Eat The Cake?


New Member
Hi All,

First post...long time recipient of good counsel (I think I posted this earlier in the FAQ forum...hey, I'm a noob).

I just got done with my first pot glycerin tincture using that wonderful appliance, MagicalButter. I used two cups (VG/PG 50%) and an ounce of duff (already been vaped; Dutch Treat), plus an additional half ounce of White Widow...and a thimble full of dust from the grinder.

Anyway, the juice is great (with a bit of flavoring). I ground things down for the tincture real fine...thus, the mud.

The question I have is there any real use for the residue/cake/mud left in the bottom of the MB. I mean, I know there's probably a lot of medicine yet in that cake, but what is the best way to utilize it?

I tried a pinch (no...not between cheek and gum) under my tongue. Taste like hell, but I'm baked.

Anyone offer other uses for the stuff? Looks like I have about a quarter cup of it.

Much thanks...and happy dreams.
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