Flipped - When should I harvest?

I vote for waiting. Even with a male having been near-by it does not mean that there are that many stigma/pistils that would have been pollinated. There might not be a lot of seeds to have to worry about. Plus you already have put all that time and effort to get this far, why stop now.

Right now there are not that many trichomes on the buds so anything harvested will be rather weak.

If you wait till the plant and buds are ripe and then harvest the quantity will be much larger and the quality much better---can't beat that combination. And, if there are some seeds you will not be the first or last grower to have to worry about it. ;).

So, keep the plant and don't forget to maintain a good fertilizing schedule considering that flowering plants demand more nutrients than most of them can get for the soil if they are in pots.
I use just water šŸ˜. We haven't got cannabis nutrients available here 033 npk. Can u suggest something I can make bro. I used mustard cake n sheep manure till now n banana peel tea. I got 4 weeks to go. Need some kindoff recipe I can make from stuff. I'm growin first time in pot. Been growin n mixin diff landraces from across India since 4 yrs outdoors n mixed em up. Feels like they hybrids now.
Thanks bro šŸ’š, I did see some seeds open up.



Thanks bro šŸ’š, I did see some seeds open up.



I use just water šŸ˜. We haven't got cannabis nutrients available here 033 npk. Can u suggest something I can make bro. I used mustard cake n sheep manure till now n banana peel tea. I got 4 weeks to go. Need some kindoff recipe I can make from stuff.
Look around in the area or city you are staying and if you cannot find any sort of gardening store then look for places that have supplies for farmers.

That will give you a source of basic materials. Find the sub forum here called "Growers Forums" and click on it and then look through the many sub-sub-forums. Try to find threads about making your own soils and fertilizer blends That should get you started if you have read about the several major nutrients and the several minor nutrients all plants need

Keep in mind it is not cheaper to make your own fertilizers most of the time but it will give you some experience.
I use just water šŸ˜. We haven't got cannabis nutrients available here 033 npk. Can u suggest something I can make bro. I used mustard cake n sheep manure till now n banana peel tea. I got 4 weeks to go. Need some kindoff recipe I can make from stuff. I'm growin first time in pot. Been growin n mixin diff landraces from across India since 4 yrs outdoors n mixed em up. Feels like they hybrids now.
Cannabis nutrients??? Whatā€™s that. The crap they overprice with really cool looking cartoon characters On the bottle. That shit is nothing but snake oil.
Donā€™t they sell tomato fertilizer where you live cuz thatā€™s all you need. Shultz, Jacks, Burpee, masterblend.
Wait need more color amber to brown. Mine finished in 3 months and it is very hot and humid, more hot.
Had to keep the water heavy then they turned ready in a few days due to the heat.
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