First time grower, Violator Kush: Help

Hello , you will need at least 18-24 inches from the light to the top of your plants , with a hid light you will need more height , I am Leary of buying used when you can buy new for $85 bucks more and how much life is left in his bulb , that's $40 bucks to replace and you need 2 bulbs ,1 for flower (hps ) and m.h for veg , so $100 plus $40 for a hps bulb , plus a timer $20 , plus another $40 for a bulb if the one he supplies doesn't last all the way through the veg period , you are cheaper to buy the whole kit I told you about .fan systems are cheap and you may not need one , get the lighting right and see what temps are then get a fan if you need one , since you are growing in a cabinet you have to figure out how you will mount the fan and pipe , you may be able to just leave the door open on cabinet and use a small floor fan to keep the air moving and cooling , you will need to drill a 4 inch hole in 1 side of the cabinet to suck the hot air out and a hole on the other side to let the new fresh air in , this causes air circulation , what is the interior height of the cabinet , you need atleast 5 feet to grow and flower a plant or you will need to get a tent as they require total darkness for the flowering period (12 hrs lights on and 12 hrs of lights off , will this cabinet support this ? full grown these plants will be close to 3 ft tall even with topping and bending .
You won't see naners until she's in flower, mid to late bloom. That's new growth you see there.

I looked up that soil it's a slow release similar to miracle grow. I used it my first grow. Many do. It'll work, but you may see an occasional weird leaf or something like that in veg.

You're in a small enough container you can up can to a better soil with no slow release ferts. Those will cause ph imbalance and lock you out of some nutrients you'll need during flower.

Id go water only in veg and find something for flower. Based on what you have. Personally, I'd feed her like the beast she can be.... but, that's how I roll and I don't use slow release.... it's all gas in and gas out.... ;)

Less is more, though. ;)
Just another update bigger pots. Soil without slow release feet no nutes yet. Taking advice to veg with water only. Starting to smell like a beautiful thing. How do they look. Only concern I can see so far is a couple leaves on back right are pointing down. Might be the weight.


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Looking good. There's some ferts in that slow release pot or soil you started in so just take it slow and let the roots adjust. That's what you want to build right now, strong roots. Best way to do that is to drench and dry. And veg is when you want to do your training. I like topping and supercropping. Most plants I grow I look for 6-10 main branches. Lower growth is removed weekly, leaving 3 or 4 nodes. Repeat that weekly through veg.

Get some hands on, open up the plant, and get know your plant(s). Best way to spot pests. You also want to give her time to bounce back.

What's your nutrient plan in flower?

Plenty of free info and advice on this site so read and ask. And have fun! ;)
Next update. Growing fast now. Definitely loves the new soil. Should I trim any of the bottoms. I will get good clear around pictures tomorrow. I have topped a few more. Just looking for your opinions on where to top next and trim.

Also I'm going to be getting a second light in there and dropping that shelf 3 inches a day.

I really appreciate you guys looking after me during my first grow. I am still enjoying reading forums on forums here. I am taking every bit of advice you guys give to heart. Going to get some tomato plant frames to tie down to expose mid growth to more light for a more lush bush.


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I'd not trim yet at all. You can start a bit of training on the branches while they are soft. You want it to grow out to the sides a bit and make them wider and low.
Top grow of leaves. What are those nodes


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Update. All looking healthy. Trimmed some bottom leaves that weren't getting enough light. And some of the 3 point leaves in the bottom that lead to airy buds. Also did one last run of topping. Going to do more tie downs in 2 days.

Started nutrients to give it that extra oompf in veg stage and thickening up before flower. Not sure when to flower. But I figure when they thicken up a little bit more after the last tie down.

They are Barneys farm feminized seeds. Having issues sexing them though since I don't have a magnifying scope.



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Update time. Update time.

Finally got them under a 1000 watt light. Wayyyyyyy under it. Four feet above then and I still am getting a few crispers.

12/12 schedule now. Let the flowering begin.

Took a while to get goodlight sorry for the delay.


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