First timer BUGS l00k at these PICS


New Member
ok so a couple of weeks a saw one fly thing flying around and then yesterday i saw a bunch around the pollenatd mango clone so i sprayed a little (very little) neem with water o n the soil and where i saw them i also did a very lite follar with it aswell over all [plants today i saw a bunch of them again on the mango plant i sprayed the sh!t out of them ofn the mango and the soil where they were walking took a couple nice pics they are the same but i have a nice crop feature on the camera so a couple are really close so here they are can anone tell me what else to do and if there is anything i did wrong
also can someone tell me what kinda of insect they are i looked through the guide but kinda looks sim but i dont know 420 you are more than welcome to use these pics for the tutorial
here they are




Thank you everyone
fungas gnat looks like it so if the neem doesn't work what kinda of sand can i use where do i get it i wan tthem gone yesterday please help

hey PAcha, I use sand intended for kids playboxes. It's washed and screened. You can try a little garlic powder(unsalted) sprinkled on the soil, before you put the sand down. I had good luck with that and yellow sticky stiks from Walmart.
A good wet/dry cycle in soil helps considerably. Let things dry reasonably well before watering again. I believe they are a 2 week cycle so you may see a few every couple of weeks until you get them all.
Also a saucer of fruit juice will attract them. If you put a layer of plastic wrap over the saucer and poke a few small holes in it with a needle the lil buggers can't get back out.
Also a saucer of fruit juice will attract them. If you put a layer of plastic wrap over the saucer and poke a few small holes in it with a needle the lil buggers can't get back out.

Hmmm....that's an interesting method. I've seen baited fly traps that work like that. Never even thought of doing something in the garden like that.
yeah, they are attracted to bright colors, so if you use the bowl method, try to use a yellow or orange or something like that. you can put dish soap and water in it and when they land in it they will die.

this method alone probably won't rid you of the problem though. . . the yellow sticky pads work too, but dont hang it somewhere that your gonna stand up and get it in your hair. lol. this wont rid you of them by itself either.

you already used neem oil, thats my favorite personally. plus you use soap as an emulsifier right? that'll ruin their day as well. . . might want to get a good soap from the hydro instead of dish but either will work.

never tried sand, but i've heard of it before. . . the best way to beat them is on all fronts at once. get them in the air and dirt and on the plants. be vigilant and use the mildest chemicals you can like neem.

worst comes to worst, just weather them out and keep new clones in a seperate area until you can clean out the room. . . but that's worst case scenario.
np PA. been there with those buggers.

I usually just use neem/soap and yellow sticky traps right near the dirt. That combo is usually enough to get them to the critical die off point.

but also beware of how they got there in the first place, what sucks most is to battle away and finally get them under control, only to reintroduce them back into the environment right away the same way they got in there in the first place.

you'll kick yourself in the butt if you do that.
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