.

420 Motoco

Thankyou :) I hope everyone is well x x x

We are off to the hospital shortly to start the 3rd round :? I have done a lot of research and find this particularly encouraging as it is regarding the chemo my son is on ...

A Combined Preclinical Therapy of Cannabinoids and Temozolomide against Glioma

My son has been tacking since Saturday and has found it melts quite easily and runs down his finger with both the high cbd strain and also the stickier high thc one. I have told him to dry his gums but I suppose practice makes perfect.

As it says in the clinical trial high thc plus temozolomide has shown the best results I want him to get as much as possible into him over the next 5 days of 'temo chemo' so they can work together.

Please let me know if we are doing the right thing. Much Love to all x x x
Hi LittleEngland,

The oil runs down his finger or moves to the sides of the finger? Is the oil warm? Runny- the oil is cut with something, the oil moving to the sides of the finger are normal. Always pull your finger out, look and see where the oil has moved and re-apply. Best thing is to take a small amount of oil ( 1/8th of a grain of rice ) tack it thoroughly insuring its all off your finger tip. Do another small one immediately following the first tack and repeat. Wait 15 minutes then dose. This insures the oil works properly with no euphoric. Once learned to tack the small amounts properly, larger amounts can easily be done and safely. Practice does makes perfect.

LittleEngland, your decisions if your doing the right thing is completely your choice. The treatment takes longer using chemo with the oil. Up to twice as long or longer. The game plan is in motion, be positive. If you don't understand something ask your Dr.s the 'hows,whys and what questions'. Please keep us posted and its important your Son doses properly as this will help with the side effects of chemo immensely. Use the oil instead of pain meds when/if it comes to that.

ps: if the weather is chilly the oil should be like axle grease. If not, the potency level could be suspect as the oil is thinned to much with alcohol/something

Warmest regards and positive energy,

Thankyou :) I hope everyone is well x x x

We are off to the hospital shortly to start the 3rd round :? I have done a lot of research and find this particularly encouraging as it is regarding the chemo my son is on ...

A Combined Preclinical Therapy of Cannabinoids and Temozolomide against Glioma

My son has been tacking since Saturday and has found it melts quite easily and runs down his finger with both the high cbd strain and also the stickier high thc one. I have told him to dry his gums but I suppose practice makes perfect.

As it says in the clinical trial high thc plus temozolomide has shown the best results I want him to get as much as possible into him over the next 5 days of 'temo chemo' so they can work together.

Please let me know if we are doing the right thing. Much Love to all x x x
Thankyou Mr Motoco :) We did it together today and he had been putting it down the side of his jaw instead of at the front. Dried his gums first this time and it worked perfectly, except it was on his top gums and made his teeth a bit brown and he was embarrassed to smile. It stuck for a good hour and we did it before the hospital, 3 big blobs that would have floored me.

All good news from the consultant who was very interested in how he takes it, how much etc The chemo he is on is 5 tablets every 28 days and is not as bad as some of them, he will not lose his hair etc and has been so well. I understand completely your attitude to chemo and if he was 20 years younger I would be finding it really hard to decide but it is his decision and I have to support him. I felt the same about radiotherapy but again it was up to him. I gave him the information, good and bad and he still wanted to do it, it has shrunk the tumour and given him more time. If we hadn't I wouldn't have discovered oil in time and would have lost him.

I made the oil myself and made sure all solvent was gone, my husband tried it as he is used to smoking weed and it knocked him on his arse lol I think my sons saliva was over active as he was hungry for his meds :) I have to use ISO here as we can't get any sort of grain alcohol but I made sure I used all metal utensils in the process and it was fully decarboxylated.

I would really appreciate it if you could suggest strains? He takes the chemo meds at night and would like a high THC Indica based anti anxiety strain to grow next if you know of any.

I have been linking this thread to anyone who asks about how to take the oil. I think a lot of people go for the 'Charlottes Web' RS dosage. I have been trying to find some test information on it but can't find anything with percentage of CBD THC etc to compare and adjust to with higher/ different strains.

