Cooking with Cannabis Oil


******* drops for toothache

Very popular for children in 1885. Not only they relieved the pain, they made the children happy!

Opium for Asthma

"50 cents!? Just for asthma
relief? Dang, for that much
I could buy me a cow!"
(Farmer Giles was not impressed, 1905)

Mariani wine

Mariani wine (1875) was the most famous Coca wine of its time. Pope Leo XIII used to carry one bottle with him all the time. He awarded Angelo Mariani (the producer) with a Vatican gold medal.


******* tablets (1900)

All stage actors, singers teachers and preachers had to have them for a maximum performance. Great to "smooth" the voice.


Produced by Maltine Manufacturing Company of New York . It was suggested that you should take a full glass with or after every meal. Children should take half a glass.

Bayer's ******

A bottle of Bayer's ******. Between 1890 and 1910 ****** was sold as a non-addictive substitute for morphine. It was also used to treat children with strong cough.

How weird it is
Great job!
It really hasn't changed much with the DRUG manufacturers, it's all the same just different names and chemicals that still cause you more problems than they fix.
That sounds strong, taste wise. Must have been a very spiritual experience. Take care bro!

It didn't work I beleive the next time to put more coffee and maybe grind the coffee first. Need to buy brownie mix for tester. Believe it will be a strong one. I need some tester because my tolerance is to high. I give some brownies to 2 peoples one took 3 hours walk comming back from a 5 minute walk, the other one saw digital robot in the forest. Me I never seen nothing of that kind even with 3 brownies. I just harvest strawberry kush, hindu skun, Black berry kush and casey jones. Next to come lavender kush, purple kush, Og kush and master kush and can't remember the rest of my plant that suck. Looking to go back in the grand canyon and camp at the bottom with great medecine food at nigth to relax. It is a spritual experience in the Grand canyon allot diferent them Vegas were we use to go often love Sin city
Take care bros
Ok peace man this is a great thread. You are too funny. I must go buy a crock pot now. I must be the only person on earth who doesn't own a crock pot, double boiler and a pressure cooker. Oh no blender or toaster oven either lol.

If this oil works like you said that will be such a help to me. Thanks for you hide work. You need to open a restaurant.

I just hope I understand how to make the oil. If I get that right then off to the gooey.
Ok peace man this is a great thread. You are too funny. I must go buy a crock pot now. I must be the only person on earth who doesn't own a crock pot, double boiler and a pressure cooker. Oh no blender or toaster oven either lol.

If this oil works like you said that will be such a help to me. Thanks for you hide work. You need to open a restaurant.

I just hope I understand how to make the oil. If I get that right then off to the gooey.

I will be more then happy to help you for oil or goey sweet or salty ganja mix.
I will bring sample to see how strong it is. I have people to sample my stuff because I believe I fall in a big bol of weed when I was a baby and now it take allot of it for me too get two level 2 or 3 or 4 but I know it work when I talk to my sample people.
Thank you for your comment and welcome abord to the cooking with oil journal:thanks::welcome: and now:bong:it will be a nice day in Venie beach
LoL digital robots? I never seen anything either. I have eaten enough to not walk straight or loose my balance. But then I just sit and forget everything.

Sounds like you have and great Kush variety, that's good! I hope my stuff works out. Take care bro!

The kush is good but my hog ( California gold ) is a mazing I clone that plant since 2008 it is is 10 or 11 cloning and the potency is great I don't know if it is the frost effect or the new room but the pontency is really good now. Will enjoy the day in venice beach come down for lunch lol. Take care bros:grinjoint:
Thank you peace man +reps. I just harvested my one bud wonder. It was a plant with one bud. You can take a look at it in my photos. I am not sure how to do that but I bet you do.

I didn't get enough trim to do anything but I am about to harvest my WW and I hope to have enough from that. If not I will have to wait till my next grow or use the brick I have when I didn't have any of my own.
Thank you peace man +reps. I just harvested my one bud wonder. It was a plant with one bud. You can take a look at it in my photos. I am not sure how to do that but I bet you do.

I didn't get enough trim to do anything but I am about to harvest my WW and I hope to have enough from that. If not I will have to wait till my next grow or use the brick I have when I didn't have any of my own.

I will cut my white widow tomorow need to choke the plant a bit for more thricone but trim the plant yesterday before I cut it. I find it easier this way.
cut and hang and cure.
Excuse me sir, would you please pass me the Gooey Ganja...:yahoo:

That sound pretty freaking good to me! Peace man you and your combinations, I would love to try some fig jam/oil/Gooey Ganja. What would you put that on? Maybe some sort of sauce over rice? or rub it all over a naked but consenting duck? You have my attention:yahoo:
I sent some people to this thread and I don't see that they have come. I wonder why? I think your way of doing stuff is ingenious. I hope I am able to atempt to make stuff soon. When I do I will be asking for lots of help. My first thing is to go buy a crock pot. I never used one but I saw that they aren't expensive. My partner friend said she wouldn't use it after I had mj in it lol.
Excuse me sir, would you please pass me the Gooey Ganja...:yahoo:

That sound pretty freaking good to me! Peace man you and your combinations, I would love to try some fig jam/oil/Gooey Ganja. What would you put that on? Maybe some sort of sauce over rice? or rub it all over a naked but consenting duck? You have my attention:yahoo:

No problem to pass the goey ganja, the fig jam is mix with chocolate and nutela. I use it on ice cream on my morning toast and will find some new recipe for it too just found some people to sample the food I can't test it my self it will be to strong for a normal people my tolerance is too high.
Take care:smokin:
I sent some people to this thread and I don't see that they have come. I wonder why? I think your way of doing stuff is ingenious. I hope I am able to atempt to make stuff soon. When I do I will be asking for lots of help. My first thing is to go buy a crock pot. I never used one but I saw that they aren't expensive. My partner friend said she wouldn't use it after I had mj in it lol.

No problem to help and any recipe thank you to sent people on my thread for the croc pot goodwill or any trift store you buy them for $8 or less. You can tell your partner it is ok after it will be wash my wife will use the croc pot she knows it save for her. SHE KNOWS I CLEAN IT WELL I WANT ALL THE PONTENCY FOR ME
Ok peaceman I had to harvest early cause I had gnats. They weren't doing any damage but I hate bugs. I see the oil video is on page 7. I will follow that and then how do I turn that into gooey...what page is that on or are they two seperate things? Should I use my popcorn buds as well?

When all is dry I will let you know the weight of the trim so you can help me figure out how to do it. I like strong like you do.
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