DrZiggy's Low And Slow Drying: Maximizing Your Harvest

Yes this is a fact there is a lot of people on Social Security and with no income that are on medical marijuana and literally cannot afford to buy it so once a year I do take a crop down and fine the more needing patients and distribute it to those who cannot afford are normal 12 and $14 a gram

Thinking about those prices make me nauseous sometimes. I live on Social Security myself, and that was why I started growing. Very commendable of you. :hug:
So you understand where I'm coming from I have some patients that I will see once or twice a month and when I ask them where they been they can't afford to come in on a regular basis because Street prices are a lot lower and some do not have the availability to grow their own without having legal trouble so I take care of this by becoming a caregiver for a few of my patients mainly cancer patients and it sounds horrible but we have an 11 year old that suffers from multiple sclerosis severely and stays pretty much bedridden these are just a few of the people that I am their caregiver for their plants
I am excited to learn! If all goes well I will have my VERY FIRST buds to dry:)

I'm excited for you Minnie. :yahoo: Wait 'till you taste them. You won't believe it. We'ew all already spoiled beyond belief. LOL! :laughtwo:

What plant will you be harvesting? :battingeyelashes:
OMG, that was delightful. :laughtwo:

Absolutely, 100 percent. Been dropping off 1/4 pint jars to family and friends. This is my hobby. If I did anything more it is only to recoup from the summer grow expenses and resupply for the winter. I give about 80 percent of my grow away. I get waaaay more pleasure when I drop off a jar to someone, like my local shop guy who gives me the thumbs up and tells me I know what I'm doing.
LMAO I run a medical marijuana dispensary in New Mexico about to go to Ohio and open up our dispensary there

I ain't mad atcha friend. I got a regular 9-5. If I had the finances I would certainly retire and become a farmer. Finances ain't the only reason. You know all the hoops that you need to jump thru. But not to high jack this thread.

Back to dehydration method...lol.
Has anyone tried it on a seeded plant? 3 of my gurls either herm'd on me or they got pollenated from the male earlier in the season and I didn't catch him in time. I'm gonna trim them all down to buds and freeze the trim for bubble hash later. If they were pollinated then I'll dry and keep the seeds. Herm'd seeds not good...LOL.

Yes you did SweetSue. Took notes and everything. I'm a good student...LOL. I even got the dehydrator you have in the picture. They claim it's an updated version but what do I care. It will be here tomorrow or Friday and then the fun begins.

Any input on seeded plants? Drying the same way for harvested seeds?

Oh... Good to hear. :high-five:

I wouldn't worry about drying with seeds if you use the fridge, but I'm not certain 95 degrees would be good for your seeds. We store in the fridge. My only concern is that the seeds might need to dry naturally to be viable. I don't know anything about seeded plants, so I speak purely from instinct.

If it were my plant I'd be hang drying it, more concerned about salvaging the seeds. This is assuming you want the seeds.

this is my first go with seeded buds, lo&slo in the fridge method. I do indeed want the regular seeds from my inbred triple purple rhino. My hope is they have matured enough in the bud to be stable enough for the fridge. Which is where they were destined to go eventually. I will not get to test them until next year. Just too many new projects on the horizon and little space to go with.

They should be fine. I would normally give the seeds 2-3 weeks out of the bud in a place to dry before the fridge packaged with a desiccant pack.
As I near harvest in a few days I'm concerned over room in my fridge. As it is, with my outdoor garden, I'll be lucky to get a fraction of the yield done with this method but will fit what I can because I'm a believer. Is there a particular reason to use jars or can I just clean out the lower bin and fill it half way full with fresh bud? Seeings as the lower bin closes and not much air circulation, would it be better to just use a tub type container and place it on the lower shelf instead?

From what I'm gleaning in reading this thread and would appreciate confirmation I understand this correctly. The point of all this is to address the large loss of terps normally incurred during a hang/dry process in locations with higher temperatures. That the 39 degrees (or thereabouts) of the fridge allow for a slow drying and preservation of the terps until buds are ready for the jar/boveda pack long term cure. Do I have this right?

Last question; I'm wondering if anyone's discovered there's also a considerable improvement if only in the fridge for 4-5 days and then dried in open air for remaining time required before jarring? I'd assume there would be but curious. I ask, because I'll be harvesting plants over a two week period and curious if I should settle on a smaller quantity done the whole time in the fridge or a larger quantity that rotates in and out.

Thank you.

Zafu- great questions.

I think Some people have put the bud on the refrigerator racks in the open but i dunno how it turned out. (I keep mine in paper bags the whole time) I like to have some protection and gathering of any loose material that might fall off. I started off in paper bags cause that is how I did it before this method.

I go straight from paper bag in fridge to jar with humidity meter. But that is more for convenience. I am not very well following any rules. I am alll over the place really.

Plus my wifey gets 'concerned' when there is bags of stash all over the place. It is her stash after all.
I like the idea of rotating the drying process if you have to. Sounds possible. I dunno
Today I started my first attempt to create an oil that should come close to the Fresh Harvest Oil. I used 125 ml of EVOO and 25 grams of CBD Critical Cure, flash dried in the dehydrator. The buds smelled and looked like they did on harvest day when I took them out of the jar to grind them up. We really are getting to be incredibly spoiled, aren't we? :laughtwo:


It's probably going to take longer to break everything down, so I'm figuring at least 40 hours. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

Sunday fun day... have a great weekend!!!!

