Excited - First Ever Grow - Got Questions


New Member
Hope all is well and High!!!

How Tall should my plants be on day 5?
Can I use 2--43watt CFL 6500K on a plant and if so how far away should i have it from the plant?

I Planted using miracle grow soil bought at lowes. Is That Ok?
How Long Should I let them Grow Before I go to flowering?

As you can tell i am new to all of this and extremely stoned, but any advice would be great. Lets get to know one another>
Re: Excited. First Ever Grow... Got Questions.

Why is that soil bad?

On another note. my 6 day old plantsare 5-6 inches tall and growing straight up, should i re-pot them deeper in the soil?
Re: Excited. First Ever Grow... Got Questions.

about a year ago I joined this site asking the exact same things you are asking.there aint nothing rong with that BUT bro you need the how tos.:). when you do this you will find alot of ansewrs to your questions. I asked and sure that you will ask the same qs that everyone has heard over and over. not tryin to be an ahole but read, it will make your grow much less stressfull and stress is the oppasite of what you want:) ok the soil you have is bad #1 it has fertilizer in it and there is no way you can control it. dr ten is right. exile 19s link is a very good start the 6500k lights are good for flower and will be ok but you need some 2300k for veg. you can flower after the 5th node begins to grow or when you see the branches stagger(one grows higher on opposite side of the other) anyway freind take time and check out the threads with the how tos.then Im sure you will ask question here that people will be glad to ansewr:welcome:
Re: Excited. First Ever Grow... Got Questions.

Soil with slow release ferts in are normally designed to last for about 9 months which is no good for cannabis soil with normal ferts in are fine to transplant in to when the plant is out of the seedling stage and can take more ferts but for young plants you need a soil with minimal ferts like plagron light mix, i would always recomend not to skimp on soil and get the best you can afford also it's good to mix dolomite lime in the soil to help buffer the ph use about 1 cup per cubic foot. hope this helps
Re: Excited. First Ever Grow... Got Questions.

Hope all is well and High!!!How Tall should my plants be on day 5?Can I use 2--43watt CFL 6500K on a plant and if so how far away should i have it from the plant?I Planted using miracle grow soil bought at lowes. Is That Ok?
How Long Should I let them Grow Before I go to flowering?As you can tell i am new to all of this and extremely stoned, but any advice would be great. Lets get to know one another>

Hi Saturated--

Let me just say first, welcome to 420magazine, it's a great place with great people and glad you found us. We don't mind answering questions that you may have. But like Fishcake says, it does help to read the links. It will normally answer the initial questions you may have. And we know after doing the reading you will still have questions so feel free to ask. Also, if you could post a pic of your plant, you could get a more definitive answer plus we just love pics and showing off our plants...lol..With cfls you can have them a few inches from the plant but to tell for sure, place your hand palm down over your plant, if the back of your hand feels hot then it is hot to your plants. As for the issue of Miracle Grow, well I have had some tell me it is not good to grow mj in yet we have some members who use it with no problems. So, I would say it's a personal choice but if it was me personally, I wouldn't, it can run hot (have nutes already) that may be too strong for your seedling. As for how tall they should be, well, all plants are different and grow at their own pace as long as you're not doing something to stunt its growth. But when you get a chance click on the link that Exile provided, it will get you on your way and answer most of your questions. Happy Growing.
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