flowering? or just making new branches?


New Member
is this plant flowering or just making new branches? I've gotten mixed responses. but today the little things coming from the stem look a little bigger and I think they're just leaves. any input?

What is the light cycle you have them on? It does look like leaf growth, unless you recently change the light cycle it won't go to flowering, unless it's an auto=flowering species.
New growth occurs at growth tips of tips/tops of branches and at internodes (where the leaf/branch and stem meet). I have seen one strain where new growth occurs on petioles as well. Flowering depends upon the photo period or light cycle. 12 hours of uninterrupted darkness triggers flowering. Looks like new growth most def based on ur pic. Hope this helps.
yeah thanks guys. they are definitely new growth but the thing that was confusing me was the two little pointy things on the stems that are right next to each other. I thought that meant they are flowering but I guess that comes along with the new growth since all of my plants got them when their new growth came.

thanks for the help guys
the leaves emerge looking an awful like the start of a new bud..the leaf tips point out, and can easily be confused with the Pistils..Pistils, are solid white though, and are unmistakable compared side by side with new growth spurts.
yeah I can definitely see that. even beyond that though there are like two little things poking from my stem in the front, not like from the sides of the stem where the leaves are comnig in, that don't even look like the leaves (which are clearly leaves at this point).

is that part of the new growth as well? EDIT: nvm. I found a great diagram on google that answered my question.

https://i14.tinypic.com/405tqip.jpg - I was worried about number 2 on the top right of the diagram but that says they are part of new growth and it looks reliable so I'll go with that.

thanks guys.

yeah thanks guys. they are definitely new growth but the thing that was confusing me was the two little pointy things on the stems that are right next to each other. I thought that meant they are flowering but I guess that comes along with the new growth since all of my plants got them when their new growth came.

thanks for the help guys

Those "2 little things" are called pistils (white hair) and bracts or calyxes (small green ball ovular/teardrop shaped). These are the parts of female cannabis' reproductive system. Its one of the most common ways to sex a plant. The pistils are receptive to male pollen. Once pollinated she will produce seeds.
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