Today I started my first attempt to create an oil that should come close to the Fresh Harvest Oil. I used 125 ml of EVOO and 25 grams of CBD Critical Cure, flash dried in the dehydrator. The buds smelled and looked like they did on harvest day when I took them out of the jar to grind them up. We really are getting to be incredibly spoiled, aren't we? :laughtwo:


It's probably going to take longer to break everything down, so I'm figuring at least 40 hours. I'll let you all know how it turns out.

As I near harvest in a few days I'm concerned over room in my fridge. As it is, with my outdoor garden, I'll be lucky to get a fraction of the yield done with this method but will fit what I can because I'm a believer. Is there a particular reason to use jars or can I just clean out the lower bin and fill it half way full with fresh bud? Seeings as the lower bin closes and not much air circulation, would it be better to just use a tub type container and place it on the lower shelf instead?

From what I'm gleaning in reading this thread and would appreciate confirmation I understand this correctly. The point of all this is to address the large loss of terps normally incurred during a hang/dry process in locations with higher temperatures. That the 39 degrees (or thereabouts) of the fridge allow for a slow drying and preservation of the terps until buds are ready for the jar/boveda pack long term cure. Do I have this right?

Last question; I'm wondering if anyone's discovered there's also a considerable improvement if only in the fridge for 4-5 days and then dried in open air for remaining time required before jarring? I'd assume there would be but curious. I ask, because I'll be harvesting plants over a two week period and curious if I should settle on a smaller quantity done the whole time in the fridge or a larger quantity that rotates in and out.

Thank you.


I love the way the universe works. :laughtwo: In the middle of the night I got the urge to document what I do with the bags. Couldn't have been more timely. :battingeyelashes:

This is the harvest of the CBD Critical Cure, in the bags on the 20th of September.


I only put a small amount in each bag, but you can certainly get more than that in each of these bags. The concern with overcrowding is twofold - you run an increased risk of mold if you're not careful, and the buds can stick together and be a pain to seperate, again bringing that mold concern.


Once a week I pull the bags out and ever-so-gently coax the buds apart.



I tumble them gently in the bag to assure myself there aren't any big clumps I missed, then it's back in the drawer for another week, or less, If I've determined the buds are dry enough to test with a hygrometer.

When I do test I choose the buds that're the least dense. If those buds are dry enough I jar them up and try another bag. I have some half-gallon jars I use to test an entire harvest, which in my case isn't anywhere near what your outdoor harvest will be. :laughtwo:


The bags pull the moisture out as well as keep everything neat and tidy.

Do you have a dehydrator? It'd process the harvest faster if you put it all, or as much as you can fit, in the fridge initially and and then start doing runs with the dehydrator.
LMAO I run a medical marijuana dispensary in New Mexico about to go to Ohio and open up our dispensary there

New Mexico medical has had it's ups and downs over the years. Having a card as recently as two years ago put you in a group of around 20 or 30 thousand. OTOH a total of 16 plants and personal possession of half a pound is about as liberal as any medical only state.

I have patronized most of the dispensaries south of Manervicana's main outlet including one in T or C. I have probably been in your shop.

I never know
I love the way the universe works. :laughtwo: In the middle of the night I got the urge to document what I do with the bags. Couldn't have been more timely. :battingeyelashes:

This is the harvest of the CBD Critical Cure, in the bags on the 20th of September.


I only put a small amount in each bag, but you can certainly get more than that in each of these bags. The concern with overcrowding is twofold - you run an increased risk of mold if you're not careful, and the buds can stick together and be a pain to seperate, again bringing that mold concern.


Once a week I pull the bags out and ever-so-gently coax the buds apart.



I tumble them gently in the bag to assure myself there aren't any big clumps I missed, then it's back in the drawer for another week, or less, If I've determined the buds are dry enough to test with a hygrometer.

When I do test I choose the buds that're the least dense. If those buds are dry enough I jar them up and try another bag. I have some half-gallon jars I use to test an entire harvest, which in my case isn't anywhere near what your outdoor harvest will be. :laughtwo:


The bags pull the moisture out as well as keep everything neat and tidy.

Do you have a dehydrator? It'd process the harvest faster if you put it all, or as much as you can fit, in the fridge initially and and then start doing runs with the dehydrator.

Thanks SweetSue. I harvested two plants this morning and will head out later and pick up bags like that. I do not own a dehydrator and think entertaining an additional twist at this point in the season would make my head explode ;p The typical drying method of hanging and jarring worked beautifully last year and look forward to seeing how the amount I can fit in the fridge comes out.


Thanks SweetSue. I harvested two plants this morning and will head out later and pick up bags like that. I do not own a dehydrator and think entertaining an additional twist at this point in the season would make my head explode ;p The typical drying method of hanging and jarring worked beautifully last year and look forward to seeing how the amount I can fit in the fridge comes out.



It'll give you a good comparison. Then you can share your impressions with us. :battingeyelashes:
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