First Grow - At what point do I stop giving nutrients (pics)

Hi all, have watered the plants with regular pHed water on the 23rd and 24th but the leaves aren't getting better. Just to clarify it's mainly on one plant but yellowing is starting on a second. I know its normal for lower leaves to start yellowing towards the end of the flowering stage so I just said I'd share this picture with you to confirm. Also to ask if its safe to give 1/4 strength nutrient water today or should I do another day of pHed water? Can I remove these leaves and trim the ones with burned tips?

Thanks in advance!

Took this picture yesterday

The lower leaves will probably not get any better, you want to see new growth unaffected by those issues to know whether or not the issue has been resolved. I typically remove damaged leaves when they are easily removed from the branch by grabbing the leaf stalk near the branch and pulling downward. If it doesn't easily snap cleanly off, then I leave until the next round of clean-up. If you do decide to give nutrients, I would start/continue with the flowering nutrients as it appears that your lady is well into the flowering stage.
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