Cooking with Cannabis Oil

Man, Sorry to hear about your problem with the cockroach of society. The thief of a man's meds is more likely to get some pepper in his ass around here. All of that work you put into that plant means mor to you and us than that person will know.

I hope he gets what he deserves, what comes around goes around. Keep your cool and you will be OK.

Man, Sorry to hear about your problem with the cockroach of society. The thief of a man's meds is more likely to get some pepper in his ass around here. All of that work you put into that plant means mor to you and us than that person will know.

I hope he gets what he deserves, what comes around goes around. Keep your cool and you will be OK.


Thanks man I will buy 45 pound of pepper he is a big asshole and I like the way you tread the ripper in your hood. I am piss that plant was hybrid with basil and at the top with taragon. My friend laugh when I told them that I sent the police to get my weed and ask the landlord to get it back for me. Who knows I maybe will get it back or not but next time I will not be that nice.

Let clean the trash:bravo:
Phylo pastry with a creamy chocolate with explosion of flavor.



Sweet chocolate and more for your taste bud

Spicy sausage in a phylo pastry


New York steak with cognac and red wine sauce




Herb garden and the plant they stole in the background


Ganja ice coffee


Orange filet of dover sole a la ganja


With a peace

American sweet pork


And every dish give me a good high and sleep well. That what the doc prescripe and I do lesson
If any of you want any recipe just tell me wich one. Don't have enough time to write all of them, need to work pay bill those was some of my Dinner.

Thank every one who share the lost ( RIP) of my basil taragon master kush but will try again next year it will be to hot now to start over. Fucking roach they just stole one of my dream basil kush and taragon kush for better food.
Sir Peace Man, some people steal out of necessity, others do it because of their greed.
I would have to recommend you put some barb wire at the top of your chain link fence or keep some grease or lubrication on the top part so when they grab on they get it on their hands and clothes.. police will have a good clue to who done it.

I love every one of those dishes, they look so good.. I would eat double your portions though. I'm a slob. lol

I'll be asking ya' for some recipes here soon. Talk to you soon friend and take care.
Sir Peace Man, some people steal out of necessity, others do it because of their greed.
I would have to recommend you put some barb wire at the top of your chain link fence or keep some grease or lubrication on the top part so when they grab on they get it on their hands and clothes.. police will have a good clue to who done it.

I love every one of those dishes, they look so good.. I would eat double your portions though. I'm a slob. lol

I'll be asking ya' for some recipes here soon. Talk to you soon friend and take care.[/QUO

That was one meal only LOL any time for the recipe and I SECURE my space will put camera and I but a buzzer were is my green room and have new lock and wire grill in the door with buzzer if they come back i will tease them with a teaser until their hair turn like in affroo from the 70 or until I smell barbecue pig over cook. Will put a sign NRA member welcome to my shooting range now is time to vapor.:bravo::bravo::bravo:
Sir Peace Man, some people steal out of necessity, others do it because of their greed.
I would have to recommend you put some barb wire at the top of your chain link fence or keep some grease or lubrication on the top part so when they grab on they get it on their hands and clothes.. police will have a good clue to who done it.

I love every one of those dishes, they look so good.. I would eat double your portions though. I'm a slob. lol

I'll be asking ya' for some recipes here soon. Talk to you soon friend and take care.[/QUO

That was one meal only LOL any time for the recipe and I SECURE my space will put camera and I but a buzzer were is my green room and have new lock and wire grill in the door with buzzer if they come back i will tease them with a teaser until their hair turn like in affroo from the 70 or until I smell barbecue pig over cook. Will put a sign NRA member welcome to my shooting range now is time to vapor.:bravo::bravo::bravo:

If you get some 'bear deterrent' pepper spray (REI co op) to go with the taser, you could give the thief an electrochemical waterboarding. If your taser allows for multiple shocks like mine does, alternate between the shock and the spray. It makes a very effective parasite remover.

If you get some 'bear deterrent' pepper spray (REI co op) to go with the taser, you could give the thief an electrochemical waterboarding. If your taser allows for multiple shocks like mine does, alternate between the shock and the spray. It makes a very effective parasite remover.

I like the way you think and I will get the supply hope never to use it. This way if they come it will be fun to play with them. I think to put salt in the 12 gage bullet and pump and shoot in the ass.
Any way I cut a blackbery kush and casey jones last nigth. I will have enough weed any way some lavender and og and hindu left over. Next week I will cut Hog, 2 Indu skun and strawbery kush. Was really happy they didn't came to my real spot they will felt like jackpot. Now every part of my growing is secure. Wich to have the seed back to see if it work.

Thank you for your concern.
Happy for 420 mag best facebook in the world.
Ya thats me I belive I look like the Son of cousin It in the adam familyLOL. I am getting ready to shoot a food tasting video and I want the spookie look from late 60 early 70 Jimmy Hendrix type of period fashion. I went to Los angeles in a movie wardrobe store and had to find clothing to go with my food it was a blast. I do not like to follow the rest of the world thinking that why I need to be different in that short film. I will put and add in backstage west for actor with medical paper. Need to go to my old film school to get make up artist and a crew. It will be in about 2 month. Get the location ready for best visual.
Just at to hide my identity in my Avatar pic
:rofl: That's a great idea, you will stand out and be known for your dishes. Great way to market yourself.

I'll be wishing ya' a successful shoot and hope to get a copy sent to me. I'll pay ya' for it.

19.99 plus 4.20 for shipping and handleing..:winkyface:

Wish I have a way to ship it for free and get your comment on the tasting, presentation and on the party. My wife will join me in the making of it and we bought a cool outfit from 1950 short dress have to label her beeing the good one. Will sent you script on private message and you will get the idea and can comment if you don't mind.
Take care and peace
Need a vapor smilies face:roorrip:
Wish I have a way to ship it for free and get your comment on the tasting, presentation and on the party. My wife will join me in the making of it and we bought a cool outfit from 1950 short dress have to label her beeing the good one. Will sent you script on private message and you will get the idea and can comment if you don't mind.
Take care and peace
Need a vapor smilies face:roorrip:

It would be my pleasure, I'm honored! :popcorn:

******* drops for toothache

Very popular for children in 1885. Not only they relieved the pain, they made the children happy!

Opium for Asthma

"50 cents!? Just for asthma
relief? Dang, for that much
I could buy me a cow!"
(Farmer Giles was not impressed, 1905)

Mariani wine

Mariani wine (1875) was the most famous Coca wine of its time. Pope Leo XIII used to carry one bottle with him all the time. He awarded Angelo Mariani (the producer) with a Vatican gold medal.


******* tablets (1900)

All stage actors, singers teachers and preachers had to have them for a maximum performance. Great to "smooth" the voice.


Produced by Maltine Manufacturing Company of New York . It was suggested that you should take a full glass with or after every meal. Children should take half a glass.

Bayer's ******

A bottle of Bayer's ******. Between 1890 and 1910 ****** was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine. It was also used to treat children with strong cough.

How weird it is
Man, your busy. Keep me posted, I may have to visit my family and my friends "you" I'll be saving my pennies and beer cans for it.:goodluck:

No problem my wife is use to that been married with me. Check what I post I try to do that for a year you will enjoy I am sure.

P/S my friend sold his beer can And bougth a new porshe LOL but he had no drinking problem he was always stack LOL
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