Does this seedling look to be okay?


420 Member
The first Picture was taken the 23rd, the other one was taken this morning. It looks deformed. I recently rose my 600w LED light about 35 inches from my plant, from about 12 inches. But i feel like its growing very weirdly.


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Welcome to the community. She looks ok . give her about a week to really settle in to her pot. A good tip is to water her from the sides inwards a little. or spiral outward towards the pots edges. This will encourage her main roots to explore further out initially. A good rootball is paramount to a good yield and healthy plant and we can usually set that up I the very early stages. If you start a journal , the community can ride along as you post too . There are so e great members here from every conceivable angle and method of growing. This leads to fun debates and friendly disagreements but makes better growers of us all in the long term. Journals are very easy to put together ans maintain and are a great way of improving our art too. seeing the growth patterns and timings can be very comforting when things may seem odd in a current grow. happy to ride along if you start one. Just out a @Ganjagrandaddy on a post and it will notify me of the post. Any issues along the way and we can call in a lot of members i have had contact with here to help if needed. good luck and welcome home !
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