Dreaming about your grow!

Just kind of curious, I don't know if it is this new herb I got from the dispensary, or if im just thinking way too much about my grow..

For the past 2 or 3 days I've been havning dreams about my dang tent and plants!!
Last night I was just doing some tucking and bending and stuff (in my dream), when I snapped my plant in half..
I woke up thinking I had actually did that and went to look at the damage to refresh my memory,
.... and it wasn't broken!! HAH I actually just started a happy little giddy laugh and got back in bed..

Has anyone had these sorts of dreams? They are my new nightmare!! :rollingeyes:
(Put this in FAQ, Sorty if it's in wrong spot!)

-CA215 :peace:
Ah Noooooo, ill never admit it .....:yahoo:
Dude, once a week ill shoot straight up out of bed thinking something like that. "Fuck did I water the jtr? " "did I remember to close the tent after I was done?"
My biggest most reoccurring one is a bulb burnt out. Always gets me out of bed lol
I think its just cause im around em all day now, I go in and give em a peak constantly!! So tempting! Even when im driving im thinking of what I can do to improve what I got going. So it has got to carry on into the night :hmmmm:

Guess I need more tokes until I cant think anymore.!!! :bong:
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