First Medical Marijuana Dispensary is Robbed, Then It is Targeted by Police

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
Police have made a habit of cracking down on medical marijuana dispensaries across Orange County lately, but one in Irvine wound up needing the help of officers Friday afternoon.

And here's the kicker: Irvine police now say they are investigating the business.

This all began to unfold just before 1 p.m. Friday, when a man walked into the dispensary in the 17100 block of Von Karman Avenue, whipped out a handgun, pointed it at an employee working the counter and demanded money.

Oh yeah, and toss in some of that natural medicine sold here, ordered the baddie. He left with $200 in cash and $150 in product. Don't know if he signed the California Cannabis Initiative petition on the way out the door, though.

He was described as an African-American in his late 20s, 5 feet 8, 180 pounds and wearing a red jacket and jeans.

Irvine Police Lt. John Hare tells the Orange County Register that the dispensary itself could face repercussions if police determine it was operating illegally.

NewsHawk: User: 420 Magazine - Cannabis Culture News & Reviews
Author: Matt Coker
Copyright: 2010 OC Weekly, LP
Contact: The OC Weekly Blogs
Website: First Medical Marijuana Dispensary is Robbed, Then It is Targeted by Police - Orange County News - Navel Gazing

• Thanks to MedicalNeed for submitting this article
Orange County, to be exact Newport Beach was once my home town, the OC Register my newspaper. It's sad to think something like this would happen in Orange County. Californians were the first people to legalize Marijuana, now other states have passed us in there Marijuana Laws, Oregon for example, not only is Medical Marijuana legal there, but it's free. You don't need to buy your license, and buy the pot, the state of Oregon gives it to you for nothing. Californians wake up! Our Govenor, old Arnold has taken from the poor, and given to the rich, and I personally will be glad to see his last day in office. I was forced to go on Methadone after an accident that left me paralyzed. I recovered to a point where I only need a cane to walk, now Schwaranigger has decided to take away the methadone from people on medi-cal. All I wanted was the marijuana, now I won't have the methadone anymore, and after being on it for so long, and still no Marijuana, there is a good chance that I will die, literally. I sure would like to see medical marijuana legalized before I do, not the way we treat it in California where they still bust dispensaries. Please people vote yes on any further laws that decriminalise marijuana in California.
Orange County, to be exact Newport Beach was once my home town, the OC Register my newspaper. It's sad to think something like this would happen in Orange County. Californians were the first people to legalize Marijuana, now other states have passed us in there Marijuana Laws, Oregon for example, not only is Medical Marijuana legal there, but it's free. You don't need to buy your license, and buy the pot, the state of Oregon gives it to you for nothing. Californians wake up! Our Govenor, old Arnold has taken from the poor, and given to the rich, and I personally will be glad to see his last day in office. I was forced to go on Methadone after an accident that left me paralyzed. I recovered to a point where I only need a cane to walk, now Schwaranigger has decided to take away the methadone from people on medi-cal. All I wanted was the marijuana, now I won't have the methadone anymore, and after being on it for so long, and still no Marijuana, there is a good chance that I will die, literally. I sure would like to see medical marijuana legalized before I do, not the way we treat it in California where they still bust dispensaries. Please people vote yes on any further laws that decriminalise marijuana in California.
The cops here in Washington are sending the same message as they are in Cali. If you have problems don't call the cops or you'll be robbed twice. Dispensaries are better off having there own security and don't call the police.
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