Drug Czar Mixes Cannabis, Caffeine, and Cartography With Catastrophic Results

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
The Drug Czar claimed today that San Francisco has more medical marijuana dispensaries than Starbucks coffee shops.
As we've noted previously, state "medical" marijuana laws breed confusion, abuse, and violence in neighborhoods and communities.

Here's our latest analysis of this phenomenon. In downtown San Francisco alone, there are 98 marijuana dispensaries, compared to 71 Starbucks Coffee shops

As is typical considering the source, this is just totally wrong. There are 25 medical marijuana dispensaries in San Francisco, not 98. I contacted Americans for Safe Access today and they had no idea what’s up with this crazy map. Most of the "dispensaries" on the map simply don’t exist. It’s incomprehensible. My best guess is that they’re including doctors' offices, which might write prescriptions, but certainly don’t provide medicine. It might be something even crazier and more dishonest than that.

The thing is, everyone in San Francisco knows where the dispensaries are. They’re only allowed in certain areas. It’s not a secret. This page includes a list of addresses for all of them and, believe me, a lot of people wish it were longer.

So if "marijuana laws breed confusion" as the drug czar claims, it would appear that the confusion remains confined to his office. Regardless of how many Starbucks and medical marijuana dispensaries there are, there is only one place to go if you’re looking for worldclass bullshit drug war propaganda maps.


ONDCP's fake marijuana dispensary map

News Hawk: User: 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: StoptheDrugWar.org
Copyright: 2008 StoptheDrugWar.org
Contact: drcnet@drcnet.org
Website: Drug Czar Mixes Cannabis, Caffeine, and Cartography With Catastrophic Results
Wow, just Wow. How can john keep doing this without consequences????
I do not understand how this person can continue to tell out right lies to mislead the American public? We need some help from the local media to call these people on their lies!!
If brains were dynamite John Walters couldn't blow his nose.He'll be gone in a few months and good riddance to bad garbage.:peace:
^^ hahahhaha!
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