Do you smoke legally?

Do you smoke legally

  • Yes

    Votes: 11 14.7%
  • No

    Votes: 64 85.3%

  • Total voters
Decrim is what most are referinf to when they say legal, I would have to research a little more into the 12 but I know that you can grow your own in alaska and it seems I read that boulder co has just decrimmed and Arkansas is now allowing clinics to use it in the clinics. I believe but having hailed most of my life from ar. I can't imagine that. Also Mexico Decrim? give me a break I've never had a hard time finding anything in mexico!
Clip said:
It still illegal at the fed level my friend so maybe no State cops but the DEA can sure as hell fuck you up. They have done raids on the 'legal' places that operate. The feds will never decrim it because they won't make any money in taxes off it due to the fact it is sooooo easy to grow your own.

ya but its safe to say they wont be bothering us patients...just making us turn to the black market for medicine
IT's legal to grow tomato's, green peppers and even catnip but how many people grow it the reason so many people grow weed is because it's illegal and they can't go buy it. Even with marijuana being illegal it's still one of the biggest cash crops in the u.s. If they legalized they would not only make money but knock out the national debt. I don't think your statement holds water. What would you do if you had a choice go to the store and pick up a bag of purple sticky bud or wait weeks to see if your grow works. Not only would the feds do it with the right support they already have plans in place in the event that it happens. My father in law was in the navy and when at port in an south american country, he entered a american warehouse and saw crates of joints pre-packaged in Marlboro crates. Which means not only the feds have thought of it but corpoate america has been consulted. I'll give you that this was several years ago but it shows that the feds were ready at one time and not only could be ready again but would have the backing of the tobacco company's probly more now then ever before due to the war on tobacco. Not to mention if we weren't funding the war on drugs we would have more money to solve other problems relavent to our nation.
you guys, if marijuana were to ever become legal it would devestate the lumber industry, the pharmacutical industry, cotton, tobacco, even things like alcohol. you cant just think of it as becoming legal and thats it, you have to look at the effect it will have on other industries and the economy. and no they couldnt tax it because look how wide spread it is now, if it became legal people would just be growing their own and say fuck buying it in a store. not too mention just think of all the chemicals and crap in ciggs do you really want that in our MJ too once it becomes an official industry? plus if it were legal the government would probably put a cap on potency and quality which means we would be stuck with schwag.

weigh the pros and cons carefully

Edit: Paully girl the war on tobacco is being led by the tobacco industry itself, phillip moris and truth and all those ads are funded by big tobacco companies, under law they are forced to "give back" to the community and this is how they do it.
do I smoke legally? hmmm...does poop roll uphill? hell no, and i love it. some day it will be legal, when stoners like us make up a larger portion of the population, and other drug use runs rampant. vote for stikee for prez 2032. I'll deliver the goods! :allgood: stikee :allgood:
Nope, I break the law every day almost. Well, kind of. Canada actually has no real legislation when it comes to weed, so the most you get for under an ounce is a ticket. Most of the time they just confiscate the weed though.
<~~~became a med patient just this year, and the process is a living hell! not to mention, i believe the states could make more by not legalizing it, but making money on certificates, or the application itself. they are making a grip off just me alone, i believe in oregon i paid $150 for the certification. and another $120 for the application fee, oregon voter power.... pfft dickheads...
Clip said:
It still illegal at the fed level my friend so maybe no State cops but the DEA can sure as hell fuck you up. They have done raids on the 'legal' places that operate. The feds will never decrim it because they won't make any money in taxes off it due to the fact it is sooooo easy to grow your own.

Mr Clip, Can we talk? Good.. your argument is so weak and so.. never mind.

Move to California and see what's happening. The DEA does raids now and then only for their own benefit and some headlines. The people of Caifornia for the most part have already voted on this issue and the Supreme Court has told the legislature it is not their business to change laws only to interpret them. The DEA has to do these little busts now and then to let anti-pot legialators who pay their wages that they are doing their job.