Thanks for your help x x x
Hi LittleEngland,

Sounds like he took it correctly. Always best to 'tack' the bottom gum and do so below the teeth rootline. Doing so will prevent the oil from draining down on the teeth as you mentioned. Most people are digesting the concentrate and most end up here for a couple of reasons; they always get euphoric and/or their symptoms get worse not better. Also ones who thought a high cbd strain alone kills cancer has found out it doesn't work like touted.
A high THC strain of Indica would be something like Blackberry Kush. The problem with that is it has 20% Sativa which can keep you up at night. If growing yourself however it can be grown full term for 'couch-lock'. This why I use Indica that is close to pure as I can get. Hindu Kush, Master Kush, Afgan Kush are examples. Make sure he doses properly before any other meds first. This insures nausea, pain, and other side effects are minimum. Remember, any time your son feels worse always take a booster of oil (what ever he is using at the time daytime/nighttime).

No need to explain your Son's decision. My take is just my opinion and that is based off of 'late' chemo/radiation. I think what ever gets the tumors down is most important. How much is 'three big blobs'? What is his dosing regimen or do you have one yet?

I gave you some info on the strains already a couple of post up. Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Thankyou Mr Motoco :) We did it together today and he had been putting it down the side of his jaw instead of at the front. Dried his gums first this time and it worked perfectly, except it was on his top gums and made his teeth a bit brown and he was embarrassed to smile. It stuck for a good hour and we did it before the hospital, 3 big blobs that would have floored me.

All good news from the consultant who was very interested in how he takes it, how much etc The chemo he is on is 5 tablets every 28 days and is not as bad as some of them, he will not lose his hair etc and has been so well. I understand completely your attitude to chemo and if he was 20 years younger I would be finding it really hard to decide but it is his decision and I have to support him. I felt the same about radiotherapy but again it was up to him. I gave him the information, good and bad and he still wanted to do it, it has shrunk the tumour and given him more time. If we hadn't I wouldn't have discovered oil in time and would have lost him.

I made the oil myself and made sure all solvent was gone, my husband tried it as he is used to smoking weed and it knocked him on his arse lol I think my sons saliva was over active as he was hungry for his meds :) I have to use ISO here as we can't get any sort of grain alcohol but I made sure I used all metal utensils in the process and it was fully decarboxylated.

I would really appreciate it if you could suggest strains? He takes the chemo meds at night and would like a high THC Indica based anti anxiety strain to grow next if you know of any.

I have been linking this thread to anyone who asks about how to take the oil. I think a lot of people go for the 'Charlottes Web' RS dosage. I have been trying to find some test information on it but can't find anything with percentage of CBD THC etc to compare and adjust to with higher/ different strains.

Thanks for your help x x x
Thankyou so much Mr Motoco :) I am so sorry I missed your reply re strains.

I thought it best to get indica dominant to avoid giving my son any anxiety issues, the CBD Crew Outdoor Mix seems to be 70/30 Indica Sativa but only 5% THC and CBD I have found it hard to get info on the caseys widow so have emailed the breeder.

So I am lacking a sativa in my mix is that right?
Your welcome. No worries, it is easy to miss a post. Yes you need a Sativa strain for the day. This should be the highest THC strain you can find. Its the cancer killing agent during the daytime. Being a Sativa it raises your metabolism which helps passes everything through your system faster. I would take the CB Crew and mix it with the daytime Sativa. Then just Indica as close to pure for sleep. If you try to get a super Indica down the road your Son will find it will keep him up at night. Grow the Indica full term for baby like sleep and produce more cbd's for pain/inflammation at night.

So yes, your missing the sativa :). Keep us posted please.

420 Motoco

Thankyou so much Mr Motoco :) I am so sorry I missed your reply re strains.

I thought it best to get indica dominant to avoid giving my son any anxiety issues, the CBD Crew Outdoor Mix seems to be 70/30 Indica Sativa but only 5% THC and CBD I have found it hard to get info on the caseys widow so have emailed the breeder.

So I am lacking a sativa in my mix is that right?
Thanks Mr Motoco, I may have some 'train wreck' coming from a friend as we are running low on thecaseys widow, I thought that was a sativa but has since realised its indica.

Had a worried phone call today from my sons partner, he is trying to up his dose quite a bit while he is on the chemo so took 3 tacks early then another 3 at lunchtime. This made him quite uncomfortable as he had tingling down his right side (the side affected by his tumour) and the 'high' feelings were very similar to when he has a seizure. I got there within 10 minutes after telling him to take citicoline and he was quite anxious. I managed to talk him round and he was much better by the time I left, giggling about silly things :)

I think we went a bit far doubling the dose after a couple of days and I should have known better as I have been trying so hard to avoid him feeling bad on it. I think in any other cancer its not so bad but with brain cancer and epilepsy its very difficult having things you don't understand going on in your brain.

If you could give me advice with this in mind I would be eternally grateful x x x
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