First Ever Closet Grow Using a 300 Watt CFL - a Bit of Skill and a Lot of Luck!

Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hey everyone, just seen I've reached 100 likes, woo hoo :)
Many thanks for your continued support. The lower leaves on the two largest have turned yellow and one has a couple of small brown speckles,

not sure if i should be concerned just yet as they are soon to be repotted, but i'm still unsure what soil to use. Should i go with John Innes number 2 or does anyone have any suggestions please.
Apologies for dodgy looking pics, my camera on my phone wouldn't focus on the leaf and kept the focus on other things, plus i had to remove some of the background for reasons.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

could be a PH problem or maybe nutes, I think that you may want to get her in her final home (larger pot) the new home will help balance things out. less margin for error:)
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

could be a PH problem or maybe nutes, I think that you may want to get her in her final home (larger pot) the new home will help balance things out. less margin for error:)

Cheers mate i will be doing that in the next few days if i can find out which soil to use. I've checked the pH of the soil and it is around 7, the water that i use is 6.8. What soil do you suggest i use fishcake? I can't seem to find out which one to use, some people have suggested John Innes number 2.
I've notice the third plant looks much healthier now, and it hasn't stretched like the other two which means I must have had them too far away from the light at the beginning. Noob error.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

LOOKIN GOOD NEWBIEDUDE....i'M SUBBED...........if that's good with you!

Hey mcloadie thanks for your interest in my thread, i hope to please everyone. Yeah i'm glad you're subbed dude i must be doing something right here!
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

I mix my own soil so a brand I cant speak for.
but if you are intrested here is my mix
40%potting soil
30% perlite
15%worm castings
and 15% spagnuhm peat moss
also a big spoon full of fish meal(dried) and same amount of dried cal mag. thats for a 3gallon pot:)
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hi guys, call me stupid but what is potting soil??
I've started the seeds in John Innes Seed soil and it recommends using John Innes number 1 when the roots have filled the containers.
I'm confused.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hi guys, call me stupid but what is potting soil??
I've started the seeds in John Innes Seed soil and it recommends using John Innes number 1 when the roots have filled the containers.
I'm confused.

Hope I can help you bro. What I think you're eluding to is why are there different tyes of soils. The seed soil would be a lighter soil, not so rich in nutrients so the tender seedlings won't burn. It probably has some hormone to encourage root development also. Your growing soil would be richer in nutrients, often referred to as " hotter " than starter soil, to make sure the plants have a good start after transplanting ( adequate required nutrients ). Everyone has their favorite soils they use. The one thing I do know is that I always mix 25% perlite to make sure I've got good drainage and aeration. For rookies like me it lets the pots dry out quicker, which helps to eliminate excessive moisture from overwatering. I don't use MG soils, the only time I tried em was the only crop I lost. This round I'm using dr earth organic POTting soil. I'm havin good luck with it and already have it for my next round. Hope this helped. I'm not saying that MG soils don't work, they don't seem to be preferred for growing cannabis.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hey mcloadie that helped a lot to clear up what types of soil are for what, although i already re potted just a half hour ago and this is what they look like in their new homes. The third one will be potted next week. I'm just worried now that there isn't enough room under my 1 light to support three plants.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hey guys i know your aching for an update, well here it is. My babies have had just 24 hours in their new homes and look how well they have responded! I really didn't think they would look any different after just a day but i was so wrong. I watered the pots before i transplanted then just left them as they are. I will now be watering when THEY tell ME :)
Before and after (24 hours) pics.

Enjoy you lovely people :thanks:
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

I'm thinking now maybe i should have put all three in a massive pot to save space, or would that be stupid?
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

yeah I would say just one pot per plant. if something goes wrong then all 3 are screwed, the roots will grow to gether and then if you tried to save one then chances are they would all die.
if one doesnt like that much feeding then that sucks too. you know what I'am sayin:thumb:
but your girls will be thanking you for the new digs bro, now they got room to stretch out and grow:goodjob:
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

yeah I would say just one pot per plant. if something goes wrong then all 3 are screwed, the roots will grow to gether and then if you tried to save one then chances are they would all die.
if one doesnt like that much feeding then that sucks too. you know what I'am sayin:thumb:
but your girls will be thanking you for the new digs bro, now they got room to stretch out and grow:goodjob:

Fair enough dude i hear you. I can see how complications could happen. I'm not sure it's clear to see in the pics but the smallest plant hasn't seemed to develop the "ill" looking leaves that the other two have and i'm not sure why. I'm guessing it has something to do with nutes; as the smallest is obviously the youngest so it won't have used the available nutes in the soil, am i right?
Peace dude, and many many thanks for your support, it's invaluable!
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hey guys, called me obsessed I don't care, i wanna show the world what i'm doing (well not literally)
Day 26 from seed i think, all 3 of my gorgeous sexy girls have now been repotted and they are doing great. A few leaves are looking like they're feeling sorry for themselves but the new shoots are a deep grass green and the smell is already present! Sweet and spicy, lovely jubbly.

Much love to all.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Plants can generally get a month of nutrition from a commercial soil before I supplement , individual plants sometimes have different nutritional needs. With a small number of plants this is easy to combat, by varying the nutrients according to individual needs. I have found that plants even have different watering requirements. I call these needy plants crybabies, and I cave in to their wants as soon as I notice and properly diagnose what they are crying for. In the heat of summer I water twice a day outside, about 3 gallons total for the crybabies, 2 for the tough girls. Just an example bro, if it helps.
Re: First ever closet grow using a 300 watt CFL, a bit of skill and a lot of luck!

Hi guys my babies are looking great, i was wondering if it would be worth trimming off the "ill" looking leaves so that the plants concentrate their energy to the healthy leaves? Would this be a good idea or should i wait until they do whatever they gotta do? Much love, peace.
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