Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Dear friends, I've just joined the forum but have been intensively reading it for weeks. My head is spinning from the amount of information out there and from fear for my father's health. He was diagnosed with liver cancer 3 months ago and has gone through one session of chemo -- that actually consisted of 3 applications over the past 2 months. He was very optimistic but the results were crushing -- the cancer doubled in size and metastases (small) found on lungs and brain. He just retired last year, just got grandchildren, we'd do anything to get him some more quality life time. The chemo was my dad's choice, he was raised to trust the system, but now he fully agrees with the rest of the family in not giving any more chances to the medical establishment to kill him and is on board with the oil approach. We all know now that it's the only way to go, we're just afraid to make a mistake in the form of application and a mistake in choice when purchasing the oil (we need to buy it, can't make it in our place and given time constraints).

Five days ago we started with oil that is high in CBD (200 mg/g) and apparently very low in THC and it's administered rectally but not exactly as a suppository, it's injected from a syringe where we put 0.75 mL this CBD oil and 0.75 mL coconut oil each morning at 7am and each evening at 7pm. The effects for the past 5 days have been that he is very sleepy, barely able to wake up to eat and drink, plus he's nauseated at times and can't eat more than a few spoonfuls. This approach is based on recommendations from someone who is knowledgeable and very active in MMJ causes, but I am seeing many different views here and am primarily concerned that we're using the wrong oil. In one of 420 Motoco's posts I read that the oil we need is 60%THC, 4%CBD, 1%CBN, and in this thread I see that the dosing should all be in the form of tacking against the gums (no ingestion at all). Is that accurate? And if so, could suppository or rectal application from syringe replace the tacking on the gums method? My dad is in a very bad state of mind and he wouldn't go a good job putting the oil in the right place.

Please help. I am exhausted from researching and scared to not take the absolute optimum approach in treating my dad's cancer. His state is very advanced and the cancer rapid, we only have one shot. Thank you all so much.

This is the place to get your answers!!!! :peace:
I have a couple of questions What is tacking? and does the oil have to be rubbed on gums rather that just swallowed. I read that you can buy empty pill casing which made e thing it could be swallowed

I am going to attempt to beat my "death sentence" grade 4 glioma but am worried about getting it wrong.

thanks in advance

Well, the good news is that the CO has had great success with brain cancers, including Glioma. I'll share the mix & you can buy the capsules. Ingesting is the least bioavailable method of delivery, but I'll show you how to reverse the polarism of the oil to help the bio.
Get "00" size capsules. You can get them at Whole Foods & most pharmacies. Have you received any chemo?

Welcome neigenden:welcome:

Trust the cajun man, funny name, smart guy...:thumb:

Funny name? You must be a yankee. You need some Tabasco or boudin in your oil. It'll help with that.
Good luck to you, mattyma!
I have also a brain cancer, a glioma. I have been tacking since november 2014. I had my second MRT in end of March, "6 months after", which showed no growth, but no reduction also. I am tacking CO 4-5 times 0,15-0,2 g per day. That is my limit, not to be sleeping all the day through.
I am full vegan, no to all: sugar, honey (also sugar), meat, milk, coffee, alcohol, yeast products. Yes to lots of water and herbal tea, vegetables, buckwheat, nuts and seeds etc. I do eat fruit, which are sweat, though it is suggested not to.

I have decided not to have any surgery or chemo. My next MRT will be end of July. I do not have disorders from this glioma (probably oligodendro-glioma), though it is ca 3x4 cm big.

Cajuncelt and mattyma, please do not go talking only private, we all would like to read your advises.
I have a question for the experts. I am growing meds for my own MS and a friends MS. We are looking to start using cannabis oil. I am just waiting for my latest harvest to cure.

As of now, we have been using infused Coconut oil (Ingesting) and VG tincture. The Coconut oil helps my friend tremendously. She takes a teaspoon at night and her pain is gone from her legs and she can sleep. During the day she will use a vaporizer which helps her eyesight.

To move on to the next level, what is the best protocol for MS? Do we just use tacking or are there other methods we should add or use to get better results? I go to see my Cannabis Dr. on Wed and I want to try to discuss this with him.

Thanks in advance. :peace:
I ran a search through this thread, and I am not finding anyone using RSO for multiple sclerosis. Once I make my oil (another 3-4 weeks probably) I am going to start tacking. If no one else is using it for MS, I will post my results. If anyone has any more info, please let me know. There is very little info on RSO and MS. :peace:

MS is one of the "biggies" that is very commonly treated w/ CO. I would start off with tacking & reevaluate every 3 months to see how/where you're at. I know most MS survivors ingest, but then again they don't know about tacking.
MS is one of the "biggies" that is very commonly treated w/ CO. I would start off with tacking & reevaluate every 3 months to see how/where you're at. I know most MS survivors ingest, but then again they don't know about tacking.

Thanks Cajun. I have had good luck with ingesting, but I am hoping we can take it to the next level of health with tacking. I have some High TCH strains going (both indica and sativa) and also a Blue Blood which is 10 % CBD and 15% THC. The reading I have done as well as my personal experience tells me I should be using a combination of CBD and THC. Is that your understanding from people you know with MS that are tacking?

