Caterpillars bloody bugs please help asap


Active Member
Hey guys so I got home after 2 days away for work and I have found cattapillers or silkworms are eating my clones I’m yet to go over my flower room but these little sucker are eating my plants and at a fast rate.

Wat do I do to stop these little weed eaters

Photos is a little blury.
Bummer...I looked up the "organic" way to deal with them :

Here are some things you can do without spraying chemical pesticides:

  1. Remove all the caterpillars you can find by hand. Either let them crawl in a garden of someone you don’t like, or kill them. It’s up to you. Just throwing them away is not sufficient because they will come back.
  2. Introduce parasitic wasps to your outdoor grow. There are web-shops in most countries that conveniently deliver beneficial insects to your home. These wasps lay their eggs on the larvae of the butterflies. Newborn wasps will feast of these organisms.
  3. Get your hands on some praying mantis. This is a good option if you live in warmer climates because they don’t do very well when temperatures are too cold. These elegant predators are not leaving the plant until every caterpillar is killed and eaten up.
  4. Spray your plants with neem oil. It won’t be very effective if you already have a large caterpillar population on your plants, but neem oil is always a good option to prevent pests from overpopulating your plants in the first place.
  5. Apply a biological product like Biothur (Trabe), Spruzit Concentrate (Neudorff), or Pireprot (Ecoprotec). These products are tailored to get rid of larvae plagues and are generally made from gram-positive bacillus that is found in natural soils.
What I've used is Safer brand caterpillar killer-non-toxic to anything but caterpillars-
it gets in their digestive system,f*cks it up,and they starve to death.

The caterpillars I've had to deal with come from moths-they lay their eggs on your plants at night.
When they hatch- 40 caterpillars.
So if you've got moths flying around in your growspace,you need to kill them too (bugzapper?)

I've had them get into the buds(outdoors)-they do enough damage,but their poop causes massive budrot-you're a long way from that,though.
Thanks guys and I forgot to mention my crops are all indoors except 1 plant witch is outdoor and is about 30 metres away from my indoor grow room.

I have spotted moths around though I’ll gave to look into that.
Thanks guys and I forgot to mention my crops are all indoors except 1 plant witch is outdoor and is about 30 metres away from my indoor grow room.

I have spotted moths around though I’ll gave to look into that.
My outdoor plant is perfect no a problem at all and my flower is at the end of week 5 has no problem either (fingers crossed) it just my clone room that has bugs witch makes sense with moths cause the light is on 24hr
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