

Well-Known Member
I'm in late flower using PK booster MOAB and botanicare, is this potassium or manganese? Not all over its just a few rando fans, this is 1 of 2 plants on an rdwc system. This plant did have somewhat of a late start. Same strain same everything just one girls different from the next when using seeds. Clones if 1 has the trait they typically all will. But I have ran out of MOAB, will use hydroplex. Botanicare says even tho it says its only 0-10-6 bc it is liquid its equivalent to your powders and salts like MOAB that claims to have 0-52-32. Please chime in, there's no correcting in this late in flower only preventing from getting worse and perhaps benefiting end result catching it now here's some pics.


Looks like the start of a defiency for sure. I don't really understand your setup so I can't say for sure what is going on.
@Bill284 lol of course a difficientcy just can't tell manganese or potassium. Hopefully some extra hydroplex will prevent any more. But like I said that plant was always a little behind the other their rhizo literally takes up every bit of the 5gallon bucket



Wow that’s beautiful nice freeken work there. I don’t use those nutrients so I can’t say for sure what to do. Hopefully someone with more experience will help soon. Looks great though.
I’ve got 5 jack Herer 7 month veg just hit 9 weeks flower yesterday. And they aren’t nearly as well branched out as yours.
7 months? Was that a typo
No back in March I filled three cloners and just cranked out babies. Since I didn’t use one of my flower rooms during the summer I let them go nuts in there while I took care of everyone outside. So this is the last 5 from that one. Been a blast watching these beasts explode.



I’m in coco a little bit more work but it’s what I know so I stick with it. I top extensively and bend and tie main branches. I don’t use a net because I move everybody every month. I start in flower room for 4 weeks then when I harvest my tent I move girls in flower room to tent better light in there to finish. I usually start 20 or 30 clones a month minimum and keep the best and dump any slow girls. Been running Jack Herer trying to just perfect my process. Got a great Gorilla Glue I been cloning so that’s next.
I've never ran the net either , this time I'm just playing with different things as I will be moving soon coco is by far the simplest ive tried. Soil seems like rocket science to me and too slow don't have the patience for it. I have some sour diesel I found bean in 2 packs in ended up being female. I had never cloned before so gave it a shot. What u see is Mango kush so tends to stay shorter n bustier. But I could do with sativa too. I've never grown out doors... but this spring ill get my first chance
I grew a giant 12’ tall 10’ wide Jack branching was amazing. Got hit with mites again this year so the work out side was tripled outside
trying to keep them at bay. I’m going to build a little green house in the spring to try and keep bugs at bay.
That’s the problem I was worried about. If it’s woven in you can’t move it.
I found these products for cloning. It has made life so much easier seriously freeken easy.
Honestly you could clone a rock with this shit.



Well the Mango kush was like a week didn't care what you stuck it in rooted. Thr sour diesel was a bit more touchy I used a power cloner or aeroponic cloner, I did straight in coco, and finally I just made a small 7 site mini dwc cloner. I made a large one using a 27 gal storage tote from a video on youtube.... its too much water for a cloner and they only made it 16 sites if I were to ever use it, I'd go buy another lid and either make them 6inch net pots so can go str8 to a 5 gal bucket or a ton more 1-2, would even work for a sog start to finish. I got all those branches by starting if you were "quading" or "mainlining" using LEDs like u little closer so you get tighter node pattern. If you see my trunk is like 2 ive had almost 3 inches wide these did veg little longer then normal 9 weeks. From seed. But if I ever ran something like this again dwc I would do it like a multi site cloner
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