Clowns U-Turn Grow

All the a matter of fact here is a christmas baby picture of me , I was a real cutie back then..... (that was many years ago)

Yeah, that wont haunt my dreams tonight.. Nope not at all... :yikes:

Yeah, that wont haunt my dreams tonight.. Nope not at all... :yikes:


Now you see why I grew up to be afraid of clowns.

When mom told me to go "play with your brother" I would stomp my big flappy feet in protest and have to look at that the rest of the afternoon.

And they wonder why I turned to smokin' pot!
Dont mean to get off topic... but speaking of cabbage...

I have a fellow herb enthusiast friend that actually convinced this girl that some lettuce (mixed in with a small amount of bud so the smell checked out) was in fact some of the stickiest of the ickiest. She smoked about... 3 bowls of lettuce to her face and thought she was high for hours. :grinjoint:

She thanked him properly and everything lol :smokin: kind of guy Lebowskii. Also my kind of woman...gullible :)
White Castle (a.k.a. "Sliders")
Day 36 of Flowering
Max GH bloom mix.

Well we're starting week 6 of flowering out of 11 so we're more than half way there.

These girls are getting fatter and happier. They give us no problems and are going to kick our asses (in a good way of course). There are a lot of bud sites in all those leaves. It's incredible. All those leaves are absorbing all the light and feeding the buds.

They are going through a LOT of water. They stand 25" tall and 27" tall (the one in the back left)

Time for some photos.









White Castle (a.k.a. "Sliders")
Day 43 of Flowering
Max GH bloom mix.

The beginning of week 7 and all is well. The girls are fattening up nicely!

BTW - None of these pictures are blurry at're just baked! :)






Looks great man, still amazed at it staying like one giant cola.


Thanks SanibelGreen. 3 of these are 26" tall and one is 28" tall and all of them have bud along the main stem from about 3" from the bottom all the way to the top with only a small break or two in the continuity. We're hopin' those gaps close as well as they are small gaps. Each plant has buds hidin' under fan leaves and arms with more buds...needless to say we are surprised and very pleased how these grow.

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