As Californians, we give a flying fuck about the DEA. Do you really think they're going to start busting sick people at Co-ops here in California? Get real. Wake up. smell the coffee. This is California, the year 2006 and we love our pot. The DEA can take away our pot when they can pry it from our cold dead hands! (That doesn't make sense but it sounds good..) :laughtwo:
Mr Clip.. upstate NY.. now I understand how you don't understand the California medical cannabis situation. Review our laws that we have inacted in the 10 years since SB215.. then perhaps you'll understand that no matter what the feds do, medical marijuana and all things associated with it are here to stay and are an example every state should emulate.. fuck, we worked long and hard these past ten years to get where we are. You can thank us later for all the inroads we've made for the entire country. :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'm not even going to get into a discussion about the big 5 tobacco companys they have to palce those ads and give back to the community because it was the communities that were suing thier pants off. Trust me they did not want to loose millions even billions to the war on tobacco, they didn't make all that money and then say hey we have an idea lets go broke. The war on tabacco is being waged by the attorneys of all these moronic smokers that knew it was going to kill them and smoked anyway. I'm a smoker and I'm definatly smart enough to know that I'm doing it to myself. In response to if the government regulated well I supose they would and you could still grow your freaking hydro in the basement as most of us are doing now but at this point in american history some legalization is better than nothing we are paying the same taxes as the nazi's that are making our laws.
sirtokesalot2 said:
so what are the 12 state u can smoke leagaly? oh im smokin eleagly now

They are 11 states and once again they are: (drum roll please...)

Since 1996, eleven states have legalized medical marijuana use: AK, AZ, CA, CO, HI, ME, NV, OR, RI, VT and WA. Eight of the ten did so through the initiative process, Hawaii's law was enacted by the legislature and signed by the governor in 2000, Vermont's was enacted by the legislature and passed into law without the governor's signature in May 2004, and Rhode Island's was enacted overriding the governor's veto in January 2006. Nevada has legalization on the ballot this next election and other states are visiting the issue.

Eleven in heaven.. come join us!
paullygirl said:
Pinch if you were in my living room I would kiss you I swear to all that is holy or not thank you

Ah shucks, Ms Paullygirl.. ya make me blush. :laughtwo:
chameleon140 said:
Clip, it's legal if you're a medical marijuana patient, and illegal if you're not, it's that simple.

And I'm also wondering, to those of you that are med patients, how do you go about obtaining the ID card, or even just the letter of recommendation from your doctor? Do you just ask the doctor to write it for you? Like, hey doc, I know myself, and only marijuana can help with the problems I have. Could you please write me a note to buy weed at the dispensary or hook me up with one of those nifty ID cards? Please?:cheesygrinsmiley:

Majority of med patients get their Dr recommmendations from Corporations set up just for that. A bunch of Drs get together and set up a little office. You go in, pay $120 or whatever, tell the Dr your story or bring medical records. I've never heard of anyone being denied. It's like a production line. (With ove 150,000 medical marijuana patients in California you can see it's a pretty lucrative business.)

There are numerous ID cards in California. An Oakland OCBC card is the most widely accepted, even got me into a club in Vancouver, BC.. ya gotta love it.

Now the counties have been mandated by the State of California to set up programs to issue state medical cannabis ID cards. These are the only cards the CHP will recognize if you are found with cannabis in your car. If you have it, their policy is not to arrest or confiscate as long as the quantity is within State guidelines.

Good night and good luck.
Mr Clip.. smoke a joint... mellow out, way too many upper case letters. :cheesygrinsmiley: :peace:
The 10th amendment to the United States Bill of Rights states:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people."'

That means that anything not part of the Constitution, meaning the bill of rights and it's amendments, is to be regulated by the state. Nowhere in the constitution does it take the right of states away to make their own laws about marijuana. Therefore it should be governed by the state and the feds have no right to intrude on the state laws. California says it's medicine, that should be the end of the story. Clip it's the feds breaking the law not us medicinal patients. Can we be prosecuted, yes, is it legal in california, yes. Any more questions?
Well... there you have it.

Mr Clip, you may perform a citizen's arrest on the 150,000 medical cannabis smokers here in California..

"Assume the position, fucking assholes!" - Mr. Clip
How about more legal? Would that make you feel better? I change my vote from smoking legaly to more legaly than you Clip. How about that? Make you feel better?
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