Thanks :peace:
Thanks Cajun. I have had good luck with ingesting, but I am hoping we can take it to the next level of health with tacking. I have some High TCH strains going (both indica and sativa) and also a Blue Blood which is 10 % CBD and 15% THC. The reading I have done as well as my personal experience tells me I should be using a combination of CBD and THC. Is that your understanding from people you know with MS that are tacking?

Thanks :peace:

Yep. 2:1 THC: CBD.
I'm going to take a break myself. I'm still around & will be, but back to 2 sentence replies.

Motoco & I have posted tons of info so there's a great body of info here.
I'll post new stuff from time to time.

I sincerely wish every single one of you all the best. Stick with the oil.
Bon chancè my oil family!
Last long post...I really want to drive these points home with y'all.
The bioavailability of cannabinoids is lower when taken on an empty stomach or more accurately an empty liver. Oils are metabolised mostly in the liver and by eating fat 30 minutes before administering cannabis oil the liver will be otherwise occupied when the medicine starts to circulate. A tablespoon of coconut oil is widely considered to be a healthy and effective option. Other supplements can be taken with or mixed into this coconut oil..
The eating of the coconut oil is to otherwise occupy the liver. Coconut oil is easily absorbed by the small intestine and transported to the liver. This makes coconut and cannabis infusions/mixes particularly inefficient. For a liver problem it would be a very efficient delivery method however it's perhaps still not always the best as vasodilation might be an issue. Your blood vessels (especially in the digestive system) become larger, allowing for increased blood flow, which is normally ok. However for people with gallbladder/liver problems, this means immediate inflammation and potentiall pain, despite any anti-inflammatory effects.
Just because a cannabinoid has found it's way to the liver does not however mean that it will remain there to successfully treat any disease there.
As mentioned before the enzymes that metabolise cannabinoids are mainly found in the liver. A cannabinoid entering the liver is more likely to connect with an enzyme and be metabolised than to connect with a cancerous cell. This makes liver cancer a trickier one to treat without additional supplements.
Beneficially certain plant molecules are metabolised by the same enzymes that metabolise most THC molecules. The enzyme is called CYP2C9 and the molecules are apigenin and amentoflavone. Apinenin can be found in tablets and certain foods and amentoflavone is available in supplements for weightlifters such as Amentomax. These molecules, as well as having additional benefits, will give the enzymes "busy work" allowing the cannabinoids greater opportunity to circulate, connect with and destroy mutated cells both in the liver and throughout the body.
Hi all I have a quick question why, when dab my rso oil in my gums, 4-5 hours later do I all of a sudden feel super stoned like I just smoked 3 bong bowls to my self ..... an explanation would be nice lol!
:love:High Ashwee,:love:
Sounds like it's staying in your mouth for awhile and then you're swallowing it. Dentures, teeth, braces, bridges, pieces of food, plaque, fillings, tartar, cavities, something SEEMS to be holding then releasing the oil to your stomach. Your reaction should be MUCH faster if it's going right to your stomach when you tack. Sorry, I'm sure you thought of all this...

Also, this reaction should subside w/ time & number of tacks as you acclimate to the oil if it's relatively early in your use of it.:bravo:

:love:Good positive mojo your way, stay strong, we're here with you. Hugs, John:thumb:
Yo and good day to you RSOiler,:byebye:

How tack ye today?:love:
Yeah I did but idk is it because I dab and then eat, is it just may be affecting my adrenals and I get a hard crash type thing idk :/. I've been doing rso for 3 months. My first month I consumed 3 grams (was a great strain er something)my last two months I've only consumed 2 grams as I find this strain to be really intense? Idk. I wish there was testing to see what strain was in my first batch. My first month I by my 4th week I was back to my old self it was amazing ! This so much :/ I'm back to being bed ridden and tires (I suffer from autoimmune triggered cfs/ME)
Thank you for the guide! I've only had my med card a few days and it's been difficult to find information so far. I have two different RSOs, one for day and one for night, but I cannot get the day oil to adhere to my gums without melting/dissolving into a big mess in my mouth. Any tips on how I can keep it solid and sticky so it stays where I want it to?
Yo and good day to you RSOiler,:byebye:

How tack ye today?:love:

Hey John, how's my tacking-brother? Saturating those CB1's I hope. Remember John, a tack a day (or 5 or 6) keeps the Dr. away.
:morenutes:a 1/2 hour before tacking. :bitingnails:start with small tacks and work your way up to a grain of rice. :drool:rinse with cold water and just let the water fall out of your mouth. If you tack correctly you won't feel :lot-o-toke: :love: That's the best I could come up with John. :thedoubletake:

Ashwee, eat 1/2 hour before you tack. Tack smaller amounts, 1/4 grain then a 1/4 grain then a 1/2 grain. Dry your gums with a gauze, tack then rinse with cold water (not hard, light swish then let it drop out of your mouth). It will be in your best interest to grow your own flowers so you can keep it constant, this will allow you to have Sativas for day time & Indicas for night time.
Read the journals in my signature and take notes, it sure helped me.
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